While thinking about it, he replied casually: "You can ask someone to call, as long as my master says that you are accurate, let me do whatever I want.


Li Yuan let out a faint cry.


The peony money came out from the backyard.

Boom! When Taiyi Zhenren and Nezha saw the peony, they only felt that their minds were suddenly plowed by a bomb, their eardrums buzzed, and their hair stood up straight like an antenna, and they wanted to faint.

The expressions of the two of them were frozen, and they could squeeze a big watermelon.

In the heart, a huge wave was set off, and the two people couldn't calm down at all.

How could it be her? How could she be here and call Li Yuan your son! Oh my god, could it be that Li Yuan is... the mysterious son who ordered people to slap Shizun and Daji's brother. Zha only felt that his hands and feet were weak, his body trembled uncontrollably, and his scalp was constantly cracking.

No wonder he knew such great secrets! No wonder he said he knew Yang Huai! No wonder he said Yang Huai was not as good as him! No wonder he called Zhangjiao Yuanshi! The instant Taiyi and Nezha saw Shaoyao , everything is figured out.

Yang Huai is just his groom, of course he knows him, of course he is better than Yang Huai.

However, although he knew the truth of the matter, Taiyi Zhenren was about to collapse.

Li Yuan instructed Shaoyao: "You go...  

Thump! Real Taiyi knelt down directly.

"Senior, don't go to my master, you are right, I will accept the punishment.

Li Yuan frowned and said, "Let's find Yuan Shi to confirm, otherwise how do I know if I'm right?

Immortal Taiyi quickly waved his hand: "No need to confirm, the senior's score is not bad, I was just for a while... I was fascinated by my mind, and then I said nonsense that the senior's calculation is not accurate, I should be damned.

As he spoke, he directly and ruthlessly deleted his two slaps on the face, and his originally thin cheeks suddenly swelled into two bright red peaches.

He was really scared.

This is the peerless ruthless man who forced the headmaster to kneel down and slap his mouth. How could he be fascinated by himself, to offend him, Taiyi Daoist thought of this, and gave himself two ruthless big mouths.

I'm really a pig! After slapping the face, he quickly took out his Nine Dragons Divine Fire hood, walked on his knees, held the crown of the whole country in both hands, and came to Li Yuan: "This is senior's hexagram gold.

Li Yuan looked at the real Taiyi who was courteous before and after, and shook his head helplessly: "You said, if you were so knowledgeable earlier, how could there be so many things?

Taiyi Zhenren cried because of grievances. If your old man had revealed his identity earlier, how could I bet you? I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! That... the mysterious giant of Ni Honghuang, the sage of the palm-mouthed man, actually lives in this small mountain village! Li Yuan took the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover in his hand, looked at it, nodded with satisfaction, "This cover is definitely good for roasting duck.

Thinking that roast duck had not been eaten for a long time, Li Yuan immediately decided to eat roast duck at noon today.

When Taiyi Zhenren heard that Li Yuan regarded his treasure of Zhendong as an oven, Gu Jiao couldn't help twitching.

This is really when I take it as a treasure, and others take it as a grass.

Can't compare.

Real Taiyi saw that Li Yuan didn't let him get up, so he had to continue kneeling on the ground.

Uneasy in my heart.

I don't know if I can get over this hurdle today, Nezha stood aside with a look of embarrassment.

There is no way, in the face of such a giant, no one can be calm.

Back then, he caused the robbery of Mount Kunlun.

This time, Master was eating Hang Luo'er, and it was he who attracted Master.

Nezha felt that he really had the potential to sweep the stars.

It seemed that he really had to be calm in the future, otherwise... He couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he saw his master kneeling on the ground, about to cry.

Miserable, really miserable! Shah! Just when Taiyi Zhenren didn't know what to do, a blue light suddenly fell from the sky and stopped outside the fence.

Nezha turned his head to look, his heart couldn't help but be shocked, only to see Qingguang turned into the figure of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Disciple Nezha, meet the headmaster.

When Nezha saw Yuanshi Tianzun, he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly saluted.

The real Taiyi also saw Yuanshi Tianzun.

Originally, he was still a little overjoyed, thinking that the master was here to save him.

But when he saw Master's angry face, he couldn't help but feel something: a bad premonition.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-] Yuanshi Tianzun's heart is cold (please order all, please customize)

Yuanshi Tianzun's heart was cold, he didn't think much about it, he hurriedly bowed to the master and said, "This disciple pays respects to the master.

Because I've been kneeling on the ground all the time, but... I did a big bow.


Yuanshi Tianzun snorted angrily, ignoring the two scoundrels, Nezha and Taiyi Zhenren.

He came to Li Yuan in diameter, saw Li Yuan and Shaoyao, and then a smile appeared on his face: "I have seen Li Gongzi.

Elder peony.

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