Xiaoqing looked at Li Yuan in surprise.

Li Yuan said honestly: "My cultivation base is enough, but I don't need to cultivate.

Xiaoqing looked at Li Yuandi's early cultivation base, "Uh, you are quite a person, quite easy to satisfy.

She originally wanted to say that she had no ambition, but for the sake of saving her, she naturally couldn't embarrass Li Yuan.

Bai Suzhen, however, showed a look of fascination, and said, "Actually, I have always envied Young Master Li's unrestrained and carefree life.

It's a pity, as a demon clan, we pay attention to the weak and the strong.

Unlike the human race, it has the prehistoric fate to suppress ghosts and ghosts, and the famous sect to deter evil spirits. You don't need to cultivate too high, you can enjoy life carefree, and you don't have to worry about being hunted down and enslaved.

Li Yuan nodded.

No wonder Bai Suzhen would marry Xu Xian in later generations. It turns out that she has long envied the life of the human race.

It's a pity that both the demon clan and the human clan actually pay attention to the weak and the strong.

The cultivation base is low, but you can't enjoy a carefree life.

"Suck it!

Just as the three of them were talking, Xiaoqing suddenly twitched her nose.

"Hey, what's so delicious?

"Suck it up.

She sniffed it, and found that the fragrance came from a bronze hood.

"What's in here how is it so fragrant that one can't help but drool

Bai Suzhen also smelled the aroma of roast duck at this time.

This was a smell she had never smelled before, but it smelled so good that she couldn't help but want to swallow.

However, she had to hold back desperately, otherwise her perfect image would be ruined if she swallowed in front of Li Yuan.

Li Yuan explained: "This is roast duck, but it's not cooked yet.

Xiaoqing was surprised: "Why have I roasted a lot of roast duck before, but none of them have this roast duck fragrance?

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Chapter [-] Xiaoqing is shocked, Bai Suzhen is sluggish (for full order, for custom order)

Xiaoqing was shocked, Bai Suzhen was stunned, and Li Yuan: "Because of my roast duck, I put some special seasonings.

"The roast duck smells so good, it must be delicious.

Xiaoqing swallowed a little excitedly.

She has a lively nature, but... she doesn't pay attention to her image as much as Bai Suzhen, so she just says what she thinks.

Li Yuan was very tolerant towards these two little snakes, he smiled and said, "You can taste it when it's cooked.


When Xiaoqing heard the words, she jumped up with joy.

Bai Suzhen also showed a look of anticipation.

Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen stared at the Jiulong Shenhuo hood, hoping that the roast duck would be cooked sooner, but when they focused on the Shenhuo hood, they discovered something was wrong.

The outer surface of this divine fire hood is densely patterned and infinitely mysterious, and there are also nine vivid golden dragons hovering around it.

The golden dragon seemed to be alive, Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen stared at the golden dragon, they felt a mighty pressure emanating from the golden dragon, causing their souls to palpitate and tremble, and their hands and feet became a little weak.

They are snakes, and they have a strong sense of Longwei, Xiaoqing jumped up in fright, and screamed: "Oh, why does this oven still emit Longwei?

"It seems to be a magic weapon, and it is still a very powerful magic weapon!

Bai Suzhen muttered to herself, with a look of shock in her eyes.

"Is it really a magic weapon?

Xiaoqing pointed at the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Hood and asked Li Yuan in shock.

Li Yuan nodded calmly: "Well, the high-grade Houtian Lingbao.

Bai Suzhen heard the words, her pretty face suddenly became: extremely sluggish.

Xiao Qing also became stunned.

He seemed indescribably shocked.

It turned out to be a high-grade Houtian Lingbao. You must know that they have cultivated for so long, and they don't even have a decent magic weapon.

To them, the acquired Lingbao is simply an unattainable existence.

How could Li Yuan have such a precious Lingbao, and also used such a precious Lingbao to roast duck, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, and suddenly they didn't know how to complain about this kind of behavior.

What a waste! Could it be that this roast duck is so fragrant because the oven is an acquired treasure. After a while, the two recovered from their shock.

Xiaoqing asked Li Yuan with a speechless face: "How do you use Houtian Lingbao to roast duck?

Li Yuan shrugged helplessly: "It's useless for me to use it as an oven, it just happens to be a waste.

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