"Suck it up.

Nu Wa took two deep breaths and couldn't help showing intoxication: "This taste is too fragrant, the fragrance is stronger than steamed dumplings.

She looked at Li Yuan proudly, and said with a smile: "I saw you going to buy duck before, and I guessed what kind of food you are going to cook, and I guessed right.

Li Yuan gave Nuwa a white look: "You are boring enough all day, just stare at my yard.

Nuwa understood that Li Yuan had discovered her behavior.

She's really been on this all time: "Surveillance

Li Yuan.

However, she couldn't see the situation inside the manor, she could only see the movement outside the manor.

She didn't show any shame either, she said of course, "It's not your fault! Last time, you gave Houtu spicy skewers, and Houtu went to Wa Palace to describe to me how the spicy skewers were for a few days and nights. Delicious, how delicious, I want to know when you are cooking again, so I have to keep staring at you.

Houtu Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen blinked.

Is this the same name? Yangmei Taoist interjected: "The spicy skewer is really delicious, I ate it last time, and I still have an unforgettable aftertaste.

Saying that, he couldn't help swallowing.

When Nuwa heard this, she couldn't help but feel even more aggrieved: "Even this old man has eaten spicy skewers, and I haven't eaten it yet, and you are too partial.

Li Yuan reminded: "And you two juniors are here, pay attention to your image!

Nuwa glanced at Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen, her eyes stayed on Bai Suzhen for a second, she was a little surprised: "I didn't expect her to be the blood of Bai Xi and Tengfei.

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Chapter [-]: The Mystery of Bai Suzhen's Life Experience

The mystery of Bai Suzhen's life experience Bai Xi Bai Suzhen noticed Nu Wa's eyes and looked puzzled.

She didn't know any Bai Xi.

"May I ask who is Bai Xi?

Bai Suzhen respectfully asked Nuwa.

She couldn't see Nu Wa's cultivation, but the Dao rhythm aura exuded from her body made her feel unfathomable.

Nu Wa said: "Bai Xi was the first one I made... um, snake.

At the beginning of the creation of human beings, Nuwa, according to the appearance of herself and Fuxi, used the innate soil to create two creatures with the body of a snake and the head of a human being.

The female snake is called Bai Xi.

The male snake is called Zhefei.

After Nuwa created the human race, she asked Bai Xi and Tengfei to protect the human race.

It was only later that when the Lich was robbed, Gonggong slammed into the Buzhou Mountain in anger, causing the heaven and the earth to tilt, and the water of the Milky Way in the sky flowed to the boundary of the earth.

In the face of such a world-destroying natural disaster, it is difficult for ordinary beasts to resist, let alone the weak human race.

It was Bai Xi and Tengfei who cast their magic power to resist the flood and extinguish the fire for the human race.

Coupled with the acquired Nuwa refining the colorful stones and plugging the holes in the sky, the human race was able to survive.

However, after the Destruction Flood, the Lich War broke out again.

Bai Xi and Tengfei were affected by the great battle, and died in this battle one after another.

Only one snake egg was left, lost somewhere.

It wasn't until thousands of years ago that Bai Suzhen broke out of the snake's egg.

Because the appearance of Bai Xi and Tengfei is very similar to Nuwa and Fuxi, the world does not know the names of Bai Xi and Tengfei, only Nuwa and Fuxi.

Bai Suzhen listened to Nu Wa's explanation, her expression was dull, and her mind was agitated.

She didn't expect the woman in front of her to be the goddess Wa, the great saint of the demon clan.

She didn't expect that today she would actually know her life experience.

It turns out that his mother's name is Bai Xi and his father's name is Tengfei.

It is the guardian god who protects the ancient people.

Thinking of this, Bai Suzhen suddenly burst into tears.

Xiaoqing also felt dizzy at the moment, she didn't expect her sister to be so powerful.

No wonder her sister and Nuwa are somewhat similar.

Oh my god, this person turned out to be the goddess Nuwa.

I actually saw the legendary Goddess Nuwa, and I went back and told the other snake demons that they would definitely not believe it.

Also, how could Li Gongzi know Empress Nuwa and still have a very familiar relationship with Xiaoqing for a while... thinking about her sister, for a while... thinking about Nuwa, for a while... thinking about Li Yuan, her expression was unpredictable.

After a while.

Bai Suzhen recovered from the shock, she quickly pulled her sister to kneel and bowed to Nuwa: "Little demon Bai Suzhen is young, pay respects to the mother of Nuwa.

Nuwa nodded: "Get up.

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