Old Ancestor Kunpeng said: "But there is no Hongmeng Purple Qi in your corpse.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi must have been hidden by you beforehand.

Shennong denied: "Hongmeng Ziqi has been warmly nurtured in my primordial spirit, how could I hide it?

Ancestor Kunpeng frowned and said, "Where did the Hongmeng Purple Qi go, it's impossible to disappear out of thin air.

Shen Nong also felt strange in his heart.

After he was killed, there was indeed only a bit of true spirit left to escape into reincarnation, and where could he care about Hongmeng Ziqi? He always thought that Hongmeng Ziqi was acquired by Kunpeng, Di Jun, or Donghuang Taiyi.

Now it seems that there is still another secret in it.

That's right, if Hongmeng Ziqi was really acquired by Kunpeng, Di Jun, and Donghuang Taiyi, they would have been sanctified long ago, and the outcome of the Lich's Tribulation would have changed accordingly.

After thinking for a while, he immediately asked Li Yuan: "Brother Li, you may figure out where the purple qi of Hongmeng has gone.

Kunpeng couldn't help sneering when he saw that Shennong actually asked Li Yuan to calculate the whereabouts of Hongmeng Ziqi.

Hongmeng Purple Qi is the foundation of the Dao, and it is born to be blinded by the secrets and hidden breath. Only those who are destined can encounter it, even a saint can't calculate it, let alone an Earth Immortal.

Li Yuanman said casually: "After you died, Hongmeng Ziqi lost its master and disappeared into the void.

Later, the lich retreated, the human race rose, and Dayu cast Jiuding to ward off Kyushu, and the purple qi of Hongmeng was transformed into the dragon qi of Kyushu, which was used to protect the emperor.

This is also the reason why the Human Sovereign obviously has no cultivation base, but whether it is demons, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, or even saints, they dare not do anything to the Human Sovereign.

Because the Human Sovereign in addition to... the fate of the human race, there is also the dragon energy transformed by the purple energy of Hongmeng to frighten the heavens, causing Zhu Xie to retreat.

After listening to Li Yuan's explanation, Shennong couldn't help showing a sudden realization.

No wonder they are both the protagonists of heaven and earth, no matter what...

Whether it is the king of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, or the great lich emperor, but neither has the dragon energy possessed by the human emperor.

It is no wonder that after his death, he will be reincarnated as the Shennong clan and can lead the human race.

It turned out that all this was due to the relationship between Hongmeng Ziqi.

This prehistoric thing is simply interlinked, one drink and one pecking, everything is cause and effect.

Ancestor Kunpeng was also a man with a clear mind and great wisdom. After a little thought, he knew that what Li Yuan said was true.

He never imagined that the Violet Qi of Hongmeng, which he had been obsessed with for a long time, turned into the Dragon Qi of the Emperor.

It can be said that the five flavors are mixed in the heart.

In this way, I am afraid that there will never be a chance to obtain the Primordial Violet Qi, and I will never be able to become sanctified.

Thinking of this, Kunpeng's ancestor felt that his heart was bleeding.

At the same time, his hatred for Hong Yun could not help but deepen.

If Patriarch Hongyun hadn't given up his seat back then, he would have been sanctified by now.

Anyway...the Western Second Sage did not dare to hate him, so he could only transfer all his hatred to Hongyun.

Thinking of this, he immediately said indifferently to Shennong: "Since the purple qi of Hongmeng is gone, the hatred between you and me will never be resolved.

I won't say more nonsense, for the face of the Taoist Nuwa, I will leave you a decent, you can kill yourself by yourself.

Facing the domineering of Kunpeng's ancestor, Shennong was angry and helpless.

It's really harmless to a tiger's heart, but a tiger can hurt people! He smiled bitterly and asked Li Yuan, "Brother Li, figure it out for me, today is my final day.

Li Yuan said lightly: "In my yard, there is no deadline.

Shen Nong came to him as a guest at this moment, of course he did not sit back and watch the possibility of Shen Nong being beheaded by Kunpeng ancestors.

Shen Nong's face loosened, and he said, "Then I can rest assured.

He had heard Nuwa and Zhen Yuanzi talk about Li Yuan's abilities, and he knew that even saints were afraid of Li Yuan.

Therefore, when Shennong heard Li Yuan speak, he knew that he was not in danger.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-] The ancestor of Kunpeng is too surprised (please order all, please customize)

After Kunpeng's ancestor was too surprised to relax, Shennong drank a glass of wine, then picked up the chess pieces and started to play chess.

He even ignored the old ancestor Kunpeng next to him.

And Li Yuan, from the beginning to the end, his eyes did not put his eyes on Kunpeng ancestors.

Kunpeng's ancestor saw that he was ignored by Shennong and Li Yuan, and the anger in his heart "swelled up".

It burned to the top of his head in an instant.

Except... a few saints have been so rude to him, no one has ever dared to ignore him so much.

Why are they so confident, Kunpeng ancestor stared at Li Yuan indifferently, he understood that the root of all this lies in this Earth Immortal monk.

The other party's deduction technique really shocked him.

However, deduction cannot represent cultivation.

Thinking of this, Kunpeng Ancestor's body burst into flames, and a coercion that swept the ancient river spread to all around.

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