She secretly memorized the name, and was going to wait for Li Yuan to finish reading it. She also wanted to take a look at what kind of novel this was. She even said that ordinary people can only see the appearance.

I'm not... an ordinary person now! Putting aside the Jin Pingmei thing for a while, she said to Li Yuan a little excitedly: "Did you know that "Dream of Red Mansions" has sold more than [-] copies, and the people who ordered the books have already been lined up A year later, if it wasn't for Mr. Copywriting being too busy, it would have sold more.

"Nowadays in Chaoge City, many scholars and talented women are discussing the Dream of the Red Chamber.

"And our paper, because "Dream of Red Mansions" was quickly promoted, and now the two groups of workers in the paper mill are working overtime, and they can't meet everyone's needs.

"So I'm going to continue to expand the size of the paper mill...

When Shang Qingjun talked about the paper mill, he kept talking, Li Yuan listened quietly beside him, and occasionally echoed.

Just as the two were talking, suddenly two young men with panicked expressions rushed towards the elder brother.

The two men are both [-] and [-] years old. Although their appearance is a little embarrassed, they cannot hide their heroic appearance and extraordinary temperament.

Moreover, the two of them are also gorgeously dressed, wearing carved leather armor, a purple-patterned belt, feet on purple-gold dragon-patterned combat boots, a flamingo cloak behind their backs, and a treasured sword inlaid with several kinds of gemstones hanging on their waists. , at a glance... ...a noble boy born into a wealthy family.

The two men ran outside Li Yuan's fence, already out of breath.

One person supported the stone lion at the door, while breathing heavily, he said: "Huhu, brother, I really can't run anymore, why don't you run first.


The other shook his head and said, "How could Brother Wei leave you alone and run away alone? Let's run away together.

The younger brother said anxiously: "But if you don't escape, then both of us will have to be caught by the pursuers. Who will avenge the queen in the future?

Shang Qingjun was talking to Li Yuan about what happened in the bookstore. She heard the movement outside and couldn't help looking at it curiously.

When she saw the two people outside the door, she suddenly showed surprise.

"Aren't you two princes, why did you suddenly come here?

In Yin Jiao, Yin Hong heard that someone saw through his identity, his face suddenly showed panic and panic, and subconsciously held the hilt at his waist.

When they saw that there were only Li Yuan and Shang Qingjun in the yard, two handsome men and beautiful women, they were only slightly relieved.


Yin Jiao looked at Shang Qingjun and couldn't help showing an unexpected expression, "Aren't you the daughter of Prime Minister Shang? Why are you here?

Shang Qingjun explained: "This is Li Gongzi's home, I happened to visit Li Gongzi today, thinking that I will meet two His Royal Highnesses.

Yin Jiao and Yin Hong had already noticed that they saw Li Yuanyu's handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament, and they couldn't help but secretly cheered.

Such a handsome and elegant person is far inferior to even aristocratic family members, they are the only ones they have seen in their lives.

Unexpectedly, in this remote village, there are such handsome young men.

Li Yuan greeted the two of them: "Come in and sit down for a while.

Yin Jiao and Yin Hong hesitated for a while.

"Now we are being hunted down by the people of the imperial court, and we dare not stay.

Yin Hong said honestly.

Yin Jiao glanced at his brother helplessly.

Li Yuan said lightly: "It doesn't matter, it is Huang Feihu who is chasing you, and he will not take you back.

When Yin Jiao and Yin Hong heard the words, they couldn't help being taken aback.

They don't know who King Zhou will send to track them down, how can this person be so sure that it is King Wu Cheng "How do you know that King Wu Cheng is chasing us?"

Yin Jiao looked at Li Yuan suspiciously.

Shang Qingjun explained: "Young Master Li has no last resort, even if he doesn't go out, he knows the affairs of the world.

Yin Hong was even more surprised by the calculated Yin Jiao.

As the princes of the Shang Dynasty, they naturally knew that Taoism was useless to the king.

How could Li Yuan figure out what happened to them? Besides, he knew the world's affairs without going out. This is too exaggerated. , but no one dares to say that they know the world.

I've never heard that the daughter of Prime Minister Shang still likes to brag. However, although Yin Hong and Yin Jiao felt that Shang Qingjun was brag, but they didn't show it.

Now that they have become fugitives, how can they be bragging about others? With a hint of curiosity, and the two of them are indeed unable to run, they want to take a rest in Li Yuan's yard and drink some water.

So, the two entered the courtyard.

"Master Li, please also give us a glass of water.

Yin Jiao clasped his fists to Li Yuan and pleaded.

Li Yuan said indifferently, "This is a small matter.

He said to Shang Qingjun: "Using a teacup, go to the small ditch under the rockery, and give each of the two princes a cup of water.

When Yin Hong and Yin Jiao heard the words, their cheeks turned flushed, and anger burned in their eyes.

Isn't the water in the ditch just a glass of water for us to drink? As for being so stingy, is this person deliberately humiliating us? Unexpectedly, he was a prince in the morning, and he became a bereaved dog in the afternoon. Such humiliation, it is really a shrimp play on the Longyou Shoal, and a plucked phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken! Thinking of this, the two princes are both angry and sad.

Shang Qingjun knew that everything in Li Yuan's place was extraordinary, and she understood that Li Yuan's move must have a deep meaning, so she didn't say much, took the teacup and went to the ditch under the rockery, and filled each of the two princes with a cup of stream water. .

She put the teacup in front of the two princes and said, "Two princes, please use water.

She noticed the ugly expressions of the two princes, worried that Yin Hong and Yin Jiao didn't know the goods, and thinking that after all, this was the object of her father's allegiance, she couldn't help but reminded in a low voice: "Li Gongzi's things here are not ordinary things, you should drink them quickly. .

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