The national teacher hurriedly instructed Yin Baofa.

Yin Poba was startled, and hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, stop, don't rush to the yard.

The Imperial Guard was worthy of being the most elite troops in the entire Shang Dynasty. Following the orders of Yin Dilapidated, the attacking soldiers soon stopped in an orderly manner.

There is no clutter, it appears to be unusually well-trained, and orders are prohibited.

When all the soldiers stopped, Yin Faba also noticed something unusual.

Because the courtyard is very quiet, as if there is no one in it.

But how could there be no one in the yard? Just a short while ago, at least six or seven hundred people rushed in.

Six or seven hundred people, huddled in a yard, how could it be possible to be silent, Yin Baobai suddenly felt a question in his heart, he quickly said to the national teacher: "National teacher, the situation is not right.

The person who rushed into the yard seemed to be...

The national teacher said solemnly: "I already know.

Yin Poba was a little out of control and said: "Then what should I do, this yard is too evil.

Although the national teacher was a little suspicious in his heart, he pretended to be disdainful on his face: "It's just a mere psychedelic formation, it's no big deal.

He instructed the four little monks who were sitting cross-legged beside him: "The Four Great Dharma Protectors, you go in and see what is real.

"Follow the order.

The Four Great Vajra stretched out their hands and clasped their hands together, and respectfully responded.

Then, in a flash, he flew out of the sedan chair and fell into the yard.

The Four Great Kings flew into the courtyard, but unexpectedly came to a gray space, and in this space, thousands of soldiers were floating.

King Wucheng was also among them.

When the Four Great Vajra saw this vision, they were all shocked.

They don't even know how they got into this space.

This is also incredible.

When the surrounding soldiers saw the four of them, they immediately shouted: "This is the Dharma Protector of the National Teacher.

"Didn't you say that the four great vajra are boundless, how come even the protector vajra is trapped here?

"How are we going to get out?

". . .

The Four Great Kings ignored the discussions around them, they suddenly remembered what the national teacher said just now, this is a psychedelic formation.

Since it is a psychedelic formation, everything you see in front of you is fake. As long as the attack is strong enough, you can break the illusion and find a way out.

Thinking of this, the Four Great Kings hurriedly stabilized their minds and began to cast spells with both hands in a seal, ready to break through this psychedelic space.

"Dawei Tianlong!

"Prajna Buddhas!

"The Great Law of Law!

"Dragon Elephant Seal!

"Break me!

Terrifying spells swept away in four different directions, the void was shaken, and chaos became intertwined.

Seeing this vision, King Wu Cheng and the surrounding soldiers were shocked and moved.

"Sure enough, the power is boundless.

"Worthy of being the Dharma Protector of the National Teacher.

"We're sure we can get out

". . .

However, when the spells cast by the Four Great Kings subsided, the chaos also subsided, and this gray space was not broken, and was still intact.

The Four Great Kings were suddenly stunned.

"What kind of magic circle is this, why did it endure such a big attack, but it didn't show any flaws?

A monk asked in surprise.

"How do I feel that this is the real chaotic space

A monk wondered.

However, his suspicion was immediately denied by others, "How could it be a real chaotic space, how far the chaos outside the realm is from the realm... How can we cross the distance of the universe in an instant? the distance

"This must be an exceptionally clever magic formation.

". . .

The surrounding soldiers saw that the Four Great Kings couldn't break through this space and could not get out of trouble, and the glimmer of hope in their hearts was finally shattered.

"Not even the Four Great Diamonds.

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