The Kongtong Seal is the most special treasure in Honghuang, and it does not have any strong attacking ability in itself.

Ordinary people holding him are not as powerful as a low-grade congenital spiritual treasure.

However, if the emperor holds it, he can enforce the law on behalf of the sky.

Do the golden mouth and jade words, and follow the law.

For example, as long as the emperor uses the seal of Kongtong to seal the seal, the soul of a mortal person after death can instantly become a god and immortal, enjoying supreme luck.

Correspondingly, the emperor can also demote the heavenly realm and the palace ghost emperor to ordinary mortals.

Not only that, Kongtong seal can also make the emperor's luck reach thousands of years, and even the saints will have to shy away.

No way of Taoism and magic can harm people, until all methods are invulnerable.

When the emperor was furious, Tu Xianxie was enough to do it.

However, since King Wu attacked Zhou, in order to limit the ability of the emperor, the Kongtong Seal was taken back by Lao Tzu.

From now on, there will be no emperor in the world, only human kings.

It is also impossible to enforce the law on behalf of the heavens, and can only be reduced to the emperor.

The emperor's use of Kongtong seal to seal the gods, ghosts, immortals and Buddhas will consume the luck of the country, so the emperor will not use this treasure easily.

After King Zhou took out the Kongtong seal, he saw that his luck had skyrocketed thousands of times.

The entire flood was shrouded in this terrifying fate.

King Zhou's mortal body radiated golden light faintly.

Several saints were all moved.

Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi Tian Zun, and even Nu Wa, the second sage in the West, could not help but secretly make up their minds that they must limit the ability of the emperor! King Zhou took out the Kongtong seal, and originally thought that he would be able to prevent all methods and eliminate his own body. the "witchcraft"

However, his body still flew towards the yard without even a single pause.

King Zhou was completely terrified.

Didn't he say that the emperor is invincible? Why is he still here: being swept away by sorcery, he hurriedly shouted to the guards under him, "Hurry up and save me.

"Whoever can save me, I will make him Marquis of Wanhu.

In fact, without King Zhou's orders, many people have already tried to save the car.

The height of King Zhou's flight was actually only a dozen meters high. For a well-trained janitorial guard, this height could be reached with just a single jump.

However, countless janissaries, as well as military generals in the DPRK, found themselves unable to jump at all.

They didn't feel anything when they didn't move, but once they wanted to jump into the air and pull King Zhou down, they found that the gravity on their bodies suddenly increased by thousands, times, and they couldn't even jump a foot high. , not to mention pulling King Zhou down.

Everyone could only watch King Zhou fly into the courtyard, anxious.

Several saints were also horrified at the moment.

King Zhou took out the Kongtong seal. It should be said that there should be no invasion, but they did not expect that Li Yuan still took King Zhou into the courtyard.

Moreover, nearly [-] civil and military officials with great luck were given in place.

This strength has completely exceeded their imagination.

"Why can Li Yuan and the others not be afraid of the influence of the emperor's luck?

"Is this what Yang Huai did secretly or did Li Yuan do it?

"Why didn't the Heavenly Dao have a backlash against the Human Sovereign?

". . .

Countless doubts rose from the hearts of several saints.

This scene directly subverted their previous worldview.

In addition to... a few saints were shocked, Hong Jun was also secretly moved at this moment.

It stands to reason that Heavenly Dao will definitely have a response to Tianding Renhuang's shot.

Especially when extraterritorial creatures like Yang Huai intervene in the general trend of the Dao of Heaven, the Dao of Heaven's reaction will be more intense.

But Hongjun found that the way of heaven was as calm as ever, and there was no movement to stop it.

Hong Jun was confused.

All of this was beyond his comprehension.

Even if it is Yang Huai, if he wants to do something to the emperor, he can't escape the sense of heaven... After a while, King Zhou flew into the courtyard uncontrollably, and then... "Plop!

He fell straight from the air and fell to the ground.

It is also that King Zhou's physical quality is excellent, and he has the power to change the joist to the column, but he fell into a mess, and his head was dizzy.

King Zhou got up from the ground in embarrassment, and glanced at the situation in the yard.

His eyes first fell on the national teacher Maitreya.

I saw that Maitreya was still kneeling on the ground, slapping his face hard, his already chubby face was made even fatter by his own beating.

Then, King Zhou set his eyes on Li Yuan who was in front of Maitreya.

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