His cheeks were also broken by himself, and blood gurgled from his horns and nose.

At this moment, King Zhou began to feel fear in his heart.

He found that Li Yuan was completely beyond his knowledge of monks.

In the past, he knew that cultivators were very powerful. Not only could they be able to perform magical Taoist arts, they could move mountains and seas, but they could also live forever and live with the sky.

However, he also knew that "law does not add kingship

the truth.

in spite of……

No matter how powerful a cultivator is, when facing him, he has to be respectful and treat each other with courtesy.

Just like the national teacher Maitreya.

But now, there is a cultivator who plays cards completely unreasonably. This cultivator is not afraid of his emperor's coercion at all. As a result, he has no arrogance at all. The other party wants to kill him. It's easier to kill chickens.

Thinking of this, King Zhou couldn't help but shudder.

He no longer dared... ... to act like an emperor, he wanted to open his mouth to beg for mercy, but he couldn't say it as soon as he reached the edge.

After all, for decades, he has been aloof, despised the world, and dominated the Kyushu. He has never asked anyone for mercy.

"Clap clap clap...

However, when he did not speak, he kept slapping his ears.

It didn't take long, the cheeks were all bloody, and the teeth were slapped loose.

He felt that if he kept fighting like this, he would definitely kill himself! In the end, King Zhou was still no match for his fear of death, so he begged for mercy: "Xian, Xianchang, widow, widow are wrong, please also ask Xianchang Forgive.

Li Yuan looked at King Zhou indifferently and did not speak.

"Clap clap clap...

King Zhou continued to slap him.

The area below his nose was all red with blood, and his cheeks were about to be smashed.

Could it be that he wanted to beat me to death thinking of this, King Zhou's heart was suddenly filled with fear.

Now that he has already opened his mouth to beg for mercy, he has no psychological pressure.

This time, he let go of all his dignity and kept begging for forgiveness: "I also ask Xian Chang to forgive my sins, I know I was wrong, and I will never dare again... I have offended Xian Chang, and I also ask Xian Chang to forgive me. I this time...  

He no longer calls himself a widow.

Seeing that King Zhou knew his fear, Li Yuan sincerely begged for mercy, and only then did he stop letting him slap himself.

King Zhou found that he didn't need to slap himself, and almost wept with joy, he hurriedly kowtowed: "Thank you for your kindness, Xianchang, for your kindness...

Li Yuan looked at King Zhou and said lightly, "I want to kill you, as simple as killing a chicken.

"Yes Yes,

King Zhou nodded quickly, he knew this was a fact, otherwise he wouldn't be so afraid.

Li Yuan continued: "If you don't come to offend me, I won't bother to pay attention to you, but if you don't know the current affairs, I don't mind changing a human emperor.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-] King Zhou has been taught a lesson! (please order, please order)

King Zhou has been taught a lesson! "I don't dare... to offend the immortals anymore, as long as the immortals let me go, I am willing to build a temple for the immortals to make a golden body, and let the people all over the world worship the immortals...

Li Yuan said indifferently: "There is no need to build a temple and sculpt a golden body, I don't like being disturbed.

King Zhou also quickly assured: "I will never dare to disturb the immortal chief's cultivation in the future, if anyone dares to offend the immortal chief, I will be the first to peel him off.

In order to survive, Li Yuan just... let him call him grandpa willing.

He was completely afraid of Li Yuan now, and he couldn't bear the slightest resistance at all.

This man is really terrifying.

Fear makes people desperate! Seeing that King Zhou's attitude is okay, Li Yuan nodded and said, "You can get out.

When King Zhou heard the words, he couldn't help being ecstatic, and finally saved his life.

"Thank you Xianchang, thank you Xianchang, I'm going to get out, I'm going to get out...

Then, he found that he could finally stand up.

King Zhou did not dare to hesitate, and after thanking Li Yuan a few words, he hurriedly ran out of the courtyard, like a man-eating devil's den behind him.

Because he was too flustered, he tripped over himself when he was running, and looked embarrassed.

After receiving the introduction, Zhunti saw that the former high-ranking emperor was easily tidied up by Li Yuan, and he couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

Maitreya was so shocked that he didn't know what to show.

Bai Ling has always been in a sluggish state.

Everything that happened today was too incredible for her.

Running out of the courtyard, King Zhou found the guards outside, as well as the civil and military officials, as if they were immobilized, all motionless.

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