Chapter thirty-two face lettering

Chapter thirty-two face lettering

However, Li Yuan rolled his eyes directly, and snorted coldly twice:

"Ha ha!

It seemed unspeakable irony and disdain.

Seeing Li Yuan's disdainful attitude and contemptuous eyes, Yin Li couldn't help but be furious.

He has grown so big, and he has never been despised so much, let alone a lowly businessman.

Simply unforgivable!

Wen marriage was also extremely dissatisfied with Li Yuan's calm attitude at this moment.

Although she didn't like Li Yuan, so the design made Li Yuan retreat, but when she found out that Li Yuan didn't care about her, she felt that she was being despised.

She scolded Li Yuan in dissatisfaction:

"His Royal Highness promoted you, why don't you know how to promote? Instead, your words are contemptuous, aren't you afraid that Your Highness will punish you?

"The two pheasants don't deserve to talk to me, so I said goodbye. Li Yuan left a sentence and turned around and walked towards the door.

He didn't even have the mood to perfunctory about this kind of jumping clown.

Only then did Yin Li and Wen Yun understand that Li Yuan had regarded them as pheasants before.

Wen Yun's face was flushed with anger: "It's too presumptuous!

Yin Li's face was ashen:

"Hmph, you want to leave while despising the royal family? Guards left and right, take down this madman who has committed the following crimes!


The four guards at the door immediately drew their knives and blocked the door.

The eyes of the four guards are like torches, their aura is like a mountain, and their coercion is like an abyss. Faced with such an aura, ordinary people have long been frightened by two wars, and their minds are broken.

Li Yuan didn't want to bother with the two clowns jumping on the beam, but he couldn't help but feel angry when he saw Yin Li's insistence.

He turned to look at Yin Li indifferently, and said coldly:

"what do you want?

Yin Li sneered proudly and said:

"Contempt for the royal family, this is the death penalty of genocide. If you kneel down and surrender to me, and give the property of Happy Forest, I can spare your entire family's life, and only engrave the word 'slave' on your face, lest you Forget who you are.

He got angry when he saw Li Yuan's handsome face, so he wanted to write on Li Yuan's face to express humiliation.

"Engraving the word 'slave' is a good idea. Li Yuan nodded lightly, "I will fulfill you.

Yin Li:

"Dare to be tough when he is about to die, left and right, break his limbs, and I will personally engrave him!


The four guards immediately prepared to catch Li Yuan.


However, when they just walked half a meter away from Li Yuan, they were ejected without warning. After smashing countless doors and windows, they fell to the ground in embarrassment and could no longer get up.

He didn't even touch the corner of Li Yuan's clothes.

Seeing this strange scene, Yin Li's face suddenly changed drastically, and he saw him "with a swipe, quickly pulled out the sword from his waist, pointed at Li Yuan and said in shock and anger:

"Are you a human or a demon? You actually have sorcery!

Of course, Yin Li knew that there were demons, ghosts, and gods in this world. The royal family kept many warlocks to help the emperor make alchemy and observe the celestial and national fortunes.

However, in this world, the government, the army, and the aristocratic family also have their own luck, and luck can make Zhu Xie evade and make Taoism invisible. Therefore, ordinary monks can't use Taoism to harm people with luck.

The royal family possessed even stronger luck, even the monks of the Heavenly Immortal and Golden Immortal stages could not use Taoism to harm them.

This is also the reason why the imperial court and the emperor are able to detach themselves from the prehistoric sect of immortal cultivation.

As a prince, Yin Li was naturally very lucky, and even the celestial cultivators could not perform Taoism within ten meters of him.

He didn't expect that Li Yuan would be able to send his guard flying in front of him without moving.

Li Yuan is the supreme Dao, and the luck of an emperor does not work for him, let alone a little prince.

He was not interested in answering Yin Li's doubts, and as soon as his heart moved, the sword in Yin Li's hand automatically let go and floated in front of Yin Li.

Yin Li immediately understood that he had met a master of Taoism, and he was terrified and shouted to Li Yuan sternly:

"What do you want to do? I am the prince of the soup. If you dare to hurt me, the court will not let you go.

Li Yuan said with an expressionless face:

"Aren't you going to break your hands and feet and write on your face? I'll do it for you.

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