Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 126 - This Food Contains Poison

Dmitri frowned. He was not happy with the way Keisha was conducting herself. He accepted the rose from her hand only to place it to the side. "What happened?" he asked, slightly agitated and slightly concerned. 

"Adrianna threatened that she would kill us every time we tried to come near you. You know all I want is for you to be healthy Dmitri. But she is threatening to snatch this kingdom from us. She kept saying that we should be afraid of her now that we know she is a half-witch." Cora started crying. 

Adrianna glowered at Cora for misinterpreting her words. She stayed quiet and let her mother-in-law continue to speak. 

"Because of her, my son had been in so much danger, but all she is interested in taking what is yours Dmitri! It wouldn't be far-fetched to believe that it was always her plan to kill you. Dmitri, you should be careful. In my opinion, she has been planted here by the wizard kingdom to take over the werewolves. You must banish her!" Cora continued to spit venom. 

Mother!" Dmitri shouted, angered at her accusations. 

But there was no stopping Cora. "Do you even realize that as a part of her plan, she seduced you at the college? Keisha had told you time and again not to go near her, but you never listened. I had even sent Keisha with you to college only to keep you away from the likes of her. But what happened in the end? You fell for a woman as trashy as Adrianna? Because of her, you are in this condition. I am scared to think what could have happened if her plan had succeeded!" 

"Enough Mother! Don't overstep your boundaries!" 

Keisha started crying as she gave Adrianna a side glance. "Adrianna had been continuously threatening us Dmitri. I am very scared of her. You had promised my father that you would protect me from all untoward situations. What about that promise? You must protect me from Adrianna! I fear she will cast her magic and kill me. After all, she thinks that I am her rival. She feels threatened by my presence."

Adrianna narrowed her eyes at the drama that was unfolding in front of her. Instead of being happy for Dmitri who had come back from the jaws of death, these women were only interested in fueling him against her. She was tempted to cast her magic on them, but that would have only proved their point that she was trying to harm them. She glared at Dmitri for listening to the nonsense that these women were spewing. Why doesn't he react and shut them up?

There was a knock on the door and Adrianna went to open it. The servants had come with the five course meal for Dmitri. Adrianna silently took the food trolley and sent the servants away. Then, she quietly placed it near Dmitri and served him the first course. When Cora saw what was happening, she shouted, "How could you eat that Dmitri? It is possible it is poisoned!" Then, she looked at Adrianna, whose face had turned pale at this blatant accusation, and said, "Adrianna, you taste everything first before giving it to Dmitri." 

Adrianna's patience was wearing out. She turned her head away. Seeing her reaction, Cora shrieked, "I knew she would not eat it! This food contains poison!" 

"Adrianna, eat the food," ordered Dmitri, much to Cora's satisfaction. Keisha was also very happy when Dmitri ordered Adrianna. Keisha went to the food trolley and served a dish for Adrianna, handed it to her, and said, "Eat." 

Adrianna had never felt more insulted in her life, but since Dmitri had told her to, she tasted a spoonful from the dish that had been served to her. Then, Keisha took that dish back and served another one to her. All the dishes were forcibly taste-tested by Adrianna in that manner. When the tasting finished, Keisha said, "I think you can have them Dmitri." She then served a fresh plate for him. Cora was smiling at Keisha for being so thoughtful.

As Keisha held the plate in front of him, he pushed it away. He asked Cora, "Mother, please move." 

Cora stood up from the bed and went to stand next to Keisha. 

Dmitri shifted himself from the bed to the table and started eating from all the portions that had been served to Adrianna earlier. He smiled at Adrianna and said, "Sit here. Let's eat together. Or do you want to go to the dining area and eat?" 

Cora and Keisha's faces darkened. 

Dmitri said, "You are right Keisha, I have to protect you. I will ask the architect to hurry up and make that house for you. You will be safest away from the main palace."

Angrily, Keisha slammed down the plate that she was holding in her hand on a nearby table with a loud clank and left the room. 

Adrianna's face brightened up. She sat near Dmitri and started feeding him. 

"Dmitri, this woman threatened us so much and yet you are taking this lightly? Is this the way you will treat poor Keisha? She so thoughtfully brought you the food and you push it away? Where are your manners?" Cora yelled at him. 

Dmitri stopped eating and said, "Mother, why are you fuming? Didn't Adri taste all the food? From now on, I will only eat the food which has been tasted by Adrianna. Basically, this means that I should only be eating the food from her plate as that food is already guaranteed to be safe. I thought this was what you wanted – for me to eat food that had been taste-tasted by Adrianna. Am I right?" Dmitri looked at her questioningly. 

Cora looked as though she had eaten a box of sour lemons. 

Dmitri turned to Adrianna who was on the verge of laughing and pointed to his mouth with his finger while saying, "I am very hungry." Adrianna gave him a spoonful from the bowl of soup in her hands.

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