Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 142 - Why Did The Flower Canopy Surround Us?

Adrianna didn't answer him and just curled into him. She didn't know what her future held. She circled his navel with her finger and said, "Let's take it one day at a time…" 

Isidorus was becoming more and more impatient to meet Adrianna. He had come to the royal palace early in the morning and had waited for Adrianna to come out of her room. However, it was way past 10AM and she still hadn't shown up. He knew that her body was still healing, but for how long would he have to wait? He started pacing up and down the main hall before pausing in front of a huge portrait that adorned the wall right in front of the main entrance. 

"Shira, I have been living for this day for a long time. I hope to give this kingdom to your daughter and want to retire to my native place…" he whispered to the painting. He had always admired Shira for being one of the most sensible queens of the wizard kingdom. Not only was she beautiful, but she was very intelligent. At one point in time, Isidorus had wanted her to marry his grandson, but fate had taken a different route. She ended up getting pregnant with a werewolf's child and died while giving birth. While Isidorus was looking up at her, he heard footsteps coming from the right wing of the palace. He turned to see who it was. 

His eyes became wide with surprise when he saw a girl bearing a strong resemblance to Shira walking towards him. A man who towered her was walking right next to her and their hands were intertwined. As soon as Adrianna reached Isidorus, she halted in her tracks. He was the first person Adrianna and Dmitri had seen after waking up. The whole palace looked otherwise deserted. 

Adrianna bowed her head slightly upon seeing Isidorus and asked, "We were looking for the dining room. Could you please tell us the way?" 

A smile played on Isidorus's lips. He snapped his fingers and several dishes appeared on the table that was a few meters away from them. "Breakfast, my queen," said Isidorus, pointing toward the table and guiding the two of them over. 

"Oh! So because the wizards and witches can snap their fingers and make the food appear, they don't have dining room?" asked Adrianna, thoroughly impressed. 

Isidorus laughed. "You should eat first."

They sat down at the table and began eating. Dmitri's appetite was huge. He hadn't had anything since the day before. "May I know your name?" Dmitri asked the kind old man in front of him. 

Isidorus introduced himself, "I am Isidorus." 

Both of them stopped eating and looked up in surprise. Adrianna got up from her seat as Dmitri watched him with awe. 

"The great wizard?" asked Adrianna. "I have heard so much about you!" 

Isidorus laughed again. "I hope all in good faith."

"Of course!" she exclaimed. 

"Adrianna, please sit and finish your food," he urged. 

With a smile, Adrianna sat down and started eating again. "Please join us Isidorus," she requested him. 

"No, thank you. It is almost 10:30AM and I had my breakfast early in the morning," he replied. "What took you so long?" he asked, narrowing his eyes as if accusing her of being lazy. 

Adrianna's face became red. She didn't know how to answer, so she looked at Dmitri who was busy eating. He looked at Adrianna and said, "I wonder why the flower canopy completely surrounded us..." before resuming his feast. 

Isidorus started coughing. He shook his head and said, "Adrianna, we would like to-"

"Can you tell us why the flower canopy completely surrounded us? It was as though we were in a cocoon of flowers for a long time until we decided to get out of bed," asked Dmitri again with a lamb chop in his hand. 

Isidorus tried to avoid Dmitri's question and faced Adrianna. "We would like to call-" 

"The flowers kept blossoming and falling on us. Was it the part of healing therapy?" interrupted Dmitri again. 

Isidorus pursed his lips and snapped his fingers. This time, a servant appeared and without any questions asked, he explained, "The flowers will blossom around the queen and her partner whenever they make love. It is a part of the charm spell." Having accomplished what he had been asked to do, the servant disappeared. 

Adrianna was so embarrassed that she stopped eating. She kicked Dmitri below the table, signaling him to stay quiet. 

"Oh! That is interesting!" exclaimed Dmitri without showing a trace of shame. "Adri, please finish the breakfast soon. There are a lot of flowers squashed on the bed and we need to clean up and make a fresh bed. Plus, the flower canopy must be lonely now." Then, he turned to Isidorus and said, "Why did you call a servant to explain that? You could have explained it better."

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