Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 145 - Thanks For That Update Lia Auntie

Once the meeting was dismissed, the council members went away one by one. While some of them came and personally greeted Adrianna to give their blessings, most of them did not even give her a second look. Mihr left immediately after the meeting was dismissed. He was in no mood to talk to any of the members. It was Lia who was left last. 

Adrianna was very courteous to all those who came to her as she had mentally made a note to do so. Those who came up to her were the people who wanted her to be on throne, which meant that they would be loyal to her. 

When she heard that she had to be in the wizard academy for a month, she had wanted to rebel. She had never intended to stay at the wizard kingdom and had been hoping to get out as soon as the crown rejected her. However, the events took a different turn altogether and now, she found herself stuck in the wizard kingdom for a month. Her mind was swimming with worries. How would things work out between herself and Dmitri? Would Dmitri leave her? Would he stay with her or would he go back? 

When everyone had left, only three people remained in the council hall: Isidorus, Adrianna, and Lia. 

Isidorus looked at Lia and then turned to Adrianna. "Adrianna, meet your aunt, Lia. She is your mother's older sister." 

Adrianna looked at Lia with wide eyes. Lia had been the one who was most vociferous about her protest. Adrianna didn't know how to react. She sat there frozen on the spot. To think of the fact that she had relatives in the wizard kingdom was weird; their first interactions had also been horrible. 

Adrianna bowed slightly and then looked away. 

"Is that the curtsey your family taught you?" Lia was once again being acerbic towards Adrianna.

Adrianna was taken aback. "You are also my family. I guess it must run in the genes."

Isidorus smirked while Lia became furious. 

"Adrianna, be aware of how you talk to me! I will not tolerate your insolent behavior. If you think that you can take me on so easily, then remember that you are dealing with a witch that was your mother's sister. I was more powerful than your mother; she was just another twit who got lucky because the crown accepted her."

Adrianna tilted her head, and then said, "I don't even know you enough to make any judgements about you as far as strength is concerned. As for the crown, I am appalled that you make it sound like such a whimsical entity. You should have faith in the crown even if you do not have faith in the witches or wizards around you, because the crown is where the kingdom's heart." 

Lia looked at Adrianna as though she had grown two heads. "Do you think you will be able to learn anything in a month's time? Why don't you go back to the werewolves' kingdom and just be the luna of your alpha? That suits you, you werewolf!"

Adrianna laughed, "Thanks for the update Lia auntie." She emphasized on the word auntie. "I will do exactly what I want to do. Right now, I want you to kneel in front of me."

"What? Are you out of your mind?" retorted Lia. "How dare you even command me?" Lia took out her wand, but before she could even wave it in the air, she found herself being forced to kneel on the ground as Adrianna watched her with cold eyes. Lia was shocked as to what was happening to her. 

She thought Isidorus was doing that, so she shouted, "Isidorus, give up your antics you old man!" Isidorus smiled and crossed his hands across his chest. 

Lia started to wave her wand in the air, but, in the next moment, her wand flew out of her hand and landed on the ground. It was not easy for anyone to take away the wand of a wizard or a witch; even Isidorus couldn't do that. Lia was beyond surprised as to how her wand had been thrown out of her hand. She was forced to kneel and stay on the ground while she tried to grab her wand that was lying far away from her. She felt empty without her wand. How could she even throw a spell or deflect one without it? What was happening? 

"You may get up," said Adrianna. Lia felt as though she was being freed of some heavy force. Lia got up and went to pick her wand but the wand slid another meter across the ground. She went to pick it up again, but the wand went near Adrianna's feet. 

Adrianna picked up Lia's wand and said, "Here, take it Lia." She offered it to Lia as though she was offering a bone to a dog. 

Lia took it from her while giving her an odd stare. Was Adrianna responsible for the magic that had just been cast? No! That couldn't be possible. It had to be Isidorus; but how could the wand fall out of her hand and travel so far away?

Lia took the wand from Adrianna and said, "To even think of the fact that you are half werewolf, makes me puke. Shira really disgraced us all! I am ashamed to have a relative like you – a half blood in our family of pure bloods. Leave us!" Having said that, Lia left the meeting venue in a huff. 

However, when she got home, she became ill; she kept on puking the entire day.

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