Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 148 - How Exactly Am I Responsible?

Fleur tried to get up from the bed, but wavered a little. Liam jumped from his place to support her up. He propped the pillows up for her so that she could sit up on the bed. Ed watched the two of them with narrowed eyes as though trying to gauge what was going on between them. While he was watching them, Howard entered the room. He was surprised to find Liam there and was even more surprised at how much he was doting on Fleur since Howard knew fully well that Fleur must have completely recuperated. He became angry about Liam's presence. Without even greeting Liam, he said, "Fleur, you must go and attend to the queen now. You need to be around her on a twenty-four seven basis."

Fleur wrinkled her nose and replied, "Father, I am still too weak. I don't think I can even walk properly." 

Howards looked at her totally shocked, and then looked at Ed who was equally as baffled. "How can that be possible? You are a witch and should have completely healed by now." 

"I am a werewolf and even I take time to recuperate. Healing is not some magic that it will happen immediately. Fleur is weak and needs some time to rest. I think you both should try to understand her condition," said Liam angrily as though they were disturbing something of his. 

Fleur smiled at Liam and said, "Liam, I want to go to the bathroom. Could you help me over?"

"Of course!" he said before picking her up in one swift, strong move. 

Fleur let out an excited shriek as she felt his strong, rippled muscles and became love-struck. 

Howard and Ed realized that they were standing in front of two hopeless people and left. Howard sent three servants to Fleur's room to take care of her. However, the servants merely stood there without working as they couldn't bear to disturb the two's intimacy. 

In the bathroom, Fleur wanted to take a bath with hot water - a choice which Liam was more than happy to help her with. Even though he was having a hard time with his member, he patiently gave her a bath. He helped her dry off and get dressed without any complaints. Finally, when they were done, Fleur demanded to be picked up by him and carried to the bed. After that, whatever she demanded, Liam would do for her with the utmost patience. Fleur couldn't believe her luck. Having a werewolf, who had fallen in love with her, was like having a pet around. She was already starting to think of ways to keep him captive. 

The two continued this charade the entire day before Howard became furious and ordered Fleur to go to the royal palace. Obviously, Liam accompanied her. 


After they reached the royal palace, both Dmitri and Adrianna were so tired that they wanted to go to bed, but they found that Liam and Fleur were waiting for them. Dmitri was very happy to see Liam and asked him, "Liam, how are the other werewolves of our pack? I want to meet them as I am planning to leave tomorrow morning." 

Liam said, "They are all fine Dmitri, but we lost two of our wolves in the fight against Vikra. They were left behind… According to our informants, they were instantly killed by Vikra." 

Dmitri became furious, "How could this have happened? I had left them behind to lend Howard a helping hand in the battle. Howard was responsible for getting them back here safely. How could he have just left the two of them to fend for themselves? This is not acceptable!"

Fleur couldn't stand Dmitri talking rudely about her father so she interrupted the conversation. "By the time it was only my father and the three werewolves, there was already a huge number of neotides attacking them. Father could take only one parson with him through the vortex. There was not enough time to wait for those who were further away. If he had waited for those two, all of them would have died. 

"Also, if Adrianna would have agreed to come to the kingdom via portal instead of flying, we wouldn't have gotten into this situation; we would have all been saved from the wrath of Vikra." 

Even though Fleur spoke all this very subtly, Adrianna became very angry. She roared at Fleur, "What do you mean by that?"

Fleur flinched. She immediately kneeled and said, "I am sorry Adrianna, but this is the truth." 

Adrianna become all the more angry and asked, "You are placing this blame on me, but who even is this Vikra? I demand to know now!" 

Adrianna summoned Isidorus. 

Fleur, who was kneeling on the ground, became extremely nervous as soon as Isidorus appeared. Furious at Fleur, Adrianna said, "Tell me everything about Vikra! This girl has accused me of being responsible for the battle that took place before we entered the wizard kingdom. So tell me. How exactly am I responsible? And if I am, why was I kept in the dark?" Adrianna looked so furious that even Isidorus became a little afraid.

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