Cy laughed like a maniac. "Last time you were lucky, but this time, you won't be able to call for help from the animals in the forest."

Adrianna growled at him. 

"When a wizard goes out to find his her wand, all the animals hide. They will never ever come near you, and that puts you at a major disadvantage Adrianna," said Cy condescendingly. 

Adrianna was shocked at his statement, but she knew he was telling the truth because she hadn't heard a single animal's voice ever since she entered the forest. With just Dmitri and ten other werewolves with her, they were too small of an army to fight Cy and his army of neotides who were growing larger and larger in numbers. 

The first thing that Adrianna thought to do was to protect the werewolves she was with. She looked at Dmitri who stared at her and growled at her, giving her a fair warning not to even think of fighting them alone. She shook her head and snapped her fingers. Swords made from the finest iron appeared in their hands, each with an edge sharp enough to slice through flesh as though it were butter. 

"Don't shape shift," she instructed them mentally. 

"Adrianna, I don't think you want to fight with us. If you do, I can't guarantee that Dmitri will live to see another day.

"You should just surrender to me." Cy was threatening her with the dire consequences she was in. 

"We will see who lives to see another day," growled Dmitri. 

Suddenly, cyan colored light came out of Cy's wand and was thrown in the direction of Dmitri. Adrianna deflected that with the white light that she managed to get out of her system. She became furious at Cy and her anger rose to a point where she became out of control. Her eye color changed to a silvery blazing white and before Cy could even think of sending another spell towards Dmitri, he was knocked down by another streak of light that Adrianna had thrown at him. 

Cy gave the attack command and the neotides started attacking the werewolves from all sides. The swords clanked as they ripped apart the neotides and the dismembered limbs or heads of the neotides fell and littered the beautiful green grass beneath them. The beautiful nature within the forest was quickly marred with red pools of blood. Adrianna pushed Cy further away in order to lengthen the distance between him and Dmitri by taking as much energy as she could gather and throwing it at Cy. 

Although Cy was affected and ran further back, he recovered quickly. He pointed his wand towards the sky and an enormous lightning storm was created. A thread of lightning escaped the clouds and was captured by his wand. In the next instant, he threw all that intense electricity towards Adrianna. Adrianna leapt in the air as she shape shifted to dodge the lightning beam. She landed some twenty feet away from her original spot. A loud 'boom' was heard and when Adrianna turned to see, she witnessed disaster. A large area in the ground had cracked and sunk. A huge pit appeared where there used to be lush grass and flowers. 

Cy laughed at her. "Adrianna, that was the silliest thing you could do." He cast a "Ponos" spell and once again threw a lethal red light at her. 

Adrianna leapt in the air again and shape shifted back to her human form in less than a fraction of a second. She kicked him while airborne. She hadn't realized, but she was still airborne; she had never touched the ground. Her eye color had changed from that silvery blaze into a rich golden yellow. 

"Cy!" she shouted at him. "It is impossible to harm me!" 

However, Cy was not an easy man to take down. He knew spells which she didn't even know existed and had yet to be taught. The spells which Cy knew were spells which were taught only to the most advanced and brilliant students. 

When he saw the white light in the forest, he knew that a young witch or wizard must be on their wand quest. Immediately, he called for an army of neotides to attack and capture that young wizard. However, when he saw that it was Adrianna, his first thought was to capture her, but the way she was resisting made him angrier than ever. Because of her, he had already suffered a lot. He wanted the kingdom, but Isidoris had been protecting the crown for her with his life. She had defeated him in the last battle and he was cast out of his kingdom to become a fugitive. All of his suffering was because of her! More than capturing her, he wished for her death, even if it defied Vikra's orders. 

He lifted his wand at her and out came the words, "Vrakhas Azadea". His wand emitted a large amount of lethal energy which was all pointed at Adrianna. The energy was so immense that the entire area shone as though the sun had shone a large ray of sunlight onto the ground; it was blinding.

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