Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 173 - I Will Finish Her Off Myself!

Over the next two days, Adrianna learnt more about the death spell and by the end of the third day, she could easily perform the spell. Both of her professors were very satisfied when she successfully used the spell on a pesky little mouse who would annoy Liam whenever Professor Gregory turned him into a bunny. 

When Lia got suspended from the ministry, anger boiled deep inside her system; it was as hot as lava. She wanted to destroy everything that she saw. During her raging sea of anger, she destroyed all the things in her room. Her husband and her children tried to calm her down, but nothing would pacify her rage. She had completely erupted in her furious state. 

"That bitch, that half-wolf who is claiming the throne to the wizard kingdom, is responsible for my suspension from the ministry. It seems she really wants to die." She spoke like a mad woman. Her eyes had sunken and her hair was unkempt from two days of ignorance. No one had been able to help her get out of the house. The magic that she had been bound with was something that no one had seen before. They didn't know how to break the spell. 

"Mother, the competition is nearing and I am taking part in it. It has already been announced that we have to trap a werewolf and the ministry cannot go back on its words. Don't worry. I will soon be successful in holding a werewolf captive and I am sure to win the first stage," said Zola, trying to reassure her mother. 

"No Zola. You won't be able to deal with her yourself," replied Lia. She looked at her son Hirum who nodded and left. 

Her husband had been sipping wine while his wife had been talking to the children. He suddenly spoke up. "Lia, from what I know so far, Adrianna is not an easy witch to deal with. If you want results, we might as well get some help from other wizards." 

Lia sneered. "No! I will finish her off myself this time!" 


Happy that the ministry had suspended Lia, Adrianna and Isidorus celebrated in their own way. For Isidorus, it was a huge victory, because once Lia was suspended from the ministry, she would automatically be removed from the council of ministers. She was Adrianna's strongest opponent after Mihr. Elated, Isidorus headed to the second realm to visit Howard. His longtime friend and foe, Professor Gregory, was also present. 

Isidorus noticed that Ed wasn't there, so he asked, "Where has Ed gone? Don't tell me that he has gone to walk around the wizard kingdom, because you have send him back soon." 

Howard was serving drinks when Isidorus asked that question. "He went back to his realm yesterday. I wanted him to go back to Dmitri's territory, but he insisted on going to his cottage. Now I am afraid that he may be exposed to danger…" said Howard, feeling disappointed as though he missed Ed. 

"What about your term as the dean of the college? You have been missing for a long time now," asked Professor Gregory. 

"Yes… I have to return as soon as possible - perhaps in the next two days - because the new admissions are coming up," replied Howard while swirling the wine in his glass. 

"Well at least we got rid of Lia!" exclaimed Isidorus with a huge smile as he gulped down his wine. All of them laughed. 

"Has Adrianna learned the death spell?" 

Professor Gregory looked at Isidorus and said with a smile, "My granddaughter is just too brilliant. I think she is gifted. No! I think she is the most talented child that could ever be produced on Earth. She learnt the death spell in three days! Not only that, but she even accidentally learnt how to make mirror images of herself. In my opinion, she is far more of a witch than a werewolf." 

Isidorus smiled. He was right to have asked Professor Gregory to teachto Adrianna all the dark spells . He had invoked Gregory out of his slumber for this purpose. Isidorus was sure that Adrianna would learn them fast and only Gregory could teach them as fast. Although he wasn't happy that Ziu was given the charge for teaching her, he was surprised when he had heard that Ziu had finally revealed his true self. Even though he was aware that Ziu had been smitten by Arianna, he didn't say it to anyone because he was now extremely interested in making Ziu Adrianna's ally. Ziu was too powerful to just be ignored. "Let him get charmed by her… it is for her benefit…" Isidorus had thought. 

Howard shook his head and said, "Professor Gregory, the full moon is approaching fast; just after the first stage of competition. Ed told me that she converts into a werewolf involuntarily…" 

Howard went on to explain the issue to them. Both Gregory and Isidorus were shocked beyond words. "We have to leave Adrianna in the woods during that time and no one can approach her or they will be instantly killed. Rumor is that she had even tried to kill Dmitri in her state because she cannot recognize anyone."

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