Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 187 - Back To The College (5)

"Let's head over now!" said Adrianna, excited to be with her friend after such a long time. She wanted to catch up on a lot of things with her. 

Ookashi giggled and the four of them headed for the parking area. When they reached the parking lot, they found that their car was being surrounded by six men, who looked like gangsters, and Pryce who was standing behind them. 

Headed by Dmitri, they walked to their car as the group of gangsters watched them. All of them had either a baseball bat, iron chains, or iron rods in their hands. The leader was holding a baseball bat over his shoulder and was patting his shoulder with it as though he was eager to use it on them. 

Adrianna stared at Pryce. Her lips had swollen and she looked disheveled. Pryce pointed in Adrianna's direction and shouted, "That girl over there. She slapped me!"

The leader of the gang looked at Adrianna while tilting his head. "You look pretty right now, but no one will be able to recognize you after we're done with you." He turned to Pryce who was looking very satisfied with herself. "Do you want me to kill her or just bash her up?"

"Bash her! Turn her into a pulp!" she shouted in anger. 

Dmitri growled at them. "If anyone touches even a strand of hair on Adrianna's head, I will rip their limbs apart." 

"Ohhh! We got a hero here," laughed the leader in a scornful way before gesturing for his boys to hold down Nate and Dmitri. 

Ookashi was shocked. "Are you mad Pryce? Niiya hates this kind of thing. If he finds out about it, he will never even look at you!" 

"Shut up you bitch!" yelled Pryce. "Your brother shoved me away and, now, it's my turn. I will get my revenge on all of you! You can blame Niiya for mistreating me." 

The leader started laughing loudly as he licked his teeth. 

Dmitri said, "This is my last warning to you all. Let me tell you how this is going to work. First, I will take two of you down by lifting you in air and bashing in your heads. Then I will take that chain of yours and tie down the next two before crushing their rib cages and throwing them away. My friend here will dislocate the shoulders of the fifth, and lastly we will take you on." He pointed at the leader. "So you better leave now." He moved Adrianna behind him. 

Both Nate and Dmitri stood in front as the girls stood behind them. 

The wizards and witches on security detail became alerted. They asked their queen if they should attack, but Adrianna refused. They were bound by the treaty. Now that she was aware of the treaty, even she hesitated in taking any actions. Besides, she knew that Dmitri and Nate were capable of taking care of these buffoons. 

"Move back," snarled Dmitri as the first two boys started charging at him. Adrianna and Ookashi moved back further. While Ookashi gripped Adrianna's hand tightly, Adrianna stood there unworried, waiting for the fight to end. 

The two goons charged at Dmitri with their iron rod and iron chain. However, in a flash, their chain and rod was broken and thrown away as Dmitri lifted them in the air and banged their heads together. The leader became slightly afraid, and charged at Dmitri with the rest of his group. This time, Nate joined in. The leader bashed his baseball bat against Dmitri's shoulder, inviting Dmitir's wrath. Dmitri caught the bat before the leader could strike again, and broke it by placing the bat on his thigh and smashing it into pieces. 

Meanwhile, Nate had taken one of them down and was twisting his shoulders. "Ahhhhh!" the boy squealed in pain, filling the air with his loud screams. 

Another boy charged at Dmitri with his iron rod, but before he could get anywhere near Dmitri, Dmitri had kicked his chest, kicking him so hard that he was thrown back several feet. Seeing his friend in that condition, another boy hit Dmitri's stomach with his iron rod. Dmitri stumbled back. Not waiting for another chance, the boy hit Dmitri's back with a lot of force. Dmitri fell in between the leader and the boy. The gang leader had picked up a rod that was lying nearby and had swung his arm to hit Dmitri's head when he was kicked from behind in such a way that the rod fell out of his hand and hit his minion who was standing in front of him, causing him to become unconscious immediately. 

In the next second, Dmitri had smashed the leader's legs so harshly that the leader's bones broke. 

By the time the fight ended, Ookashi had fainted and Adrianna had to drag her into the car. 

After seeing the bloodbath, Pryce ran away. 

Dmitri sat in the driver's seat as Nate sat in the back so that he could hold Ookashi while Adrianna sat in the passenger's seat. They drove back to the Blue Moon Pack's territory as fast as possible. 

"Dmitri, are you okay?" asked Adrianna.

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