Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 193 - Now You Can Hug Me

The ministry people started conducting their raid on the room and the adjacent room. After an hour, when they couldn't find anything, they left, shaking their heads. 

"It seems Ilsa sent us on a wild goose chase. I will transfer her to Malintosh Prison," said one of them, very angry with her. 

Adrianna, Ziu and Liam patiently waited for them to leave. 

When they left, Ziu asked, "Did he ask to go?" 


There were no words between them - only a mutual understanding. He had to leave… 

After a while, Ziu gave out a hollow laugh. "He had waited for so long just to see you Adrianna… I am glad that you let him go.

"Do you know that in the entire wizard world, you are the only one who can help ghosts go to the place they belong to?" 

Adrianna was shocked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, there is no one else who can do it. There are hundreds of ghosts that are being kept in the ministry to do the ministry's underworld tasks. Some of the ghosts have skills that the living don't possess so they are held captive." Ziu scoffed. "Apparently, they are an integral part of the wizard kingdom." 

"But that is utter nonsense! They should be released!" shouted Adrianna. 

"Yes, they should be…" Ziu looked down and wondered when Adrianna would become the queen…

"For now, you must continue to learn spells. Let's continue class," he said. 

Adrianna nodded as she exhaled heavily. "Life must go on…" Her gaze turned towards the pile of carrots on the table and she chuckled. 

"I want to learn how to deflect the truth spell," she said with determined eyes. 

"Of course!" he replied. The entire rest of the class period was spent on learning how to deflect it. However, Adrianna was finding it difficult. 

By the end, she exasperatedly asked, "Why can't I do it?" 

"Because truth comes out of your pure mind. When you are shielding the truth, you are shielding your pure mind. It isn't easy for you to shield that transparency once a wizard has cast that spell. It's like creating smoke in front of it, which is challenging. It comes with practice. Don't worry…" replied Ziu even though he wanted her to learn it as soon as possible. 

"I can block people from entering my mind though," said Adrianna with a shrug. 

"Yes, I know…"

By the time class was dismissed, it was already 7PM. She left the academy and returned to the royal palace. She wanted to go straight to Dmitri but found that Isidorus was waiting for her. 

Reluctantly, she greeted Isidorus. Isidorus snapped his fingers and five more people appeared. "They are from the ministry." 

Adrianna wasn't surprised. They must have come to investigate about Professor Gregory. 

She sat down in front of them. 

One of them who looked the oldest said, "We are here to show our support for you." 

Adrianna was taken aback. She looked at them questioningly. 

"You must be well aware of the fact that there is a lot of opposition to your crowning. Because of this issue, there has been a divide in the ministry. People are trying to gather forces to oust you from the wizard kingdom. We want you to be very cautious of those around you. If you would prefer, you don't have to go to the academy. The spells will be taught to you right here in the royal palace." 

Adrianna bit her lip. Her troubles just kept cropping up; they were like demons who just refused to die. 

"Thank you for warning me. However, I would like to go to the academy to learn. I want to get to know the people here and gauge them…"

Isidorus looked at the ministry people. Adrianna had changed a lot over the past few days. 

They talked some more about the problems in the ministry with her. Although Adrianna didn't offer any solutions, she did listen to all of them. By the time they left, it was already 9PM and she was too tired. 

Adrianna decided to spend the night in the royal palace and returned to her bedroom. To her surprise, the flower canopy above her bed was blossoming with beautiful red flowers and there was water flowing in the bathroom. Her face broke into a grin and she ran to open the door.

"Hi love!" said Dmitri, looking at her from the shower. Adrianna chuckled and joined him in the shower fully dressed. She hugged him tightly. 

"When did you get here?" 

Dmitri smiled as he looked down. "A while back. Fleur created the portal for me." 

"Oh! How nice of her?" 

"She knows that Adri yearns to see Dmitri," said Dmitri as he unbuttoned her shirt.

"Is that so?" she asked with her hands on her waist. 

"Of course!" He removed her skirt, bra, and panties. 

He looked at her from top to bottom and said, "Now you can hug me." 

Later, the flower canopy blossomed all around them.

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