Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 200 - Who Switched The Specimen?

Adrianna attended the academy the next day and became busy with her morning classes even though her mind was preoccupied with concerns over how Dmitri must be faring. Her worries increased when Liam couldn't update her. He had been walking in and out of the portal all day to get updates for Adrianna. One of the most disturbing updates was that Cora wasn't helping Dmitri at all this time. Adrianna was disturbed by Cora's behavior. It was okay if she behaved that way with Adrianna, but why was she ignoring her son? She decided to confront Cora once she was back in the werewolf kingdom. 

At the academy, Adrianna saw that Nefasky was maintaining her distance from her. In fact, Nefasky had been unusually quiet. Adrianna thought that Nefasky may have been instructed by her father, Mihr, to stay away from Adrianna, which was completely fine by her. 

When the spells class ended, the students headed for their individual extracurriculars classes. The alleys guided Adrianna to her potions class. While she was heading over, she heard a cheery voice from behind. "Adrianna!" 

Adrianna looked back and saw that it was Lile who was rushing towards her. Lile ran up to Adrianna and excitedly said, "Hi! Can we walk together?" She was out of breath, but she was smiling. 

Adrianna also smiled and agreed to her request.

"Adrianna, I am so happy with what you did to Nefasky the other day!" said Lile as she started laughing. 

Adrianna chuckled. "I couldn't help it…"

"That was so badass! I wish I could do that!" said Lile, feeling ecstatic just thinking about it. 

Adrianna laughed. Lile had such a sweet personality that Adrianna immediately felt comfortable around her. 

"How come you never talked to me earlier?" asked Adrianna. 

Lile lowered her head and said, "I was scared of Zola and Nefasky. They had told every student not to be your friends and boycott you. Even their friends are on the watch to see if anyone approaches you to be your friend. Trust me; most of the class wants to be your friend, but Nefasky and her friends are threatening the students with their connections at the ministry."

"That's rude…" said Adrianna.

"However, after that incident, I don't care anymore. Can we become friends? Please? Please?" asked Lile, clasping her hands together in excitement. 

Adrianna laughed at Lile and flicked her head. "Of course! I would love to have a friend like you!" 

Lile was joyous. "Yes!" She leaped into the air and walked in front of Adrianna. "Do you know that some students think that you are too proud and don't want to talk to them?" 

"That's not true!" 

Lile shrugged and the both of them walked to the class while cozily chatting with each other.

By the time they reached the classroom where the potions class was to be held, Nefasky had already arrived with her group of friends. She stared at Lile as she walked in with Adrianna. Lile flinched a bit, but Adrianna glanced back at Nefasky as though warning her and Nefasky lowered her eyes. 

Professor Lane entered the class and started writing notes on the white board regarding a new potion. 

"Today, I will be teaching you all how to make a potion that can heavily drug a wizard or a witch and then how to extract their memories. This potion is often given to the people who work as spies for the ministry when they have completed their missions. For this reason, the spies are never able to recall what mission they had done," explained Professor Lane. 

"What happens when we want them to do another mission that requires their original memories? Sometimes spies may have to play a crucial role in the same or similar task all over again," asked a student. 

"We also have ways to retrieve and restore their memories as well," replied Professor Lane. 

"Now, all of you will extract blood out of this rabbit." 

Adrianna's eyes darted at the rabbit. Then, she tried to mentally communicate with Liam. 

"Why did they cage me?" came the answer. 

Adrianna panicked. The students had already started going towards the rabbit. They were lining up with their syringes, ready to extract his blood.

She leapt out of her chair and made her way through the students, but by the time she reached the front, a student had already pricked his his stomach. The rabbit gave out an excruciating shriek. 

Adrianna shouted, "Stop!" 

She removed the syringe from him, snatched the cage, and ran outside of the classroom. She opened the cage for the bunny to come out. The bunny hopped out and Adrianna snapped her fingers. Liam was converted back to his werewolf form but nude. He covered his stomach that was slightly bleeding. Adrianna snapped her fingers again to dress him. 

As Liam covered his stomach with his shirt, a professor appeared and brought him to the infirmary. 

Adrianna was very angry. When she returned to the class, she saw that Professor Lane was scolding everyone for switching the rabbit. 

"Who did it?" he asked.

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