Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 203 - He May Insult You

Adrianna kept her hands on her waist and paced around the infirmary. She noticed that there was white mist all around them. "Why are we surrounded by mist?" 

"So that no one hears us," replied Isidorus. 

Adrianna nodded and then stared at Isidorus with narrowed eyes. "Mihr was Cy's friend and we have already established the fact that the attack on the royal carriage was done by one of Mihr's men. Don't you think that if I go and tell him that I will support his endeavors, he will think that I am weak?"

"Yes, I want him to think that. He may even insult you, but you have to bear it in order to win his confidence." 

Adrianna scoffed. She went to sit on the bed where Liam was. 

"Do as I say. If he tells you to show you his solidarity, promise him that you will kill me as soon as the crowning is done." 

"Isidorus, he is looking to crown his daughter. Nefasky has been looking for a way to pull me down and prove her supremacy as a candidate for the crown." 

"Yes I know, but remember that power makes you blind. If you promise him my position, there is a high chance that he will ignore Nefasky for you, for he knows that Nefasky isn't as gifted as you. In the back of his mind, he knows that you have a good chance of being accepted by the crown."

"Doesn't he want the crown?"

"Yes, but the crown doesn't accept people so easily. He would like to experiment on you first. If you are successful, it works in his favor without any risk. If you are unsuccessful, he will drop you and try to claim his stake. With you by his side, he will become close to the royal palace, which is what he wants right now. Any information about the Royal Palace can then be easily passed to Cy. He would try to play loyal to Cy while being close to you." 

Adrianna looked at Isidorus and laughed. The old man was surely cunning. She had a lot of questions, but they were answered when she took her time to think over the plan. 

"When can I meet him?" she asked with a smile. 

"After the full moon next week." Isidorus gazed at her as the smile from her face disappeared. She lowered her head. 

"The full moon night will be coming in five days. You will have to go to the werewolf kingdom before that so that no one suspects it." 


"Adrianna, from now on, whatever you do, take precautions. Never. Ever. Underestimate your enemy. There are too many enemies lurking around the corner You have to be very careful. Never lower your guard. 

Adrianna nodded. Isidorus disappeared and she went to her next class. The alleys took her to Professor Ziu's class where she found him waiting for her. 

"How is Liam now?" he asked, feeling very sorry about the incident.

"The healer said that he will be saved and is out of danger."

"We have suspended that boy for a week."

Adrianna didn't wear any expression. Isidorus had told her not to talk about her thoughts in front of anyone. 

Ziu noticed how stoic she was. He attributed it to her recent trauma and started teaching the spell they had left off last time: deflecting the truth spell. 

By the end of the day, she had become an expert in deflecting the truth spell. Ziu was happy that she had finally learnt it. He cast the truth spell on her a number of times and in many different ways, such as when she wasn't looking at him or when she was engrossed in writing notes, but she would successfully deflect it all the time. Satisfied with her progress, he left. 

Adrianna went to visit Liam at the healer's house. Liam was sitting on the bed when he saw her. He gave her a faint smile. Adrianna moved closer to him and stroked his hair. "I am sorry Liam. This got really out of control…"

"Don't be sorry Adrianna. I am just thankful that you can speak with animals. Otherwise, I would have ended up dead and no one would have even known that I died as a rabbit!"

Adrianna laughed at his wit. 

"Is there a spell which can shield me from converting into an animal?" he asked, afraid that if he were to accompany her again, he might become a target for more hatred. 

Adrianna laughed again and said, "No there isn't, but I can do one thing. If they cast that spell on you, you will become what you are: a werewolf. Is that okay?" 

"Absolutely okay! At least they will be scared to see me in my wolf form."

Adrianna took out her wand threw a yellow light around him. Moments later, he started feeling weightless. He floated above the bed, much to his amazement. When Adrianna finished, Liam fell onto the mattress with a thud. "Ouch!" he cried as he rubbed his buttocks. 

Adrianna chuckled and said, "There you go!" 

"Thanks Adri…"

"Anytime. You get better now. I am going to see Dmitri…"

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