Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 208 - Adri, We Are Making A Big Mistake!

Dmitri turned back to glare at Adrianna. "Adri, you are not going to interfere in the matters of kingdom, especially on this matter. Your brothers have been found. I already gave them ample chances to concede to my demands. I have even overlooked them all this time even though there were only a few factions that I had yet to take over as the supreme alpha. Don't you think I could have easily won them over with my army? But I didn't. Because of you. 

"Despite me being so tolerant, they still waged a war, which is not acceptable. You become emotional every time we talk about your family. If they loved you so much, how come they never came to rescue you when you fought in the battle against me? It was me who brought you back to Ed's cottage. Why was it that they tried to ruin your marriage to me and push Kayla forward? These are the very people who have always taken advantage of you for their own selfish wishes, and yet you become blind to the facts whenever we talk about them.

"I am beginning to get fed up with your attitude. If you think that I am ruthless, then so be it!" said Dmitri as he left the room. 

Adrianna gritted her teeth. She was reminded of Ed and had an urge to see him. She hadn't met him for a long time. She also wanted to get away from Dmitri for the moment. Why couldn't he be a kind ruler? Why couldn't he think of the families? Was politics always such a dirty game? Then she remembered how Isidorus was asking her to show her support to Mihr. She shook her head. 

Adrianna summoned Fleur. "I want to visit my grandfather."

"You are unwell Adrianna and I don't know where he is."

"Who knows about his location?"

"Only Isidorus and my father."

"Then find out. I want to visit him and that's final!"

Fleur clenched her jaw. Sometimes Adrianna would be extremely unreasonable with her demands. 

Howard had returned to the college a few days back. Since it was early morning, Fleur knew that Howard would be at home, so she created a portal and walked into it, but when she walked out of the portal, she bumped into a nanny who was holding a tray with tea and toast for her master. The nanny couldn't believe her eyes as the tray she held was now on the ground. She rubbed her eyes and said, "Am I seeing a dream? You are so beautiful. Are you a fairy?" Saying that she ran inside to call her master. 

On hearing the sound of something crashing, Howard came outside his room and witnessed the scenario. The nanny bumped into him. "Master, look, we got a fairy!" 

"I don't see anything. What are you talking about Esmeralda?" asked Howard, angry at his daughter. 

"Master can't you see that girl?" 

"No! Which girl are you talking about?" 

Fleur rolled her eyes. "Dullerp". She cast a spell on the nanny and her gaze turned blank. She looked blank, confused, and dull. Howard led her by the hand and had her sit down on a chair. 

"Father, please tell me where Ed is. Adrianna is insisting on meeting him," said Fleur angrily. 

"What happened? How come she is here and not in the wizard kingdom?"

"I don't know about that, but her father, Kuro, has been executed by Dmitri. Tomorrow, her brothers will be executed. Perhaps she is very emotional and just wants to meet Ed." She replied as though she was in a hurry to leave. 

Howard told her about Ed's location and how to enter, but he also warned her. "Vikra is keeping a sharp eye on that place. He is looking for any opportunity to penetrate the wizard kingdom and if he sees Adrianna over there, he may instantly attack her. Ed's home is invisible to outsiders.". 

"Why is Ed living outside of the wizard kingdom? Why are there so many complications? Why can't everything just be simple?" said Fleur before disappearing. 

Howard smiled after his daughter. "Youngsters."

Fleur returned to Adrianna and informed her that she was ready to take her to Ed. Dmitri was sitting at his table reading important documents related to treasury when she returned. He had started conducting an enquiry into the gross misappropriations in the treasury. 

Adrianna asked Fleur to wait outside for her to change. When Fleur went outside, Dmitri glowered at Adrianna and said, "You are not well. It is not right for you go anywhere for now. Take a rest. You can meet Ed when you are better." 

"I don't want nor need your permission to meet my family," she retorted. "Especially since he is the only family I have left now. Before you snatch him away from me, I will go to meet him."

"Adri, you are being so ridiculous that I don't even know what to say!" said Dmitri, exasperated at her unreasonable behavior and storming out of the room. 

Adrianna didn't pay heed to him and went to take a bath. When she was ready, she called Fleur. "I am ready to go. Let's go."

Fleur created the portal and entered. While Adrianna was entering the portal, Dmitri entered the room. As soon as he saw her entering the portal, he ran over and followed her inside on an impulse. They walked out of the portal to enter an area which Fleur identified as the foothills of the Northern Jungle. 

Dmitri immediately stopped them. "Let's go back. This is just too dangerous. Have you forgotten that Vikra is keeping eyes all over these areas to look for a chance to enter the wizard kingdom? If he came to know about an opening here, he would send his neotides or perhaps even come personally. Adri, you are making a big mistake!" 

"Dmitri, stop it! Why did you follow me? You were always so scared that you don't even let me live peacefully. Yes, there are dangers all around, but do I want to live like a scaredy-cat?" Then she looked at Fleur and commanded, "Let's go!"

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