He read through the note slowly, absorbing each word:

"Dmitri, I know what you are doing is in the interest of the kingdom. Today my brothers will be executed. Reinjie has a soul mate and I would be grateful to you, if you could spare him. When I come to think of it, I feel how would I take if anything would happen to my soul mate. Staying away from you is such a huge problem for me, imagine staying without you and that too for the life… It is unimaginable. When Reinjie won't be executed, his soul mate Meina will live in peace knowing that he exists somewhere and perhaps be content with that. Having your Luna's elder brother as a prisoner of war is definitely conflicting. I am sure that this will become a huge gossip amongst the werewolves' kingdom. You will have to take everything into consideration and then make a decision…

Lots of Love,


Dmitri smiled. What Adrianna couldn't explain in words, she explained in her note. He admired the fact that she tried to reason with him. His Luna had wished for something so genuinely that she wrote a note for him. This was the first note he had ever received in his life from her. He folded it neatly, kissed it and kept it in his table's drawer safely.

That day Dmitri ordered execution of Sam while Reinjie is spared. He became the prisoner of war and is held captive for the life.


When Adrianna walked into the Royal Palace, a servant came to her and gave her a parcel. She frowned as she looked at it. "What is it?" she asked.

"My queen, I don't know… it is addressed to you and so I cannot open the seal. However, the security has already scanned it and did not find anything wrong with it." The servant disappeared after handing her the parcel.

It was a long box that was wrapped in an old gift paper. The gift paper looked as though it had been made from the bark of trees.

Adrianna opened the parcel with curiosity. Her eyes became wide with amazement when she saw a broom in it. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed as she threw the box and the paper on the floor and took the broom in both her hands.

A letter was tied in a ribbon in the middle of the broom. Adrianna untied the ribbon and read the letter.

"To my dear Adrianna, the only child who loved me more than anything else. This is a small gift from your granddad. I hope you will use it wisely.



Adrianna jumped with joy and kept the letter aside. She looked at the broom appreciating every part about it as she ran her hand along its thick handle. The wood of the handle was exotic as she could see each grain clearly. It was a very light brown color and polished to the extent that one could see their image.

Adrianna didn't have a broomstick of her own because a broomstick was supposed to be gifted by a blood relative – someone who loved you a lot. It's handle had to contain a drop of blood of that relative while it was manufactured. Except Ed no one was close to her, and Ed came to know about it much later. As soon as he came to know about it, he went to get the broomstick crafted for Adrianna.

Adrianna's joy knew now bound as she ran with her broom outside and tried to mount it. But no matter what she did, every time she mounted it, it would fall down on the ground. It wasn't even holding up in the air. It was irritating Adrianna. She thought that it was easy to ride on a broom. She had done that with Fleur while coming to the wizard kingdom. She didn't know that getting the broomstick in the air and hold up over there was such an issue.

Just then Isidorus entered the Royal Palace premise and saw Adrianna trying to mount the broom. He laughed at her silently and went near her. She was so focused on mounting the broomstick that she didn't even see him.

"This is not the way you hold it," he said giving her a startle.

She bit her lip, as she stood there embarrassed of her stupid efforts.

"The broomstick has its own mind. In order for it to recognize you, you have to first make it taste your blood. Once it matches it with its components inside, it will accept you and a bond for life will be forged," said Isidorus. He waved his hand in the air and sharp knife appeared in his hands. He lifted Adrianna's hand and took a finger. Piercing it sharply, he pressed the finger to squeeze blood out it. The broom was kept right beneath her finger. As soon as the blood dropped on it, the broom absorbed it and the surface became dry as it was. After a few minutes, the broom moved and it sort of jumped in air much to Adrianna's surprise.

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