Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 218 - Create Portal (2)

As Adrianna took out her wand, Coral noticed that it was light brown in color. She smiled and asked, "How come you have a light brown wand? Most other wizards or witches have a dark colored wand."

Adrianna remembered her pet cub, Dmitri and her eyes became moist. "My pet was a baby bear…" she replied as she choked on her words. Coral knew how emotional one was regarding their wands, so she didn't pursue the topic. 

"Are you ready?" Coral asked. 

Adrianna came back to the present and once again looked excited. "Yes, I am!" 

"Speak 'Circula Plenia' and make a circle in the air. Remember to think of a destination, which is in this room. Don't think of any other destination." 

Adrianna followed the instructions but nothing happened. Once again she flicked the wand in air and said, "Circula Plenia" but nothing happened. Coral had gone to sit down in the chair where Professor Gregory used to sit and watched her from there. Adrianna glanced at her and was reminded of her great grandfather. There was a faint smile on her lips. 

After a few unsuccessful attempts at it, Adrianna's shoulders dropped. She looked at Professor Coral with pouty lips. "Why can't I make a simple circle?" she ranted. 

"Well, it is not a simple circle. It is a portal to a different location. There is a lot of energy needed for creating it. After all, it allows you to teleport from one place to another in a matter of seconds. Why do you say that it is simple?" chided Coral. "Try it again," she said and got up from her chair. 

This time, she demonstrated in front of Adrianna how to cast the spell and create the circle. Adrianna noticed how the spell was cast. 

Adrianna thought of a destination, held her wand out and created the circle while speaking out the spell softly and finished speaking with completion of circle. "Circuuuular Pleniaaaaa," she spelled it as she created the entire circle. As soon as she finished speaking, a circle was formed which had thin fire like glow all around. Adrianna was mesmerized. Sigils appeared on the left side of the circle. Adrianna picked those sigils with her wand and arranged them in order. As soon as she did that, the yellow glowing light changed in a thick golden yellow light as strong as fire. It started burning furiously as though it will engulf all those around it. Coral rushed to Adrianna's side to protect her and douse it with water. Just as she was about to cast the spell for pouring water, the yellow fire decreased slowly until a thick gold-like metal was seen. It has ancient wolf scripture crafted on it. 

Coral was stunned – a thick gold portal! Only one person could ever create it and that person was now banished from the wizard kingdom. Vikra! Coral had never seen him in person but she had heard numerous stories about how he was the only one who could create a gold portal. The rumor was that Vikra had become extremely greedy and he somehow he started freezing those portal in order to sell them in the realm of humans. In the end his greed drained every bit of energy he had in his body and all that remained was just his spirit. 

Coral turned her attention to Adrianna. Creating a gold portal was like draining out your body's maximum energy. Coral looked at Adrianna in shock, as Adrianna looked at the portal she had created with amazement in her eyes. Adrianna's portal had wolf scripture too – that was new!

Adrianna jumped in glee. "Look, I have created my portal. How is it?" she asked Professor Coral who was standing there with eyes wide open. 

Coral went near the circle and touched it but the circle emitted a huge fire in that area as though discouraging her to touch it. Coral got scared and she backed off. 

"En- Enter it…" she said to Adrianna. 

Adrianna entered it only to emerge at the far end of the room where the chair was kept, and the portal closed. 

"How was it? How was it?" asked Adrianna unable to hide her excitement. 

"It was the most beautiful portal I had ever seen in my life…" answered Professor Coral still feeling dazed. "Can you touch the metal?" 

"Of course I can touch it!" she replied ecstatically. She could finally create her own portal and wouldn't have to depend on others to walk in and out to her house, into her bedroom, to Dmitri. 

Coral summoned Ziu. When Professor Ziu came, he looked irritated. "Why have you summoned me Professor Coral, I am in an important meeting with the ministry people." 

"I thought this needed your urgent attention Professor Ziu," said Coral seriously. 

Ziu frowned and looked at her. "What is it?" 

"Adrianna has created her portal successfully," she informed. 

Professor Ziu was impressed. "That very nice Adrianna," he said turning his gaze at her. 

"Her portal is of pure gold…"

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