Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 221 - This Is Dmitri, My Husband

Dmitri and Adrianna walked to the venue on the red carpet. As they walked, the carpet would roll out making way for them. It ended just before the main entrance. When they reached the hall they found many people inside who were talking, drinking wine and socializing with each other. The atmosphere was that of merry-making as though some celebrations were going on. Both Adrianna and Dmitri were fascinated by the décor of the hall. 

The front door was wrapped in white light that looked as though a lightning bolt had been picked from the clouds and were tied to the door. At the feet lied several stars that were glowing and flickering. The ceiling of the hall was covered in chandeliers. There were so many chandeliers that not a single part of the ceiling was seen. There were bright yellow bulbs that lit the entire space up brightly as if the sun was up and about. The air was filled with fragrance from flowers that were freshly picked from the garden. The walls were bedecked with flowers. There was music playing somewhere in the background. It was so melodious that Dmitri felt elated and relaxed. 

While Dmitri and Adrianna were looking around with wondrous eyes, Professor Ziu approached them. "Good evening Adrianna," he said captivated by her beauty. She looked so gorgeous that he couldn't keep his eyes off from her the moment she entered. 

"Good evening professor," said Adrianna with a smile. "This is Dmitri, my husband," she introduced Dmitri. 

Ziu pursed his lips and said a reserved "hello" to Dmitri. Dmitri smiled faintly at him as he mentally communicated Adrianna, "You better stay away from this guy. He is no good." 

Adrianna chided him mentally, "He is my professor. Please have some respect. Moreover, There is only one guy I can handle for now!" 

"Oh you mean there is only one guy whom you can't resist," replied Dmitri shameless as he looked into her eyes with a raised eyebrow and his lopsided smile. 

Adrianna rolled her eyes. 

Ziu's wonderful mood upon seeing Adrianna was marred the moment he met Dmitri. He was filled with sourness. Somehow he hid his bitterness and said, "Come in. Why are you standing here?" He guided the two of them inside to where some council of ministers was standing. As she noticed them, she nodded at all of them and in return got polite nods. Isidorus joined them almost immediately. He was happy to see that Adrianna was along with Dmitri. His purpose of calling Dmitri was to show them as a power couple to the rest of the ministers. After all Dmitri was the supreme alpha of the werewolf kingdom and Adrianna was not only his luna but a strong contender to the throne of the wizard kingdom. 

The young couple looked stately and people around couldn't help being awe-struck by them. The servants came and served them with wine. 

Isidorus introduced them to all the ministers and their wives. Adrianna noticed that two of them were the ones who had also come to meet her to show their support. Adrianna nodded at them but she didn't show that she knew them. The wives of the ministers were cordial yet distant. They were all wearing expensive jewelry and gowns while all the jewelry that Adrianna was wearing was the necklace Dmitri had gifted her and a pair of earrings Ookashi had given her long back. When Dmitri noticed that he felt bad and made a mental note of buying jewelry for her the first they are in the werewolf kingdom. He planned on taking her out to the best jewelry showroom available in the market. 

All the women out there them maintained a certain distance from Adrianna. Although Adrianna couldn't pinpoint the reason, she thought that it was because she was a half werewolf and they were all pure bloods. None of them wanted to interact with a half werewolf. 

"Let them think what they have to," communicated Dmitri mentally. "It's not your fault. You be comfortable with what you are and they have to deal with their problems." 

Adrianna sighed and sipped her wine ignoring them, but under Dmitri's sharp scrutiny. 

"That's the only glass of wine you are getting Adri," he warned her mentally. 

"Dmitri, please don't kill my enjoyment. I can easily handle wine."

"If you want enjoyment, why have wine, have me instead. I can intoxicate you better than wine," he replied shamelessly. 

"Dmitri! You shameless character," she shouted mentally at him. Others could see that Dmitri was rubbing his ears. 

"Only one glass," he repeated. He had seen her getting out of control when Niiya had taken her for a date and he had sabotaged that date. He smiled when he remembered that day. It was just too good. 

Adrianna wanted to retort but Isidorus broke their mental communication. "Come let me introduce you to Mihr."

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