Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 232 - Second Stage Of The Competition (1)

Adrianna was shocked beyond words. Through the lights that were illuminating from all around her, she could see a woman whose beauty was unearthly. She suddenly felt as though she was deeply loved and protected. She bent down on her knees as she could feel deep empathy and kindness in her heart. She wanted to embrace all the beauty that was spread around her, and not the beauty that was physical, it was coming from deep within. That higher being in front of her invoked feeling that were like a gentle stream over pebbles. Adrianna wanted to embrace her and be in peace. 

"No child, you cannot come to me so soon," said the Moon Goddess reading her mind. 

Adrianna's eyes became moist. "Do you know where my mother is?" 

"I am your mother," she replied. 

Adrianna's tears started flowing out. "Then why did you leave me so soon? I am scared – scared and lonely. I don't want to hurt my near and dear ones anymore. Wither you take me with you or take away this curse from me?" she cried like a child creating a fuss around her mother. 

"Adrianna, I want you to imagine the person you love, someone whom you would die for," said Moon Goddess understanding the turmoil in her heart. 

Adrianna could only think of two people – Dmitri and Ed. 

"Imagine someone about to harm them. Will you stand in their way fully knowing that you will be the one who will receive the deadly blow?"

"Yes, of course I will," she replied.

"Concentrate on that moment when you will stand in the way and step forward. Feel the love in your heart, your soul. How protective and resolute are you going to be?" 

Adrianna couldn't even fathom her deep feelings for the two most important men in her life. "I can die for them…" 

"If you can die for them, they can die for you," she replied making herself crystal clear. "Remember, you are the center of someone's universe. You still have a lot of tasks to do in front of you. Let them help you otherwise they will feel let down." The way Moon Goddess explained everything suddenly made sense. 

Adrianna wiped her tears as she realized that she shouldn't hesitate in taking support from those she loved because if they won't help her in her difficult times, who would. She smiled feeling lighter. 

The Moon Goddess gave her a beatific smile. "You are too young, my child. From now onwards, don't feel that you are all alone. You will find me every time you are in a dilemma."

This was the first time Adrianna had seen her. Was she dreaming? Was Moon Goddess really her mother? Adrianna's smile increased. She felt herself being encompassed into lots of love that radiated out of the goddess. All of a sudden the light became much brighter. It almost blinded her. Adrianna closed her eyes by bringing her hand in front of them. The next moment there was darkness all around her. Adrianna woke up with a start. "What was that?" she muttered. She looked to her left. Dmitri was sleeping right beside her with his arms and legs wrapped around her. She smiled at him. She stroked his cheeks and whispered, "I'd die for you…" 

He whispered back, "I'd die for you too… Perhaps, I can lie for you…"

Adrianna chuckled. That was a dream but it was so real. She could almost feel the spirit of the Moon Goddess. She felt better and resolute. Yes, she was ready for tomorrow. It was just one night. Adrianna drifted off in a peaceful sleep. 

The Next Day:

Adrianna woke up early in the morning. She dressed up for the academy and then woke up Dmitri. She told him her plan. He was still in bed and his hair was all messed up. He looked seductive as he focused and listened to her plan. Adrianna had to control her thoughts many times to complete her plan. And when she did, Dmitri got up from bed, picked her up and kissed her passionately. "Did you forget that I can hear your thoughts?" he said with a frown making her blush. 

"Now go to your academy and be fearless," he encouraged her as he placed her on the ground. Then Dmitri went to the closet and brought a fur coat from there. Adrianna remembered that it was a fur coat that was made from the skin of a bear that Dmitri had killed singlehandedly. He had made her wear that coat. "This will keep you warm." 

Adrianna giggled and walked right in front of the gates of the academy through the portal Fleur had created. The guards recognized her and opened the gates for her. 

All the senior students and professors were standing in the garden of the academy. The students were lined up in neat rows. Adrianna walked to one of the rows. She saw that Lile was standing in the same row. She smiled at Lile but Lile didn's respond. She maintained a cold expression. 

The professors started giving the students the basic necessities for the competiton. All the students had come wearing thick fur coats as instructed in the notice.

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