Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 258 - The Sea Horse (1)

Just as she was about to leave the classroom, she recalled that the monster had asked her to deliver three recent potions that she had made. She turned around to look at Professor Ziu. "The monster wanted the last three potions I have made. Has this got anything to do with Professor Lane? Do you think he knows anything about it?" 

"Let's ask him," replied Ziu and both of them rushed to find him. 

Meanwhile, Professor Lane was teaching the potion class for students who were lagging as compared to their peers . When he saw them, he paused in his lecture and came out of the classroom to talk to them. However, before any of them could do more than look at each other , Professor Ziu sucked them all in a vortex to his office. 

"We must talk here in privacy." 

Adrianna looked at Professor Lane and explained the entire situation to him. "Which monster could ask for potions? All the potions that I have created are fatal, especially the last one that we all created using a viper's venom." 

Professor Lane's face became pale. He quickly explained, "The only kind of monster who would want that kind of potion(s) is the one that lived in the North Seas . He predated on fish found in deep sea and rarely come up to the shallow waters. However, if he has, then he is surely looking for something and the fact that he had appeared in front of you means you hold the key to his wishes. He has taken Nate as ransom. While I am saying this, you should also know that he could become a human when needed and come out of the sea. Although, he cannot stay out of the sea for more than a day." 

"So it is highly possible that he had met Nate on land and lured him into the deep sea?" asked Adrianna, totally astounded. 


"What else do you know professor?" 

"If it stays out of water for more than a day, its mind will become fuzzy and it can't think anything cohesively. Apart from that, remember he is just too egotistical. So if you provoke him, he will make sure that he rips Nate's limbs." 

"Why does he want the potions?" asked Ziu.

"Because I think he is addicted to the viper's venom or it could be that it is a trap for a bigger prize, which could be you, in this case, Adrianna…" 

"What have I done to provoke a monster?" asked Adrianna still dazed at what Professor Lane was saying. She paused for a long time and wondered what it was that she had done in the recent past that could lead up to this situation. All of a sudden she remembered, "I wanted to ask you one thing, Professor Ziu."

"Sure, what is it, Adrianna?" 

"A student named Raz tried to kill me during the second stage of the competition. He said that there is someone who is far superior to him and he wanted me dead. However, I foiled his plans and in the battle that pursued, I injured him heavily. Worried for his safety, I lit the torch that was given to me and a professor walked out of a portal, lifted him and walked away without asking a word about his injury. I was baffled. Can you tell me who is Raz? I have never met him." 

"Raz? Who is Raz? I don't know. There is no such student in the senior class who would enter the competition!" replied Ziu even more bewildered. "We haven't heard of anyone named Raz!"

Adrianna raised her eyebrows and her mouth fell open. "Raz tried to kill me using a bow and arrow… he was there in the arena with me for some time. We made a shelter together."

"Adrianna, I am telling you there is no Raz! Did you hallucinate? It is normal to hallucinate in such conditions." 

She blinked and then tilted her head getting even more suspicious. If she would have been killed over there, no one would have come to know as to who did it and would have walked away as quietly as he had come.

"Professor Ziu, I am not speaking a lie. Please investigate this matter." 

Then she looked at Professor Lane and said, "Could you please give me those potions?" 

"I am sorry Adrianna but those are deadly potions. They cannot leave academy's grounds."

"Please professor, I have to save a friend's life." 

Lane looked at Ziu who nodded in agreement. He snapped his fingers and the three potions appeared in front of them in a glass box. "Be careful with them. They cannot fall into enemy's hands because if they do, they can only wreak havoc . A single drop of any of these potions can potentially kill the ecosystem of an entire lake." 

Adrianna thanked Professor Lane profusely and left the academy grounds. As she went out of the academy, she found Liam talking to Fleur. "I will come back as soon as possible."

Fleur pursed her lips. When she saw Adrianna coming out at that time, she was surprised. "Are you sick?" 

Adrianna ignored Fleur and mentally communicated with Liam. "I got the message about Nate."

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