Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 261 - The Sea Horse (4)

"I don't want to put your life in danger," she tried to explain them. 

"My life was in danger the day I married you!" replied Dmitri with a snarl. He was seething with anger. Adrianna could totally justify his anger. After all Nate was his beta. 

Hearing his answer, Adrianna bit her lip. She was looking at Fleur to instruct her regarding the potions when she saw that Dmitri and Liam had already taken off their clothes and had jumped into the lake. Adrianna hurriedly instructed Fleur, "Stay there as near as possible to the area where we will go inside the water of the lake. Wait for my signal to come and give me the potions, okay?" 

Fleur nodded. She was also feeling extremely nervous as she watched Liam swimming away along with Dmitri. She was afraid of the unknown danger. Her face had already lost all its colour, which Adrianna noticed. She patted her shoulder to assure her, "Fleur, I won't let anything happen to Liam. Trust me." 

"They are swimming towards the center of the lake at a great speed Adrianna. Please go, you have to catch up with them," Fleur urged. 

Adrianna snapped her fingers and in a second she vanished from there leaving a stunned Fleur behind. Fleur smiled through her panic, Adrianna was a half witch. She saw Adrianna appearing right above the water in the center of the lake. She walked around the top of the water a little - as if the water was hard ground for her. She looked at Dmitri and Liam and pointed her finger at them. They were lifted in the air and pulled towards her. They felt as though there was a force that was keeping them suspended in the air. 

When they reached near her, she said, "Save your energy to fight with the monster!" and jumped inside. The two of them looked at each other stupidly. How could they forget what Adrianna could do? The force around them broke and the two of them fell into the water with a huge splash. Once inside, they saw that Adrianna had swum deeper. They followed her.

Each of them as a werewolf, could hold their breath underwater for no more than two hours. After that, they would have to come to the surface to catch their breath. This meant that they only had two hours to find Nate and bring him up. 

As Adrianna went further inside, she saw that the water became murkier. It was actually turning greyish. The tall water planktons inside were swaying with the movement that was created by them. They were hindering their vision. Dmitri and Liam followed her further deep down. It was eerie around them. There was no aquatic animal at such deep sea levels , not even a speck of life be seen around them. It looked dark, dirty and very depressing. 

As they swam further down, Adrianna saw that there was a spot where almost all the fish had concentrated and was circling around. She stopped several meters away from there. She recalled her vision. She turned towards Dmitri and Liam and signaled for them to stop, indicating that this is where Nate should be. Dmitri could see Adrianna's pale white skin as her hair flowed around her in water. She looked like the goddess of water. She smiled at him and then turned again to go near the fish. 

She was only a few meters away from the spot, when suddenly all the fish left the area and started moving out. 

"Adrianna, why have you come here?" Adrianna heard them whispering. "Go back… he is coming here…" 

The fish left the place in a hurry, swimming past them flapping their fins loudly in fright. As soon as they cleared the area, Adrianna could see Nate lying on the floor of the lake. His body was half-covered with mud. She signaled Dmitri and Liam to come there quickly. Dmitri and Liam were thunderstruck when they saw Nate's body lying like that. They rushed to pick him from there. 

They were only a few meters away, when a huge wave of water came and tossed the three of them several meters away. They saw Nate's body rolling on the floor. Shocked, they again started swimming towards him. 

"What happened?" Liam communicated mentally. 

"I don't know…" replied Adrianna. 

As they were closing in, they saw a figure swimming towards them. It was very lazily swimming towards them. Adrianna narrowed her eyes to see what it was –"The Monster!" she shouted. The other two stood there behind her on the floor transfixed in their position. 

The sea horse with thousands of fins around it, swam towards them at a sedate pace. 

As the sea horse came near, he could see Adrianna standing on the bed of the lake, as the other two men stood right behind her. He looked at them with hot blazing eyes.

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