Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 263 - The Sea Horse (6)

Slowly Raz removed his tail from Nate. Adrianna came near Nate and held his hand. She kept the potions box on the floor of the lake and put her foot on it. Then she signaled Dmitri and Liam to come there and pick Nate. They swam there and held Nate between the two of them. 

"Go out with him. I will follow you," she ordered. 

Suddenly, Dmitri realized that Adrianna was sacrificing her safety because of Nate. He felt a sharp pain in his heart. He stared at her and said, "Come with me, now!" 

"No, Dmitri. If I leave now, none of us would make it back alive. Let me handle this, I will come up soon."

Liam had held Nate and he tugged Dmitri, "Let's go pal, else Nate may never gain consciousness." 

Dmitri was lost. What the hell did he say back then? Adrianna had heard him. He had said that he regretted marrying her out of anger and now that she was sacrificing herself, he wanted to die with her. 

"Give me that potions box Adrianna, else I will kill the two men with you."

Adrianna looked at Dmitri. She knew what he wanted. She closed her eyes and brought her hands forward. 

"Noooo! Adri! Noooo! You can't do that!" he shouted. But by that time she had already thrown her hands forward and a large wave of turbulent water was created and it took them to the shores of the lake. 

Dmitri and Liam landed safely on dry land with Nate, while Adrianna stayed inside, all alone to fight the monster. 

"That was very clever of you, Adrianna. Even admiral, I would say but nonetheless, foolish.," Raz commented. "But it is better for me. I didn't want them to fight me. They are of no value to me. Why should I waste my time on them? I have what I wanted – You…"

Adrianna smiled. "Of course I knew what you wanted all along. Do you think it is so easy to take down a person like me?" She stopped and pressed the box in the mud. Then she crossed her arms across her chest and looked at him, "I am sure Nate must have given you a good fight because from what I have heard you can't stay on earth for more than a day. The fact that you spoke to Nate in a warbled voice in the shop means that you were already short on time that day. You lured Nate and took him to the jungle, instead of the town. Nate must have resisted you quite a lot. So, I wonder, if Nate is capable enough of fighting against you when you were almost on the last dredges of your power, I shouldn't break a sweat while trying to finish you off. What do you think?"

Raz looked at her in anger. "Nate is a patient man. It was slightly difficult to take him down. I had to sting him with my saliva to make him unconscious. But Adrianna… what will be your fate? You are in my realm after all and that changes everything, doesn't it?…" 

Adrianna looked at him scornfully. Then, she closed her eyes, brought her hands forward and circled them in a shape of ball. The water inside the ball appeared like a little bundle of sea storm. It looked powerful enough to destroy anything that came in its way. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, which were now golden yellow like that of a wolf and threw that ball of storm in his direction. 

Raz was amused at her little trick when he saw her creating that ball of storm. However, he wasn't ready for the impact of the ball. As soon it hit him, he was thrown several meters away and the water around him started swirling dangerously. 

He shouted from within, "Adrianna! I am going to kill you!" A string of curses unraveled from his tongue, as he fought through the storm and advanced. Its black scales looked dark and dirty as its fins would open and close rapidly. He swam towards Adrianna to knock her down, but she dodged him deftly. She threw a large amount of mud at his eyes. The mud made his vision blurry. He tried to dodge and extended his claws to strike her, but she was nowhere to be found. He lost his balance and tumbled down into the mud. Angrily, he got up and cleared the mud from his eyes. He saw that Adrianna had already started swimming up.

"You are scared, aren't you, Adrianna?" he leapt towards her and reached her in one giant leap. Once again he stretched his hand to catch her. 

Meanwhile, Adrianna had already sensed that he was nearby, she increased her speed to break through the surface of the water. She dodged him yet again and finally, reached the surface. She inhaled deeply, giving her lungs the much needed oxygen. Fleur saw her and using her wand, pulled her out of the water. As Adrianna was being thrown out of water, Raz leapt behind her, caught her by her foot and took her back inside. Fleur's magic was broken.

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