Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 282 - He Basically Lured You In

"In the first class, the student is supposed to explore himself or herself within their mind. There are stages through which you can master the spell," he replied. "I didn't know that Vikra would find his way there. I just followed you because the two of you weren't coming out and Nefasky shrieked."

"Then why did you take that chance with me?" she asked with a frown. Wasn't he responsible for her safety?

"Because you are different. I know your potential," said Zephyr and left the class. 

Adrianna looked at him exiting the door. She smiled. She found Zephyr odd. He was very straightforward and it seemed he was only interested in his own career rather than thinking about anything. He was selfish but he wasn't into nasty acts. At least that was what her reading was. He wasn't scheming type. He was focused and brilliant. However, Adrianna had to investigate more about him. She decided to meet Isidorus that evening. She was in no mood to go to the werewolf realm because of the drama Cora had created. She was hoping that Dmitri would come to the wizard kingdom instead. 

She went to her potions class where all the students looked at her with awe. They looked at her with appreciative glances. Before Professor had entered the class, Lenny and Shay went to her. They thanked her for helping Nefasky out. 

Lenny asked curiously, "What really happened in the cell Adrianna?" 

Adrianna couldn't say anything about what exactly happened inside but she dodged the question. She just smiled and said, "You have to try it out." However she knew that was going to recommend banning that spell.  

While they were talking about it, there was an announcement on the loudspeaker. "Students, please assemble in the garden tomorrow early morning. We will be announcing the dates and rules for the third stage of the competition."

Adrianna noticed that after the announcement many students sulked. They were complaining, "We haven't aggregated enough points to enter." 

"The administration is just being plain biased to weak students."

"They should have told about this stipulation beforehand."  

"The ministry is filled with people who have biased opinions."

Adrianna only listened to the gossip, as she didn't want to participate in it. 

When the classes got over in the evening, she went to the palace. That day when she was flying in the royal carriage, she asked Fleur, "Why can't I fly like the way you do on the brooms?" 

Fleur smiled and said, "This carriage is like that bullet proof cars that people have in human realm. It is protected by a large number of spells. If you remember the incident that happened few weeks back, it was the parrot they harmed and not the carriage. So as long as you are there in the carriage, no outside harm can affect you." 

Adrianna was impressed. She smiled and sat in silence for the rest of the journey. When she reached the palace, she found Isidorus waiting for her. 

Adrianna was surprised as to how did he know that she wanted to meet him but she didn't ask anything. Everything in the wizard kingdom was weird. 

"Good evening," she greeted him. 

Isidorus passed that rare smile and nodded. He was looking tired as if he hadn't rested for a long time.  

"There are so many things I would like to talk to you about, Isidorus," said Adrianna as she started walking towards the main hall. 

"Yes, I know…" he replied.  

When they were seated, the first thing that she asked was, "How did Vikra reach Nefasky's mind?"

Isidorus narrowed his eyes. "Explain me what happened." 

Adrianna realized that except Zephyr, Nefasky and her, no one knew about the incident. She narrated the entire occurrence without missing a single detail. "So now tell me how did Vikra manage to get inside her cell?" 

"You see getting inside someone's cell is easy for Vikra. He doesn't have to be physically present to get inside. All he needs is that spell which will open an entrance to your mind. Unlike others who can enter the cell of the person whom they have cast the spell upon, Vikra can enter anyone's cell," Isidorus replied with concern etched on his face. 

"Do you mean that he heard the name of the spell being cast and came here?" 

"Yes… he can hear people casting that spell…" He was impressed that Adrianna could enter anyone's cell just like Vikra. 

"Then it is dangerous Isidorus. How many people in the wizard kingdom know about the spell?" she asked with doubts. 

"Only a handful few. You should understand Adrianna that even if that spell were cast, Vikra wouldn't come and enter anyone's mind. Why would he waste time on people who are of no importance to him?" Isidorus paused and then added, "He must have heard Zephyr using that spell in the academy and he couldn't leave that opportunity. It was unfortunate that Nefasky got trapped in it. He would have entered any other student's cell too only because he wanted to meet you. He basically lured you in." 

"In that case, we must ban using the spell. How come we have allowed Zephyr to teach it to the students?" Adrianna said insisting on her words. 

"There is no curriculum that mentions that this spell needs to be banned. But why did Zephyr teach it?"  

"Because he wanted to convey to me that he would stake claim for the crown. He said that I have to decide who would go first to stake the claim."

Isidorus smiled and asked, "What have you decided Adrianna?" 

"I haven't decided anything Isidorus…" she said looking in distance as if thinking about something. Then she looked at Isidorus and continued, "I want you to tell Mihr about today's incident."

"Of course, that goes without saying," Isidorus laughed. 

Mihr was there with his daughter in the infirmary. She had fainted and the healer was trying his best to revive her. 

"What has happened to her, please tell me?" asked Mihr. His wife was crying hysterically. 

From what he had heard from the students, Zephyr had taught them a spell for which she volunteered. She couldn't manage it and Zephyr and Adrianna had to go and rescue her. It was very confusing. He had tried to contact Zephyr to know details, but he wasn't responding.

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