Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 289 - Third Stage Of The Competition (4)

When Adrianna's men came back with the information the next day in the morning, she was shocked. Cy's men had threatened to kill Nefasky and her mother if Mihr didn't comply with their wishes of helping them out. Mihr had refused to help them anymore. Since Nefasky was still in the hospital in the human realm, she was at risk. Adrianna asked Fleur to discuss this issue with Isidorus and bring more safety around them. Getting Mihr on their side meant less problems in the wizard kingdom, although she wasn't sure what was Cy and Vikra capable of doing outside the kingdom. 


The first thing that Mihr did once he came back to the wizard kingdom was to meet Adrianna. He had decided in the hospital as to what would he do in the future. He knew that whatever action he would take, he would definitely become the target of Vikra's wrath. 

The fact that Adrianna had approached him with a plan in the party, he was encouraged to join her and the only way to show that he supported her was to help her out with the competition. For him it had become paramount that she won the competition and also the crown. With that in mind, he went to meet Adrianna in the palace. 

After Mihr had left, Dmitri and Adrianna had gone to the second level where they strolled around hand in hand in a secluded area so that no one would disturb their walk. Last time in the third level, wizards and witches had followed them everywhere they went. It was as if they had no privacy. This was also the reason why Adrianna had restricted visiting out until she was crowned. Although Fleur said that this only brought popularity. However, Adrianna's argument was that the crown didn't accept the ruler based on popularity! 

When they came back, it was already pretty late so they went off to sleep immediately. 


Next day, when Adrianna went to the academy, the students in her class were all murmuring in their own groups. There was no teacher in the class. She went and sat on a chair in the front row where Lenny and others were present. 

"Adrianna, do you know that Professor Zephyr is on indefinite leave?" said Lenny with dismay. 

"This is so irresponsible of him," said Shay feeling sad. "Now that we have only four days left, who will teach us the remaining spells?"

"I am disappointed in him," commented another student. "He just wants to show that he is the best by not helping other students."

"Are we going to get another teacher?" asked Adrianna remembering what Mihr had told her the previous evening. She was actually disappointed with Zephyr's behavior. 

"I hope so," replied the brown haired boy. "Usually the teachers substitute." 

"However, no one has come until now…" said Lenny feeling upset. "Why has the academy suddenly become devoid of so many teachers?" 

Adrianna wondered as to when would Professor Ziu come. 

While the students were sulking and complaining, suddenly there was an announcement on the speakers, "We are having a new person from the ministry to teach the senior class all the magic spells. Please wait for your new teacher." 

Immediately a wave of relief passed over the students. There was excitement again in the class.  

"Who could that be?" asked Lenny. 

"Someone from ministry? That means we are surely going to get quality classes," chuckled a girl. 

In the next five everyone started chattering loudly and while they were all in their own world regarding competition, a loud "Ahem!" brought them back to the class.  

Adrianna and others looked at their new professor with wide eyes!

"Good morning all!" said Professor Coral standing in front of the class. 

Adrianna bit her lip. She didn't know that Professor Coral was from the ministry. She thought that Coral was a regular professor over there or was she missing something?

"I have been appointed from the ministry to fill the gap for these four days. Unfortunately Professor Zephyr has gone on an indefinite leave. However, whatever spells I will teach now will only be for students who have qualified for the third stage of the competition. Hence these spells will be relevant to them. Other students who want to join can surely join in, but some of these spells are not in your regular curriculum, so why even bother?" said Coral with a smile inviting chuckles. "Whoever wants to leave the class may leave it now." 

In the next five minutes, only sixteen students were left. Coral started with giving each of them a paper that listed the spells she would teach. 

After the first class got over, Adrianna went to Coral and said with a smile, "I didn't know you were from ministry…" 

Coral smiled. Her reply made Adrianna stunned beyond words.

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