Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 294 - The Torture Of Adriannas'

"No! No! I don't want harem. Come to me darling," he cried, as he spread his arms in front of him. 

Adrianna snapped her fingers and they all disappeared. She laughed to her heart's content and then went to sit in his lap. She kissed his lips and said, "What are we going to do now?" 

"What a stupid question to ask," he replied and threw her towel across the room. The flower canopy surrounded them. 

When it was time for dinner, the two of them changed and came out. Once again Dmitri commented, "I think I would love to see that harem again." 


The next day in the morning Adrianna got up earlier than Dmitri. He was sleeping and smiling at the same time. In the night he had mumbled number of times, "Adri, don't run, let me take those clothes off you… Second Adri, come sit on me… third Adri…" 

Adrianna was angry by the time it was morning. So she got up quietly and got dressed. Just before leaving she snapped her fingers and the five Adrianna's reappeared. 

When Dmitri opened his eyes, he saw the five of them around him, all wearing only panties. "Adri! You can't do this to me!" shouted Dmitri so loudly that the servants also heard him. He avoided all of them and went to the bathroom, but they followed him there. He closed his eyes while waiting for the bathtub to fill, but as soon as he sat down in the bathtub, they sat all around him. One of them opened her legs as she took her panties off. Dmitri was going mad by the minute. He jumped at her, but she dodged him and went to sit at the other side. 

He wanted to go to the werewolf realm that day but couldn't, scared that those Adrianna's would follow him and people might see her body. He ordered all his meals in the bedroom and stayed confined there until his wife returned. 


Back in the academy, Coral taught the sixteen students more spells. It was very exhausting. None of the students were talking to each other. No one was interested in even greeting each other. The competition had made them too selfish. Everyone was worried that they may give away tips that were necessary for winning in the competition. Adrianna couldn't blame them. It was not that they had created the world around them. They had not made the choice of getting into a competition, they were all being forced into it. The society was such that it judged people based on how much they could learn and how well they could perform. None of them felt guilty about being mean to others. 

Adrianna felt the same. The students in front of her were all rivals – all of them wanted to beat her down first because they all wanted to prove themselves to be better than the best. During the class everybody only concentrated on their work and the teacher. 

After the class finally ended, Adrianna went to the notice board again. This time she wanted to memorize all the rules by heart. She saw that Lile was also there. Somehow she didn't know why but she delved into Lile's mind. She was shocked to know what she was thinking. She was trying to find loopholes in the rules. 

When she saw Adrianna, Lile immediately shifted the strap of her bag on her shoulder and went away from there. Lile wasn't in her pool, which was good but that also meant that she might face her as an opponent. 

Adrianna went to the notice board once Lile left and then looked at all the rules. She wondered what loopholes there might be. She made a mental note to discuss them with Mihr the next day. 

When she went home in the evening, Dmitri was on his bed lying nude stroking his member as the five Adrianna sat around him. "Adri, I am going to kill you today!" he shouted as soon as he saw her and lunged at her. Adrianna laughed and ran from there to the balcony and he followed her there. He growled and pinned her to the edge of the balcony, pressing his naked member against her and then picked her up carrying her on one of his shoulders. He spanked her multiple times before throwing her on the bed. 


The next two days passed in the blink of an eye. Cora had dismissed all the girls. A few more came the next day but she dismissed them too. Somehow she was getting impatient about something. When Dmitri hadn't returned the next day from the wizard kingdom, she became sad because she had waited for him the entire day. However, when he came back the next day, she voiced her wish to him very softly. 

When Dmitri heard his mother, he looked at her as though he hadn't heard her correctly. He rubbed his ears and looked at her again with blinking eyes.

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