Adrianna looked at her grandfather satisfactorily. She was happy that the war was over. Her pain had started throbbing inside her body all over again, but she didn't let it show on her face. She closed her eyes to focus on her inner energy, but being too weak, she failed. Her grandfather watched as she tried to use her power, smiling at her efforts.

"Adri, don't use your energy now. Your internal organs won't be able to heal fast if you try channelizing your inner energy now. I'm going to get you a normal pain killer for humans," said her grandfather, fetching his medicine kit. He had cleaned and sanitized Adrianna's wounds carefully so that they wouldn't get infected, but there were still large gashes and a broken bone in her rib. She had fought bravely without complaining, and as usual, her father wasn't interested in even knowing of her whereabouts. Despite Kuro's disinterest, Ed had heard that he had hosted a grand feast to celebrate his victory.​​

Ed took out a painkiller and gave twice the normal human dosage to Adrianna. It had been a day and she still hadn't healed up completely. It worried Ed because werewolves had a tendency to heal very fast; minor wounds barely had a chance to show up before they were healed. More serious and larger wounds, like large gashes, would heal within a few hours or a day at the most. For a pure-blood, healing never took that long, and injuries would soon be gone, as though they had never happened in first place.

Adrianna had been to several battles before and her wounds had healed fast, but her body wasn't healing fast this time. She also had a fractured rib bone, meaning she had to have been hit by a sharp object, or have fallen onto the ground with a heavy force; he wanted to know about it.

Adrianna took the medicine and rested. At first, she couldn't fall asleep because of the pain, but as the medicine started taking effect, she began to fall into a deep sleep.

When Adrianna woke up next, she saw that the morning sun had filled her room. The sunrays were falling onto her face so she brought her hand over her eyes to shield them from the rays. She turned to the side and saw that her grandfather was sitting on a chair reading a journal surveying the jungles around them. The magazine's. journalists had reported that they'd encountered werewolves in the jungles. His brows furrowed. Humans and werewolves had signed a treaty more than two hundred years ago, ensuring that there would be no interaction between the two species and that the werewolves would have to hide themselves if they wanted to cohabitate on the planet. For that reason, the werewolves had hidden their true identities. While most of them stayed within the jungles and amongst their own people, a few still had the courage to step out and mingle with humans.

Adrianna was one such girl. She had been too headstrong ever since she was a kid and had wanted to mingle with humans. There were special schools created by werewolves for their children, but Adriana had insisted on attending school with humans. Her father allowed her to do so; for all he cared, she may as well end up dead with them. Thankfully, Ed was constantly around her to show her how to conduct herself amongst humans. With years of practice, she had mastered the art of staying undetected.

Adrianna smiled at her grandfather, removing the sheets and rose from the bed. She yawned and said, "Good morning Grandfather!"

All her wounds had healed and she was looking as beautiful as ever. As she smiled, she emitted a brilliant aura around her. Her grandfather stood and hit her head with the magazine.

"Ouch!" she cried, her aura disappearing fast as she got angry with her old grandfather.

"You know how to make people tense!" he growled at her. "Once you have had your breakfast, you have to tell me everything about your encounter with the enemy, especially how you got that fracture in the rib?"

"What fracture Grandfather?" she poked her ribs to find it, but all she could find were her toned muscles.

Ed sighed. "Get ready for breakfast. I want to hear it all after."

"But Grandpa, I want to go to college. I have already skipped classes for multiple days." Adrianna hadn't been able to attend college ever since the battle had started and her father had commanded her to fight alongside her brothers.

"Sorry young lady, no college today. You have to stay back and tell me everything!"

Adriana was worried that she must have missed important classes. She was just a freshman and had just started college in the fall. With an IQ of 160, Adrianna didn't have difficulty in taking her college admission exams and get a perfect SAT score. Almost all the universities that she had applied to had accepted her, but she had chosen to go to the one her grandfather had chosen for her.

She pouted, looking at him with 'pretty please' cute eyes to persuade him to let her go, but nothing worked. Adriana had to accept defeat and went to take a shower while her grandfather left the room to prepare her favorite breakfast.

Half an hour later, she was sitting in front of her grandfather narrating to him about all the major events of the war.

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