Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 306 - Third Stage Of The Competition (14)

Eventually Shay became irritated and Adrianna read that emotion. His eyes flashed with annoyance. Cora had told her that the moment the opponent became irritated, a bad idea would creep into his or her mind. In that moment, a person's intelligence got funneled to his feet and walked out of the door. Shay's face flushed red and in that moment of anger, his mind opened. 

It was 2AM in the morning and Adrianna smiled as soon as she read him. She was surprised initially but her plan was set now. Suddenly she saw that Shay had lifted his wand and cast the spell "Vrakhas Azadea." A large amount of lethal energy emitted from his wand. She remembered how Cy had used that spell against her in the battle to kill her when she had met him for the first time. 

She pointed her wand towards that lethal energy, and without even chanting a spell, her wand emitted a large amount of energy that was equal to the one Shay had thrown at her. In fact the wand had remembered the spell and the attack on its owner. 

Every wand evolved with every spell that was cast by it. It remembered the spell and in the process would adjust its capacity to hex. That was why the wizards became more powerful with each battle they fought. 

Adrianna's wand remembered the spell and started throwing more and more energy towards the light from Shay's wand. The two of them were barely thirty feet away. There was so much light generated from the wands that the entire segment was brightly lot. No one could see the two competitors. They were engulfed in the light. 

As that spell continued, none of the competitors were backing down. However, after about half an hour, Adrianna managed to overcome Shay. Her wand had become so powerful that it threw twice as much as what it was facing. Shay couldn't hold it any longer. He was exerting a lot of force and energy to stay but eventually he stumbled back as Adrianna walked forward. Finally after intense battle, Shay was thrown back. 

It was at this time Adrianna read his thoughts clearly. 

"I will do this for you Zola," he shouted inside and sprang up. 

Adrianna was shocked but on an instant thinking, she changed her image to Zola. Shay was shocked. 

Adrianna dived further in his mind when he let his guard down. It appeared that he loved Zola but she never reciprocated. He had been meaning to tell her about his love for her but she was killed by Adrianna in the second stage of the competition. It seemed that he had been waiting to take his revenge from Adrianna since that day. 

Mihr had taught Adrianna "Uestis Energy" spell in which she could emanate an aura of cannibalism that sapped the strength of the opponent and channeled it into her system. 

Shay was stunned beyond words. He stumbled back a little and that was Adrianna's opportunity. She pointed her wand and casted dual spells, "Uestis Energy" along with the charm spell. At that instant Shay became too attracted to her. She had to cast the charm spell on him because she knew that he would wake up soon if only "Uestis Energy" spell was cast and might use his energy to deflect it. 

With the charm spell, Shay started walking towards Adrianna. He could feel his energy depleting from his body and as his energy depleted, Adrianna started glowing more and more. She was sapping his energy fast. By the time Shay was only a few feet away, he had fallen on his limbs and had started crawling towards her, "Zola, my love… I had waited for you for so long…" 

Somehow he came near her. Now his entire energy had been depleted. He felt as though he would lose consciousness but he wanted to reach out to Zola, he had to tell her how he felt about her. His love was flowing out of his heart but why was he feeling weak? 

He couldn't even crawl now. He pulled his body forward the last five feet and touched Adrianna's feet. As soon as he had touched them, he fainted. His wand rolled away from him. Adrianna stopped the spell immediately otherwise he would have forever lost his consciousness and might have gone into a coma. 

She picked his wand and with both her hands up declared that she had won the competition. 

It was 5AM in the morning. The sun had cracked the darkness. 

The audience exploded with cheers. They started cheering loudly. All they could see was a winner in whose feet the loser was lying unconscious. She smiled faintly. She was totally exhausted. The segment opened for her and she came out. She thought that Ed and Cora must have left by now but she was surprised to see all of them sitting there. Dmitri was dancing stupidly like they would around the fire to invoke wolf spirits, Ed and Cora simply held their hands high up in the air. 

She had won it! 

When she had won that fight, Dmitri felt so good to root for something so real and so important. All that training and all those grueling sessions that she had gone through, when she felt like her goal was even possible, but she managed to do it. She won it! She did it! Along with Cora and Ed, he was giving her every ounce of power that they could from the audience. 

Her broom came and nudged her to sit over it. Adrianna sat on it and the broom took her proudly around the field very slowly. 

It was 7AM by the time Adrianna reached the palace. She was received by Dmitri who carried her from the carriage to the bedroom in his hands. He was scared that she might fall unconscious after that intense battle against Shay. The moment he placed her on the bed, Adrianna slept. He saw a small tear escaping her eye. He held it in his hand and whispered, "No, you can't."

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