"Why are you here?" Adrianna wondered what sort of question was that. She had just poured all the details about Shay and yet Professor Ziu asked why she was there! 

"Why have you come to the academy?" he asked her again. 

Adrianna snapped from her thoughts about what happened to Shay. "I- I- I came here to- to complain about Shay…" she said as she felt guilty. After seeing him going through so much pain, she really didn't want to complain. Shay was doing that because of Cy. This meant that Vikra was behind all this. 

"What did he do?" he asked staring at her with ferocious looks. 

"During the competition, he used the spell "Ponos Maxima". 

"Yes, we have received a complaint about that Adrianna. In fact the meeting today was called to discuss about his disqualification from the competition. We had asked Shay to come and explain about it however, it seems that the moment he came here, he was abducted," answered Ziu with all seriousness. 

"In all probability he is going to be disqualified. I am afraid that we might even expel him from the academy because if what you are saying is correct, then we have zero tolerance for any collusion with Cy. In fact I am shocked that Shay had been in contact with Cy," said Ziu looking at Coral. 

Coral was quiet all the time. She watched Ziu as he spoke. She sat down on the chair that was right in front of his table. She looked up at him, tilted her head and asked him, "Ziu, the grounds of the academy are very well protected. Not a soul can enter unless the guards allow them. Other than the professors, no student can create a portal or get sucked in a vortex within the academy premise. Then how did Cy and his man come inside?" 

"I am as confused as you are Coral…" said Ziu sitting on his chair and keeping his head on his hands. 

Coral shook her head. "Things aren't adding up. I need a thorough check on all the professors here. I know students can't let anyone enter." 

Ziu looked at her with attention. "Okay!" he said. "I will get someone to do it." Then he looked at Adrianna who was looking confused. "Adrianna, don't think much about Shay. We will take care about it. You should go back home and concentrate for tomorrow." 

Adrianna smiled. She was about to ask as to who complained it before her but thought not to ask because she didn't want to sound desperate or pushy. The authority was already taking care of the problem, so why push it further. "Yes Professor Ziu. I will take my leave." She left them and went back to the palace. 

Coral said, "Ziu, I am going to the infirmary to question Shay. This is a grave matter. How could a person like Cy enter the academy? What is happening? Why is the security so loose? I am asking the ministry to send in more people on the ground who will be monitoring this place." 

"Coral, Adrianna said that she heard Cy. She never saw him. It is possible that Shay was hexed by none other than his own family. We all know what sort of man Shay's father is. It is best not to get so worked up on an issue like that and be careful before accusing any professor. Unless we have evidence, we can't go around telling the professors that one of you allowed Cy to enter the academy grounds," reasoned Ziu. He felt that Coral was overreacting. 

"No father or mother would go to the extent of killing their own child," answered Coral with anger in her eyes. "Don't take this issue so lightly and if you think that the parents were the ones who hexed him, then I would like to talk to them. They are insane and in need of medication. I will get them arrested for attempt to murder." 

Ziu was now out of reasoning with her. He closed his eyes and then finally said, "We can only catch them if we have evidence. Unless we have evidence we can't do anything. Whatever Adrianna said could be submitted as evidence but that needs verification. Were you present there when she saw Cy's man? Did you hear the voice of Cy? All you girls saw were the hands of the wizard out there and Shay was bleeding profusely. You need to really give me the evidence and only then I will allow you to get more security on the grounds of academy. Else I think you are doubting my ability as the principle here." 

Shocked at his words, Coral looked at him with wide eyes. He was taking the entire topic in a different direction. "I am only concerned about the safety of the children here." 

"Even I am!" 

Coral was furious at Ziu. She stood from her chair and walked out of his room without saying another word. Before she closed the door, she turned to look at him and said, "No one is allowed to enter the room where Shay is being treated until I question him. Even you!" Saying that she closed the door with a bang. 

Ziu gritted his teeth and pounded the table. His options were becoming narrower with ministry interfering in his matters constantly. 


When Adrianna reached the palace, she found Dmitri waiting for her. He had very serious expressions on his face. He held her hand and pulled her to an inside chamber that was adjacent to the dining hall. Adrianna was shocked when she saw who was inside. Isidorus was standing there beside a sofa looking outside a window pondering over something.

It was a small room, which looked like a study. Adrianna had never been to that room. She didn't even know that this room existed. There were numerous books stacked neatly on the shelf. Only one table was present there in the corner and two huge sofas. 

She looked from Dmitri to Isidorus. "How come you are here?" she asked bewildered. Isidorus was not supposed to meet any student in the competition and she was the finalist! 

"Good evening Adrianna," said Isidorus when he heard her. He was lost in his thoughts. "Coral had informed me of the latest things that have happened and I am concerned." 

"Good evening Isidorus," said Adrianna as she sat on the sofa in front of him where Dmitri had already sat down. "What do I do?"

"I could sense the presence of dark forces around the wizard kingdom, Adrianna." Isidorus was looking very grave. "They will try to kill you at each and every step now. They are waiting for the right moment to strike you. Tomorrow is the last day of the competition and you will be facing Lile. I have come here to talk to you about Lile."

"What is it Isidorus?" asked Dmitri as he held Adrianna's hand. "If the danger is imminent, I won't let Adrianna get into it voluntarily. I mean who would be such an idiot?" 

Isidorus looked at Adrianna and said, "If you like, you can go back to the werewolf kingdom now, but after that the wizard kingdom is going to be very chaotic. We are banking on you to get us out of the danger that is hanging on us. We have people who are eating us like termites from inside the kingdom and they are helping the dark forces outside. And I know that you can lead us, but I am concerned about your safety. If it was me, I would have crowned you the moment you had entered." Isidorus sighed and then continued, "But there are important people who are conspiring. They have prevented me from crowning you. Now the matters have escalated to a great extent. I want you to focus on the competition tomorrow and emerge as a winner. It is going to be tough." 

Adrianna wondered how much tougher it can get after Shay. 

"So if you want to quit now, you can." 

Adrianna shook her head, "I will not quit." 

"Are you sure?" asked Isidorus.


"After this you can never leave the responsibilities of wizard kingdom."

"I know!" 

Dmitri got scared. Adrianna held his hand in hers, feeling his fear to calm him down. 

"Then let me tell you something about Lile." 

Adrianna stared at Isidorus. What could it be that Isidorus would tell about Lile? She had already identified her weak and strong points and had discussed her strategy with Dmitri and Cora. 

What Isidorus mentioned next was shocking beyond words!

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