Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 313 - Third Stage Of The Competition (18)

The day ended and as the night fell, Lile started feeling colder. She had to take refuge somewhere. With all those voices coming from somewhere, she was getting mentally tortured. She had jumped into the desert to sap out Adrianna's energy but in this terrain Adrianna got back to her ten times stronger. She wondered if she would even survive the maze. Her magic was not that effective inside the maze. 

As she walked to find an exit, she heard metal clinking. She ran towards the source of the sound thinking if she could take advantage of the place and exit the maze, but to her horror, she saw a big boulder-sized spider with metal legs walking towards her. Lile immediately took refuge in the corner inside a hedge. She covered herself in the leaves and waited for the spider to go hoping that it hadn't seen her. 

She heard the steps of the spider coming closer. The metal stopped clinking. Perhaps the spider had stopped walking. Suddenly Lile found that the hedge around her was getting cut one after the other. To her utter disgust she found that it was getting cut by it's metal legs and she got injured in the process. She screamed. She got exposed completely. The spider opened his jaws. Lile took her wand out and shouted, "Adoleque!" The wand emitted a light that entered the spider's mouth. It was so strong that the spider exploded from inside blowing into large pieces of flesh and grey fluid everywhere some of which also came on her. It was ugly. Lile started panting after the encounter. 

She hated Adrianna and now had to find a way out. She kept running around the maze while Adrianna slept throughout the night.

During the entire night Lile fought with many other creatures. The audience could see some bright lights inside the maze and in far corner white lights emitted by fireflies where Adrianna soundly slept. They didn't know that Adrianna was in fact recuperating. 

By the time it was 4AM Lile was extremely tired. She had fought so much that she had lost all her energy. She was on the verge of mental breakdown by the time it was 6AM. She sat down waiting for the next creature to attack her. She looked up and saw that the sun was up in the horizon. In her last attempt to get out of the maze, she pointed her wand to the hedge and shouted, "Adoleque!" To her surprise, the maze started melting. It started disappearing! Within five minutes, the entire maze disappeared, and she cursed herself for not chanting that spell earlier. 

Now she would hunt for Adrianna and make her pay for it. She ran out of the maze thinking about the injured body of Adrianna. She was so looking forward to hit her with more spells and finally take her down. She looked into her robe and found the potion that was given to her. While running she opened the bottle and had half of the bottle. Just as she closed the bottle's lid and looked up, she found herself staring into Adrianna. 

Adrianna was looking fresh as a flower while she was looking and smelling like shit! Lile was surprised and her eyes became wide. "You vile! How dare you trap me in the maze? Do you think it was so easy to keep me inside that shitty maze of yours? See I have come out of it, and now I am going to give you a taste of your medicine!" She was furious. She had so many times shouted back at those voices to shut up! 

Adrianna started at her, "If I have created a maze, then no one can come out of it. You came out because I allowed you to come out and not because you could do it yourself." Adrianna sounded so cold that Lile could feel the chill in her bones. "According to the rules, I can't let you die and hence I had to remove that maze." 

Lile mustered all her courage and said, "Hah! So now you prepare for your death because if I kill you, trust me there would be no one to even rant about it! We will rule!" She drew her wand out immediately to throw another spell on her, which was easily deflected by Adrianna. 

Seeing that Adrianna was unaffected, Lile started running away from her. She needed to distance from her to think what to do next. At the same time she had to deflect the spells coming from her. While running she saw a huge tree in front of her. She pointed her wand and the prop roots of the tree flew towards her. She caught them and disappeared from Adrianna's field of vision, as the roots rolled her into them and protected her in the tree. 

Adrianna became alert. She looked in the direction the roots took her, but she couldn't spot her through the tree's thick foliage. 

"Plantia Imiata!" Lile shouted as she cast the spell on Adrianna. "Here take this! You brought me here. Now become a part of this place and stay in the jungle forever." 

Adrianna saw that the tip of her fingers started becoming like leaf. The leaves spread on her left hand rapidly. She kept her wand back in her robe and brushed off the leaves from there and just like that, the  leaves became brown and fell on the ground. The spell didn't work on her. 

Lile was seeing it from above. She threw more spells but once again nothing was working. It seemed that Adrianna was very powerful in the jungle and nothing went her way. 

From above she saw a herd of rhinoceros drinking water from the river that was flowing in the center of the jungle. She pointed her wand towards them and started laughing. "Beat this Adrianna!" she shouted. 

Adrianna found her statement odd. She wanted to delve into her mind to see what was she thinking when she said that and also what did she mean when she said, "We will rule!" She looked around the thick foliage. Not able to find her, she snapped her fingers. All the leaves and stems that had covered Lile, cleared. 

By that time the herd of rhinoceros had come very close to where Adrianna was standing. Lile laughed loudly. She pointed at the herd behind her and said, "Die!" 

Adrianna was hardly twenty feet away when she looked at the herd behind her. She leapt in the air and allowed them to run beneath her. However, instead of turning back to her, the herd went and shook the very trunk of the tree. 

Lile was once again shocked to see. She was casting a spell on the herd for them to turn and attack Adrianna, but they only kept shaking the trunk. Lile had a difficult time holding herself and she fell on the ground as the tree tumble down not able to withstand the force. As soon as she tumbled, she jumped on the ground and created her portal. 

She was trying to run away! "Damn!" Adrianna shouted as she dashed after her through the portal. 

She thought that when the tree would fall, Lile would get injured but she managed to jump on her feet with agility and run away. 

Adrianna managed to get through the closing portal. The next terrain she stepped in had no ground. She found herself surrounded by dangerous waters all around in turbulent sea.

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