Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 316 - Third Stage Of The Competition (21)

Lile was talking to Zephyr when all of a sudden a whale emerged from the waters. The whale had brought her upper body out of the water majestically and it splashed a large amount of water that caused ripples over a large surface area. It was a huge hundred feet long mammal. Right on its head, Adrianna was standing. The whaled steered in their direction in such a way that Lile became nervous. It flipped its fins and then entered the water with a great force and high velocity. Adrianna went down in water with her. Lile panicked. "Zephyr, Adrianna is riding a whale! What do we do?" 

"Swim fast to the shore! The whale won't be able to go to the shores. It needs deep waters to stay," he replied almost panicking himself. 

They had just thought that they had defeated her and killed her, when she came back again. Zephyr was agitated beyond words. 


In the audience, when some ministry people were about to leave with a snicker on their faces, Isidorus was feeling very sad. He also started to get up and leave and was about to exit the special arena where they were all seated, when he heard the crowd cheering. He looked back at them and then his gaze fell in the segment. A smile could be seen on Isidorus face and before anyone could even speak a word for him to return, he rushed back to his chair and sat there as his eyes fixed on his favorite person. That girl had tenacity and the will to fight back and give it back to them. The ministry people who had started going became frustrated. They came back slowly one by one. 

Dmitri, who had sank in the chair with a heavy heart, jumped out of it and shouted, "Adri! I love you!" 

Everyone else in the crowd started shouting with him. "Adri! I love you!" 

He growled and snarled at them but nothing was heard. They all cheered Adrianna so much that eventually he started laughing. Both Ed and Cora started laughing too. Ed wiped his tears. That was the only grandchild left as his descendent. And what a child? 


Lile started swimming towards the shore with greater speed. Even though she was a dragon now, her speed was no match to the mammal that was closing in on her. She cursed herself for talking away to Zephyr for so long and swim in victory instead of going to the shore earlier. 

Once again the whale emerged from the water and this time Adrianna was sitting on her head. Her wand had already cast the spell, which struck Lile with a huge bolt. Adrianna knew that if she broke the rules, she would be disqualified. So the electricity that she sent towards Lile's way was just enough to reduce her speed. 

"Ahhhhhh!" Lile shouted as the electricity hit her fins. There was current all around her body. 

The current was enough for her force Zephyr back to his body. Adrianna had detected that Zephyr was there in her cell. 

When the current hit Lile's body, Zephyr was the one who got the maximum shock. He shouted so loudly in her cell that it deafened her ears. Both of them were in a lot of pain. The speed reduced. 

"Should I change back to my original body?" she asked.

"Try to think something on your own you stupid girl!" shouted Zephyr. "Don't work on borrowed thinking all the time!" 

Lile gritted her teeth. She decided to stay in the dragon form and swam as fast as her body allowed. The whale in front of her disappeared in the water again. Lile took advantage and used full power of all her fins to propel. She noticed that the whale had not emerged out of the water for more than a minute. Did Adrianna slip from it? Feeling encouraged, she went ahead with energy. 

Suddenly, she felt a lot of movements beneath her. The water swelled and this time the whale came just below her and knocked her out of the water with a huge force. 

Adrianna had slipped from the whale's body and was now holding its fin when the collision occurred. 

Lile was thrown up in the air several feet high. Zephyr couldn't bear the shock and he had to leave Lile's cell. She was on her own now. 

Lile came crashing down in the water, her soft blue belly getting the maximum impact. "Nooooo!" she cried in pain. She hated Zephyr for leaving her in the middle of it. 

The whale was unrelenting. As soon as Lile came down crashing water, it struck her again sending her up in the air again. In that moment she realized the big mistake of not converting back to her original body. The whale could easily identify her target. But how was Adrianna managing a huge whale like that? 

Lile came down crashing in water on her back this time and again shouted in pain. This time she didn't take a chance and as soon as she entered the water, she came back to her original self. Under the water when she came to her original self and looked up, she saw herself staring right at Adrianna who was patiently waiting for her with her wand pointed at her. 


When Adrianna was swimming towards the small island that she had seen in the far distance, she had conveyed to the animals around to find someone big enough to carry her there as fast as possible. The message reached the biggest mammal and she had come to her rescue, but by that time Adrianna was getting hit by Lile. As soon as Lile had hit the surface of the water, she thought that she had killed Adrianna but in fact Adrianna was being dragged below water by the mammal. The whale scolded Adrianna for not calling her as soon as she had come to the sea. She had taken Adrianna far away from Lile to plan out the attack. 


Lile also took her wand out. Adrianna was ready to cast her spell, when suddenly Lile flipped out of the water and created her portal. Adrianna also went after her and followed her inside it. She was one the verge of exploding with anger.  

They walked in the last terrain – the mountains covered in snow.

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