Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 340 - Queens Don't Talk Like That

When Isidorus reached his palace, he eagerly rushed to tend to his primroses. However, when he went over there, he was shocked, irritated and very angry at the sight in front of him. All the primroses were neatly trimmed! He looked at his gardeners who were waiting for him and wondered who could be the culprit out of them? Who would dare to trim the hedges without his consent? But he realized that all of them looked just as shocked. "What happened here?" he asked threatening them with his wand. "Who cut these hedges?"

"We don't know master. Suddenly these hedges were trimmed while we were waiting for you to come!" answered the head gardener fearfully. "We thought that you have finally used your magic." 

Isidorus narrowed his eyes. He realized what had happened. "Adriannaaa!" he shouted in anger. How dare she touched his work?

Dmitri and Adrianna went to sleep early that day. Dmitri had been extremely tired, as he had run along with his pack in the fields of snow to find food. Soon heavy snow would start falling and going out would become a problem. It was a ritual that occured every year with all the packs. 

The lake in the center of the territories was about to get frozen. He had to find ways to create flow of water within the packs without any hindrance. He had spent a long time with his people who suggested him various ways. 

So as soon as he hit the pillow after taking a bath, he slept off. He had wanted to be with Adrianna and continue with his sessions of making love, instead he was having loud snoring sessions which disturbed Adrianna for a long time. The fact that the canopy surrounded them, his snoring was sort of echoing inside. Adrianna had finally got up pushed him to turn to the other side. Miraculously the snoring had stopped and she slept peacefully. Sometime during the night she found that all her clothes were removed and she was beneath him while he was gently pacing in and out of her. When he finished, he slumped beside her and embraced her tightly. "Let me sleep Dmitri," she said in a sleepy voice almost warning him. But it was not even an hour that she found herself below him while he was taking her from behind. 

He dozed off beside her not even bothered to disengage himself from her. When this happened for the fifth time, she became furious. "Dmitri! Stop, or else I am going out of this bedroom!" 

"Hush baby," he replied as he increased his pace inside her. Once he was done, he said, "Now sleep baby. I won't trouble you." 


It was early morning when Isidorus got dressed. He was waiting for the creature to appear the entire night but it didn't. Only a day had passed and Isidorus was well prepared. He would have to wait for the next day. He waited for Adrianna to come and inspect his bedroom. Since his spies had reported that there was no enemy that had penetrated the walls of the Wizard Kingdom from outside, finding an enemy within the kingdom should have been easier. However, his people were unable to notice anything untoward. 


Adrianna woke up late in the morning. She found Dmitri snoring all over again. She had to get dressed for the academy. The ceremony was supposed to start in an hour. She shook Dmitri. "Get up! We have to go to the academy." 

Dmitri rolled on the other side and started snoring again. Adrianna shook his body vigorously. When he didn't wake up, she snapped her fingers in order to cast a spell for cold water to get sprinkled on him instead it sprinkled on her. She shrieked and jumped out of the bed. Annoyed, she said, "Dmitri, if you won't get up, I would get a manual bucket of water and pour it on your head."

"Queens don't talk like that," he replied with his eyes closed. 

Furious, Adrianna went to the bathroom, filled a mug with water and just as she was about to come out, he came in. "Bad move Adri…" he said and pinned her to the counter. Once again he took her from behind and she didn't even have the time to  protest.  


An hour later, they reached Isidorus' palace. He was waiting for them eagerly. Isidorus looked at Adrianna and commented, "Why are your eyes looking so sunken? Didn't you sleep well yesterday? Also, why did you trim those primroses? They are looking ugly now." 

Adrianna rolled her eyes. What was it with men around her? She sighed, ignored his complaint and said, "I would like to see your bedroom." 

When they went there, there was almost nothing that she could find. Isidorus told her how the incident occurred, which she listened intently. "Is it okay if I stay in your palace today?" 

"No! This is what that serpent-like creature wanted. You cannot stay here," he retorted at her idea. 

"Okay, don't get riled," she replied. "Let's go to the academy now." She had to calm him but she knew what she had to do. 

They left for the academy together in Adrianna's carriage. As her carriage flew, Adrianna smiled at the two white doves that had replaced the parrots and were now used to pull it. They were beautiful and so serene to look at that one could spend a long time just watching their graceful movements while flying. 

Adrianna looked at Fleur whose eyes were red. She was looking very sad as though she had cried. At the back of her mind, Adrianna knew that she had to free Fleur from her work as soon as possible. It was impossible for her to stay away from Liam now. She couldn't even imagine what was Liam's state. She looked at Isidorus and said, "I want you to free Fleur from her duties…"

"She was born to protect you," he replied coldly. 

"She is marked by Liam, in case you don't know," interrupted Dmitri.

"It is not my fault that she is marked by Liam," once again Isidorus replied coldly. He didn't trust anyone with the queen's security.

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