Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 358 - Battle Between Wizards And Neotides (13)

Cy didn't have a chance to defend himself. His only hand through which he could use wand to wield magic was gone and at the same instant his eyes through which he would have cast some spells were blinded. He had lost all his power in that fraction of a second in which he thought he had distracted Adrianna but in fact it was Adrianna who had distracted him. She was the master of con. "You cheat!" he shouted. "Even thieves have honor amongst themselves and you acted worse than a thief."

Adrianna slid out of his cell and lashed, "Those words don't look nice coming from someone who wanted to rob the throne of the Wizard Kingdom and allied with none other than the sworn enemy of the Kingdom, Vikra!" She was now airborne standing in front of Cy with her sword, which was dripping with his blood, in her hand beside her. There was no pity in her eyes. "It was your ambition that had led you to your pathetic end."

Cy was writhing and crying out in pain. His broom was somehow balancing him but he had fallen limp over it. His mind was full of fear and horrible thoughts. His entire life came in front of him. "Adrianna, you will never succeed. You will pay for this," he whimpered. The life had become dark in front of his eyes. 

"I have already succeeded Cy," said Adrianna with a gnarl. "Look what I have done to you. I will leave you like this for the rest of your life."

"No! Kill me now! What is a wizard without his wand? KILL ME NOW!" he begged. 

"Your wish shall be granted," said Adrianna and once again she leapt in the air, took a 360 degree turn and her sword landed on his neck cutting through it neatly. Next instant his head rolled off on the grass beneath as a pool of blood gushed out of his body. His broom couldn't balance his body anymore and it dropped it on the ground. The next moment the broom combusted with a small blast. Adrianna stood there in the dark of the night in front of his decapitated body and the ashes that spread around her. Her golden yellow eyes stared at the wizard in front of her without any repent. 

The next moment the broom combusted with a small blast finished. Adrianna's sword turned back into her wand. 

By the time all this finished it had gathered a little attention from the neotides since his body had fallen amongst them. As soon as they identified Cy's body by the hand that had an iron hook, they looked above as to how did his body fall from above and that too in a decapitated state. The wizard they were looking up to was dead. Who could give him this kind of scary death? However, when they saw above, all they could see was a portal through which Adrianna was walking. In less than a second the portal disappeared. 

Panic stricken, the neotides took his body to Reese. Reese was stopping the neotides and had to a great extent succeeded in her efforts. Now less number of neotides was going there to the wall. When she saw Cy in that state, she shuddered. "Who did this and where is his fellow?" she asked as she felt how weak they had all become despite huge numbers. 

"We saw a portal being created high in the air when we recovered his body. We have no idea where his fellow wizard has gone…" came a reply from one of the neotides who witnessed the portal. 

"This means that one of the wizards was amongst us!" her voice quivered. "She knew who could that be but she couldn't tell it to the neotides or it would lower their morales.

"Yes!" the neotide replied. 

"Hurry and ask all the neotides to stop fighting immediately. Our only hope is Vikra. Let him come and he will take revenge," said Reese. All of them hurried away from there to contain the rage of the neotides. 

Meanwhile Cy's fellow wizard was taken to the wizard prison. He awaited his fate there. He knew that they would torture him until he spilled everything about Vikra. It had been such a turn of events. One moment he was breaching the wall with Cy and now he was in prison for the wizards. 

When Adrianna walked through the portal along with the Mozias, Isidorus and Mihr were standing right there. Everyone standing there bowed to their Queen. She was the only one who could take down a person as strong as Cy. Dmitri was standing tall and proud. His wife had taken care of this menace adroitly. 

She looked at Isidorus and said, "Now you have plenty of time to work on the wall. Reconstruct it. However, tomorrow we have an even bigger threat, Vikra. We have to deal with him carefully." 

"Yes, my Queen," he replied. 

Adrianna walked up to her husband and smiled, "Let's go Dmitri. I want to rest now." Her broom came right beside her and they mounted it. As soon as they were airborne, the security appeared around her and they flew back to the Royal Palace. 

Adrianna dismounted and went to her bedroom straight. She was very hungry and as though the walls could hear her internal thoughts, food appeared on the table in front of her. 

She went to take a quick shower and came back to have food with Dmitri. While having food she said, "Is it possible that we go to the human realm today and check whether I am pregnant or not?" 

Dmitri replied with a smile, "I will make it possible. Now eat your food and go off to sleep." He felt so excited that if it were for him, he would have taken her now! But it was only morning 6AM and none of the doctors would have been available. 

"But I don't want anyone to know about it. This needs to be done very discreetly," she said. 

"Of course darling," he answered. He couldn't tell this to anyone and take that risk.

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