Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 368 - Battle Between Wizards And Neotides (19)

Vikra was bamboozled when he heard that Reese had been killed by the rogue wolf. How could that be? She was the most powerful of all the neotides and even more powerful than any average werewolf. Killing her meant that the rogue werewolf was extremely powerful and this despite the fact that there were hundred neotides that attacked it. Vikra got such a jolt of his life that his emotions seeped through him into his wand and his wand stopped working. The spell that he was casting to break the wall stopped. He looked at the messenger.

Reese was with him from the time she was just a small werewolf. She was amongst the first ones who had come to him. She was like his pet, a person who he replied on every since he was banished from the kingdom. "Reese has been killed," those words resounded in his mind. He stepped back a little.

Without wasting time, he said, "Take me to that place." 

The messengers sighed a breath of relief that they were spared. They led him to the place the rogue werewolf was. However, they didn't have to go too far, they found it killing more neotides a few hundred feet away. Vikra looked at the golden furred werewolf and instantly knew who the werewolf was. So this was Adrianna's game? She had attacked them singlehandedly from behind. But why had she shape shifted? She could have easily taken them all down as a witch. 

Vikra watched her killing from a distance as he flew over the group of neotides that guided him. He had to go near it to see what was her strategy. He wanted to get into her cell. Carefully, he went near her slowly. When he was about a hundred feet away from her, he expected her to look at him and attack him by shape shifting. He took his wand out to attack her in case she did. 

He was seething and wanted to kill Adrianna there and then. So he slowly inched towards her. It was dangerous to go near. The night wasn't helping as it was a full moon night and everything was visible. As he inched towards her, he tried to enter her cell but he couldn't. However, from the vibes of the animal in front of him, he became confused. It was just an animal. There were no vibes that indicated that she was even a witch. 

Vikra became curious. He forgot about Reese and now he focused on the werewolf who was always the target of his life. He wanted to capture it to rule the world. It was so close to him, he couldn't believe his eyes. Was this an illusion she had created like last time? He looked at her closely, as she slaughtered all around her. He was mesmerized by the sheer display of power.

In order to test her, he went closer and using his wand, he cast a spell on her. It was just a little amount of light that would burn the fur. As suspected, it burnt her fur Adrianna was diverted. She looked at the source of light that burnt her fur on the back and growled.

Who was this creature above her in the air? She wanted to pounce on him. Adrianna leapt in the air to grab it from where she was leaving all those around her. However, Vikra was agile and he flew away from there.

He was shocked that she did not shape shift. How could that be? Why wasn't she using her powers? What was this new trick? He was baffled. 

Now she was standing right in front of him a few feet away. All other neotides were aware of this powerful werewolf amongst them and they stayed from it seeing that their Master had come to deal with it. 

Once again he raised his wand to throw a spell on her just to see her reaction. He didn't want to give her physical injury but wanted to capture her in that state. His hopes rose when he saw that Adrianna wasn't shape shifting to counterattack him. She looked like a wild beast, something that didn't have control over itself. 

His eyes glinted with excitement when he discovered that Adrianna was not able to shape shift. At this juncture she should have recognized him and reacted. So this also meant that she didn't recognize him. 

Vikra could not hold his excitement when he discovered two facts about Adrianna – she couldn't shape shift somehow and she couldn't recognize him. 

Was she under some spell?

Suddenly Adrianna jumped in the air and stood on her hind legs. She looked at the moon and howled menacingly as if challenging him. 

Vikra looked at the moon and then her. It took him two minutes to realize that Adrianna was cursed. Under the full moon, she became a beast. His excitement increased. In fact he was thankful that Reese was killed, otherwise he would have never come to this place and never discovered Adrianna's secret. He laughed. This was perhaps the best opportunity for him to seize her. 

He formulated his strategy to capture her quickly. He knew that in order for him to seize her, he had to make use of the full moon night. The moment the moon disappeared, she would get her sense back. Also to keep her in that state as a beast, he had to create an effect for her to always stay under a full moon. 

Vikra first had to stop her from jumping around because he wanted her to be seized without any bodily harm. He wanted to use her powers almost instantly. His time to rule the world had come. 

Pointing his wand at the ground in front of her he hissed, "Ignea Orbetum." 

A large circle of fire broke around Adrianna and she was trapped inside it. The werewolf who was only looking for the soothing moon rays was trapped inside fire. It was hell for her. She flinched and let out small growls.

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