Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 396 - Ziu's Records

The two elves didn't ask any questions and guided her to the section. While walking towards that section she asked them, "So how did you know about me?" 

"That lift is used only by the royals only. After you had entered here for the first time, your DNA had been recorded by the matrix and is already in our data so we knew that the new ruler of the Wizard Kingdom is a queen. No one other than the ruler is allowed to enter this section," replied the shorter elf. 

"So you two are permanent residents of this section and no one know that you even exist and on top of that you people are elves! How do you maintain your secrecy?" asked a bewildered Adrianna. 

"We have our ways," replied the elf as if disregarding the fact that she was the queen and should know about them. "We live in the ground across from here along with the elf that you were watching the other day." 

"What?" Adrianna was shocked that they even knew that she was watching the elf who was the Mozia trainer the day she had come to the Ministry Block for the first time. "H- how do you know that I was watching him?" 

"Like I said, we have our ways," he replied and became quiet. 

They had reached the segment where Ziu's records were kept. It was located in the last of the huge room that was stacked with large number of documents. Although the room was huge, there was not a speck of dust present. Everything was neatly stacked. 

They bowed to her and the shorted one said, "We will take your leave now My Queen. In case you need help, let us know. Be careful when you open the family history of Ziu. That is very dark and the book is disturbing. You might feel low and despairing but keep reading it and the feeling would go." 

Adrianna nodded and they left. She turned her gaze towards the bookshelf that was from top to bottom and located the family section of Ziu. She saw that there were over ten thick folders that belonged to his family. She scanned through them and took out two most important ones, one about him and the other about his father and mother. She opened the first page of his parent's documents. Every document was in a folder resembling a book. 

In the first page she saw his parent's photos along with him and his little sister. His mother was a beautiful woman, almost seductive to the point of being unbelievable. She opened the next page and started reading it. As she read it, the facts only astonished her mind. 

Ziu's mother belonged to the family of serpents. In fact she was the fifth daughter of the King of Serpents. They lived underwater and could also live out of the water but their castle was under the surface of the ocean. She met Ziu father, who was a wizard when she had come out to explore the world. Every child of the King was sent out to see the world that existed on the land. She met her mate when she had shape shifted and had somehow lost her way in the jungles that surrounded the Wizard Kingdom. 

She had used her charm to seduce his father who eventually fell in love with her irrevocably. He brought her to the Wizard Kingdom secretly and married her. Ziu was born a year later and his mother continued to stay in the Wizard Kingdom. Her identity was revealed to Shira who welcomed her to the kingdom as she thought that this relationship could be used as a strong alliance with the Serpent Kingdom. 

This also explained why Ziu was the most handsome wizard in the kingdom. He was seductive beyond belief because he got his looks from his mother. Since he had his mother's genes too, Ziu could shape shift into a serpent. He could easily speak the serpent's language. The problem began when the young Ziu became ambitious knowing how powerful he was. His mother had taken him to the Serpent Kingdom to show him to her father who was very happy to see his grandson. He had welcomed his son-in-law and had told Ziu that he would provide them with whatever support they ever needed. Ziu had learnt how to shape shift as a serpent under his grandfather's guidance. In fact he was left with his grandfather for two years to learn all about the powers of being a serpent who could shape shift. 

Since Ziu was also a wizard he was extremely powerful and his grandfather had started seeing him as the next heir to his throne. Ziu had declined, as he wanted to live in the Wizard Kingdom. His parents had really liked the idea and had pestered that being a King in the Serpent Kingdom was way better than being an ordinary wizard in the Wizard Kingdom. However, the young boy rebelled against his father and mother and came back to the Wizard Kingdom. However, his grandfather adopted him as his son much to the annoyance of his other children.

Adrianna stopped reading and wondered who was serpent Raz who had kidnapped Nate. Was he one of the Ziu's alliances? He had mentioned that his Master was someone else. Her mind wandered to the serpent attack on Isidorus. Could that be Ziu? The complexity around Ziu grew and Adrianna was now getting uncomfortable. She could feel the chill around herself. It was intense and it gripped her heart making her feel desolate. She started reading further as advised by the elves. 

Whenever Ziu shape shifted into a serpent, his behavior resembled that of a serpent. He would swallow his prey wholly. No one dared to cross his path because he was known to kill them with his magic and then eat them up. He was feared by many in the Serpent Kingdom so when he didn't accept the throne, it was actually a relief to all his brothers and sisters. 

The fact that he could shape shift was hidden from all. Only the elves knew and now Adrianna. She wondered if her mother also knew or not. The discovery was extremely shocking to her. Her breathing accelerated. She could feel the icy chillness of water around her. She wanted to close the book and run away from there.

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