Adrianna tried her best to divert her thoughts from her desire. She couldn't understand the mystery behind it. She wished she would turn into a rogue wolf in order to satiate her lust. Dmitri and Cora had secretly brought her blood from various animals but she couldn't even stand the smell of that. Her condition was becoming miserable and her powers weaker. She had stopped going to the noble court. 

The royal couple had hidden this information from everyone including servants. Dmitri used to carry food for her inside the room.

Noticing this, Isidorus came to visit her. She had to see him but instead of going to the main hall, she called him to her chamber. 

Isidorus was aghast to see her condition. "Why didn't you tell me about it earlier?" 

Adrianna sighed and looked outside to the balcony. The sun had risen and the pale clouds were swirled around the palace. Soft, cool breeze was flowing. 

Isidorus could easily sense all the magic she had created around the chamber to stop the sneaky servants to see her or from talking about her condition. 

"I don't know whether what I am experiencing is even right or not. This is unholy. I hate what is happening to me. I have no idea why I feel this horrible urge," she lamented. 

"We have a solution," said Isidorus nonchalantly. 

Adrianna turned her head sharply toward him, "What? What do you mean?"

Dmitri narrowed his eyes at the old man. He was standing near the table at the far edge of the bed with his arms crossed across his chest. 

"There are in fact two solutions."

Adrianna's mouth dropped. How could Isidorus have a solution without involving killing real people? 

"Your sister Kayla had been our prisoner for a long time. Since she was the only family that has your genes, she had been preserved in order to help you with conditions that involve your life. With human help we have cloned her and in fact enhanced those clones using our wizardry."

Adrianna's eyes were wide open. Dmitri sat down on the bed and nodded, absolutely impressed by Isidorus. This old man was not to be trifled with. 

"You are wicked!" he blurted. 

Isidorus raised his eyebrows. His gaze shifted to Dmitri, the pest! 'What the hell did he think I was?' Isidorus grimaced as he thought that. 

With a smug face, he looked at Adrianna and said, "You see we have about ten more Kaylas with us. As I speak our wizards might be working on their blood samples to make them genetically superior to serve you." 

Adrianna couldn't believe what she was listening to. When she had gone to the prison, she had seen how miserable Kayla was and in fact asked Isidorus to end her life and free her of her misery. But he had insisted that they keep Kayla. She didn't know that those were the intentions of keeping her alive. 

"Why wasn't I told about this development?" she asked, questioning the secrecy of the mission. 

"I am sorry my queen, but this is a standard practice we had to put in practice for every ruler ever since Shira had gone missing." 

Adrianna bit her lip. She couldn't say a word to deny the urgency of his decision. Her mother had gone missing to pursue her love. 

"Plus the science is much advanced now in the human realm, so we could take their help."

"This is not correct. Human cloning is banned in the human realm," Adrianna almost spoke angrily. 

"It might be. It is not banned here in the Wizard Kingdom," replied Isidorus with a shrug. 

"Shut up Adri!" Dmitri shouted at her through the bond. 

"So how would this help Adrianna?" he asked. "Would you go around killing those Kaylas? Because they are only ten and Adri needs this kind of thing till she delivers." He cringed mentioning 'blood'. 

"I told you – these girls are genetically enhanced. There is a lab dedicated to only this work in which both humans and wizards work together. I need to ask them if we have someone who could match this condition. It is possible that a bottle of blood once a day should be able to satiate the Queen's lust for now." 

Adrianna could imagine ten Kaylas caged inside cells like lab rabbits. Her skin lined with goose bumps.

Isidorus laughed as if he understood her predicament. "No, they are not held captive. They wander around the lab and in the garden around it. They all are engineered in a way that they know they have to sacrifice themselves for you." 

Adrianna and Dmitri stared and stared at Isidorus. He had planned for so many years in advance. 

To think of it, Adrianna was feeling extremely disgusted about it. "I want to know why am I having these unnatural cravings." 

"For that you need to visit the Elder. He might know the reason," answered Isidorus.  

"But they say that no one knows where he lives…" 

"Yes… the Crown knows…" Isidorus took a deep breath. Elder was the oldest soul of the Wizard Kingdom. It was said that he knew the past, the present and the future. But none knew where he lived. 

Dmitri was getting impatient. "What is the second solution?" 

"We kill people in the human realm. We can ask Haldir to hypnotize them to sacrifice themselves for you." Isidorus said it so coldly that Dmitri couldn't fathom his evil, his negative side. All this man was interested in was to keep the ruler alive and he didn't leave a stone unturned to keep that promise. 

"Haldir can do that?" Dmitri said in a disbelieving voice. 

Adrianna was still fathoming the entire thing. It was shocking. 

"Well, you should drink some blood before you visit the Elder," suggested isidorus. 

After a while Isidorus left for the lab. He had to get the blood as soon as possible. He hated that the baby in her womb was suffering due to lack of nutrients. He had been getting nightmares of the baby being killed from a few days and so he had to go and meet the queen. The baby was his master. Someone he would easily die for.

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