The fighter planes circled the vast expanse of the moor. They tried to find a way to go inside but every time they came near a certain point, there were thick clouds awaiting them. It's not that the planes couldn't find their way through the thick clouds. They were laced with modern warfare technology and equipment. But the problem was that as soon as they would enter the thick clouds, they were welcomed by thunderstorms, lightning and heavy rain. The leader of the group sent one of the pilots in his team to check the situation while the rest continued to circle the periphery. 

As soon as the pilot entered in the thick clouds, it was as if the sky was consumed with shades of black and grey and the moon had given up on trying to break through the blanket of clouds. 

The pilot thought of dropping the bombs despite the rough weather. He was about to press the command for that on his control panel when a shot of lightning struck the tail of his jet sending it into a spiral. The rear of the plane caught fire. The pilot shouted, "May Day, May Day," from his headphones to the control room. 

"Evacuate now!" the leader yelled. The leader of the group asked him to come out of the place immediately, but the pilot had already lost complete control. Soon the plane started to nose-dive. Scared, he ejected from the plane. And in a few seconds the plane touched the ground somewhere very far from the Wizard Kingdom. It exploded into a huge ball of flames. 


Inside the Wizard Kingdom, Enya and Haldir were on their brooms circling the air space above. The weather was absolutely quiet and it was a perfect moonlit night. When they heard airplanes whizzing on the periphery, they created an illusion of thick clouds right on the boundary for the pilot who they saw was trying to enter the kingdom. For Enya, it was like playing a game. This was just a child's play for her. At first she created a thick blanket of clouds around the circumference of the kingdom and then she kept snapping her finger to create thunderstorms and rains interspersed with lightning. It was merely ten seconds when she decided to hit the plane with one of her creations. 

She brushed her hands. She raised an eyebrow at Haldir who was flying next to her, when he gestured as to why she struck the plane with lightning. She yawned. This was… boring… 


The leader of the group informed the General that a plane was down. "What do we do?" he asked. 

Ziu who was listening to them on the radio, snatched the microphone from the General and snarled, "All of you fly to a higher altitude until you see the moon and then fly over the zone and drop all the bombs." This was his chance to create havoc. This was the golden opportunity. 

"Yes Sir," came the answer. 

The leader ordered the rest of his planes to climb higher. He led the group. 

Ziu was extremely angry. He loosened his collar. His eyes were cold, hard and flinty when he looked at the General. "This is what I wanted to avoid and this has exactly what has happened!" 

"What?" the General rasped. 

"Now they are informed about the attack. What was the point of entering that space all alone?" Ziu yelled. 

The General's face became ashen. 


In the Wizard Kingdom, Enya and Haldir had guessed that more aircrafts would come. 

"This should be fun," she muttered and pointed her broom higher. And true to her estimate, she saw a few more incoming. 

Haldir followed her. 

The fighter jets were entering at a very high speed and suddenly there were nine of them, each carrying tons of ammunition. 

Enya and Haldir watched them from almost a hundred feet below. She looked at Haldir and he nodded. The two of them directed their brooms to the opposite directions. 

Enya conjured energy to create a layer of thick ice in the sky. She would gather energy from the surrounding in her hands, grab it in her fist and throw it backwards. The layer of ice formed behind her was almost ten meters thick and hard just like the icy kingdom of hers. Haldir was surprised to see how fast she created that tier of ice. 

Haldir knew that the bombs that would drop would easily pierce the thick layer because of their sheer speed and weight and they might explode as soon as they touched the surface of the ice. 

He had to slow them. 

He closed his eyes and concentrated on his inner energy. He wanted to bring his inner manna to the outside and so he dug deeper in his mind. However, he was shocked to see a different presence inside his cell. It was something he couldn't define. He couldn't touch or understand it – he could only feel its presence. It was soft like dandelions and soothing like the lullaby he had heard from his mother. All his fears evaporated at that moment. 

The baby… 

Haldir drew in a lung full of air and when he opened his eyes next, they were white with a golden core. He threw his hand in the direction of the fighter planes. A large circle consisting of rings of faint yellow light was created up in the air. Every ring rippled with the movement of air. 


Up in the planes, the pilots were aghast to see that the mysterious moors and hills were now covered with a blanket of ice, glistening blue in the dark of the night. They were extremely confused. They had never seen such a bizarre occurrence in their lives. 

And then all of them entered the circle of the light created by Haldir. They came out crossing the ripple of the force field, which bended backwards when they left it. When they came out of the force field, the world appeared to move in slow motion. It's as the time itself had slowed down for rest of the world.

The leader exclaimed, "I can't believe it! Look at that!" 

"Should we drop the bombs?" asked one of the pilots in the team.

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