The skin near Isidorus' eyes crinkled a little more when Adrianna announced that she would go and meet Niiya. His neck muscles strained. His first thought ran towards the baby. "My Queen, you need to reconsider. If Ziu would come to know that you are there in the Human Realm, he will come after you. In these times of war, you cannot be so precarious." 

The group was sitting in the main hall. They were discussing the next strategy after the new developments. They wondered how many more fighter jets were going to come. Adrianna disliked the fact that Ziu was manipulating the General and Niiya into sending militia that weren't even fighting their battle. 

Adrianna gazed at him for a second and then said, "I don't want human lives lost. What Ziu is doing is pure madness. I need to know why Niiya is into this." She had decided to meet him. 

Isidorus rubbed his forehead. This was one stubborn queen he had ever encountered. But then she was the youngest one also. Perhaps it was something with her age. He cleared his throat to say something when Haldir interjected, "Adrianna, do you realize the risk of going there? This is preposterous. You cannot put yourself in danger and—"

"And who else?" asked Mihr. "And what?" he suddenly became inquisitive. 

Dmitri walked to his wife. He sat down beside her and held her hand. Looking at the prying soul whose interest had suddenly peaked, he said, "And me."

Mihr's interest suddenly died. He muttered under his breath, "I am so hoping that we soon get an heir." 

Haldir's gaze flitted from Mihr to Adrianna. Then he took a deep breath to calm down. He was about to reveal to everyone that his Queen was pregnant. But his feeling for protecting the child was beyond words. It was as if he was clinging to the loved one. Since he couldn't convince his Queen, he said, "Okay, I will accompany you."

Isidorus was relieved to hear that. 

At this point, Inyanga said, "I will also escort you." 

Although Adrianna nodded, all others were slightly surprised at Inyanga's declaration. 

Adrianna looked at Mihr and said, "As per the report, there is a lot of army standing on the border of the Wizard Realm. They are equipped with modern warfare. Our spells can only work as much. I want you to station the entire wizard army of our kingdom to stand on the inside and face the soldiers."

"Yes, my Queen," replied Mihr.

Adrianna instructed, "Isidorus, you should go and guard our west and south frontiers. Take a team if you like."

"But I can do much better on this side," came the protest. 

Adrianna tilted her head. "Trust me, you will be of better use on that side." 

Isidorus' head hung low. He didn't want to counter her but he couldn't agree with her. "Okay," he replied grumpily. 

"I would also like to come with you, Adri," said Dmitri. 


I will make sure that the path to Niiya's house is clear," said Haldir and rose from his place.

"There won't be any serpents out there," Shang Kui declared as he got up from his place and stood tall with a gleam in his eyes. 

"So can I take the werewolves back to their territories?" asked Dmitri. 

"No! Dmitri, let this get over. I feel they would be safer at the moment in the hideouts because Ziu is still out there," Adrianna counteracted. 

Dmitri exhaled and pursed his lips. He nodded eventually. 

Haldir left. He had gone with Inyanga to check out all the streets that were present around Niiya's house. When he appeared in front of his house, he saw a car halting in front of his house. The door of the car opened and a man stepped out. "The General," he murmured. He noticed that as soon as the General walked out, four more soldiers followed him as his bodyguards and positioned themselves in front of the main gate. 

"Do you want me to freeze them in time?" asked Inyanga. She was standing so close to Haldir that her proximity affected him. Haldir gulped. He distanced himself from her a little. He licked his lips and said as though he was unaffected, "No. Let us call Adrianna after checking the streets around." 

Adrianna and Dmitri arrived soon after. 

It was past 1AM now and she walked inside the compound. Haldir had already informed her that the General was inside the house in a meeting with them. 

Under the cloak of invisibility Adrianna stepped in the main compound so as not to arouse suspicion of the soldiers that were guarding the main gate.

Adrianna decided not to ring the bell this time. She simply walked through the front door without opening it. Others followed her heel. 


The General was extremely worried. When Niiya received his request to meet, he agreed immediately. 

"Niiya, this is getting out of hand!" exclaimed the General as soon as he saw him on the front door. 

Niiya led him to the study and closed the door behind. He had informed his father of the General's arrival.

Dr. Tanaka was tying the belt of his black nightgown when he arrived at the study. He saw that the General was in deep conversation with Niiya. "Why didn't you tell me that Ziu was a maniac?" he growled at Niiya. "He is giving berserk orders to us. The wizards out there are too strong to be dealt with. We are humans." 

"I had warned you a long time back, General. You can't blame me," Niiya retorted. "The other day when Ziu made you promise the alliance, you were pretty excited," Niiya pointed out. 

"What?" The General snapped. "It's not like I knew about his actual strength! Why didn't you ever tell me about it?" 

Dr. Tanaka came and stood there with his arms across his chest. His face became red with anger. "General, now you are talking like a wuss."

General swung around to face the doctor. His face contorted a little. He narrowed his eyes. Pointing at Dr. Tanaka, he said, "Really? If it were not for your false reports and hopes about getting a vast field below the ocean's surface for our waste, I wouldn't have ever participated in this madness with you."

Dr. Tanaka clenched his teeth and spoke through them. "I never gave you any false hope and reports. Everything was very clear to you right from the beginning."

"No, it wasn't! It was your greed and lust to stay in power. You wanted to continue as an emissary of the humans to all the realms. And that is why you thought that this display would make you powerful in front of all the realms," the General yelled without considering the quietness of the house. 

"Yes, that is partially true," replied Dr. Tanaka. He walked to the couch in the corner and sat down on it as the General watched him with wide eyes. He crossed his legs and stared at the General. 

The General squeezed his eyes shut and then covered his mouth with his hand. When he opened his eyes, there was mistrust in them. "So you tricked me into it."

"No, it was your choice," replied Dr. Tanaka coldly.

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