He was panting and breathless. "Ziu has attacked us on the western frontier," he said looking straight into Adrianna's eyes. 

Adrianna got up from her place. She clenched her hands into tight fists. She had sent Isidorus to take care of that part. "Where is Isidorus?" she asked. 

"He is manning the western borders but there are very few wizards with him," came the panicky reply. 

"I will take Alex and his men over there," said Dmitri. He moved his chin up to indicate the Mozia to create the portal. 

"Dmitri," Adrianna called. "Don't take the werewolves out of the border until I give you the instructions. There is something very sinister that Ziu has planned." 

"What is Adri?" asked Dmitri with a worried frown. Adrianna shook her head. He went near her and took her hands in his. "Tell me darling." 

"I don't know. It's just that I have a feeling." She watched the General stepping inside the study. "We will know once his oath breaks." 

"I hope that happens soon," Dmitri sighed. "Until then I will take care. And you also take care, okay?" 

"I will," she said and he pressed a kiss on her cheek. 


Dmitri stepped out of the portal in the royal palace. He called Alex and his men. Nate and Liam were there too. He explained the situation to all of them. "Let's go," growled Alex. He was twitching to get his claws inside that wizard.

Upon reaching the western periphery of the Wizard Kingdom, they observed huge flames of fire on the other side. The flames were so high that they were devouring every tall tree in the vicinity within seconds. 

"What is he trying to do?" asked Dmitri. 

"He is going to burn the forest around this area. This way all its inhabitants would either get killed or run away. He is doing that because he knows that Adrianna can talk to the animals. They are her silent spies, whom he is killing," replied Isidorus with sadness that crossed his eyes. "Plus no werewolves would be able to come around or attack them from behind."

"That bastard has become a lunatic!" Dmitri snarled. "How do we prevent him from creating the fire?" If he sent his werewolves, they would be burnt alive. 

"For now we are trying to conjure as much rain and thunderstorm as possible on the other side."

"Why can't we seek help from Shang Kui?" asked Dmitri. 

"He is standing on the eastern front along with Enya. Besides, we don't want him to breathe fire here. This is already an illuminated place. Can't you see?" chided Isidorus rolling his eyes at his Queen's husband. She certainly deserved better than him. Suddenly he imagined how much enhanced the baby would have been if Adrianna would have married someone more intelligent than Dmitri. And then he felt sorry for the baby and pursed his lips. He also cursed the fact that werewolves choose mates. He rolled his eyes again. 


Inyanga was about to close the doors behind her gently when Haldir walked towards them. "Do you want me to assist you?" he asked. "I can make him numb while you perform the magic." 

"No, if you make him numb, we would lose his memory. It would go so far behind his brain that we won't be able to retrieve it," she replied. 

"Okay," he murmured unhappily. 

Inyanga closed the door gently. "Please sit down General," she said pointing at the chair, which he had previously occupied. She waved her hand in the air and all curtains were drawn stopping any street light or air from entering the room. "Illuminabante," she said under her breath and a small ball of soft white lit on the tip of her index finger. The room glowed in dim light.

The General sat down in the chair as Inyanga sauntered to the table and lit a candle. She brought the candle and placed it on the table. "I want you to focus on the blue of the candle, General," she said very sweetly. Her voice was like a lullaby. The General relaxed immediately. He focused his attention on the blue flame. In a few seconds, he felt that his body was being engulfed in that blue flame. He was walking in it but he couldn't feel its heat. 

"General," a sweet voice came from behind. He turned to see and found himself facing Inyanga. "What is your name?"


"Richard, what is your best memory?" she asked and held his hand. 

The flames receded and they walked barefoot into a backyard. A woman was hanging clothes on a washing line. The backyard opened into the jungle. The grass beneath his soles was soft and warm. The cushions of green gently tickled.

Richard left Inyanga's hand and ran to his mother. He grabbed a mug of water and threw it on his mother. The child roared with laughter as he ran when his mother ran after him to catch him. Once he was caught, she hugged him tightly and played with him in the puddle until he was tired. 

"Let's go Richard," said Inyanga. "I want you to hold that memory. It will act as a key to all the seals." 

"I don't want to go," he said. He had seen his mother after so long that he wanted to hold her forever.

"We have to go. I will bring you back here, don't worry." 

Reluctantly, Richard walked out of that door. Soon they were walking on the flesh. There were thin wires that crisscrossed all around. There were so many doors all around. Some were open, some locked tightly. Inyanga took him to the furthermost door. "Open it," she said. 


"Check your pocket."

When General put his hands in his pants pocket, a golden key came out. He took the key to insert in the keyhole. The door opened but the pain he experienced was so sharp that he shouted. "Ahhh, I can't bear it!" On the outside, his nose bled a little. 

Inyanga took the opportunity and slid inside the door. She saw a military control room with Ziu being seated in front of Dr. Tanaka. There was a map spread out in front of them.


Shang Kui was arguing with Mihr. "I want to go past this boundary."

"No, I am sorry. The Queen has asked us all specifically to stay within the Wizard Realm until further orders," refused Mihr flatly. 

"Don't forget that I am the wizard king and I can break these barriers."

"Don't forget that I am also a wizard and I will see that you stay within limits according to my Queen's orders." Mihr was stubborn. 

Shang Kui paced the cobbled street in front of him. He was longing to get his hands on the humans outside, to show his powers, to subdue them. 

"You should refrain from going against Adrianna in her kingdom," Enya reminded. "She knows her terrain and you must follow the decorum." 

"I only know one thing—these humans have to be suppressed," he snarled at her. "I am going." 


Inyanga was horrified with what she saw inside that door. She relayed her message to Adrianna. "Ziu has created booby traps with the help of the soldiers." 

Adrianna panicked. 

"The worst part is that even General doesn't know where these booby traps are because Ziu never mentioned where he would create them. If anyone gets lured in them, he or she would be killed for sure."

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