Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 46 - Wanted To Host A Party

Dmitri stopped and waited for a moment. If she didn't go, then what would happen to his proposal? He turned towards her and asked, "Exams will be over in a week's time. Will you go after that?"

Adrianna lifted her face and asked, "Why do you want to know?"​​

Dmitri turned around and said, "Just that... I wanted to invite you over for a party at my house next week. So if you won't go to your father's place, come over and join my party."

Dmitri had no inclinations of hosting a party and he just came up with the idea. In the case where she doesn't go home, he would have to host the party!

Adrianna was happy to hear that she could go out somewhere, as she really needed a change of place and a change of atmosphere, so she readily agreed. "Okay, I can come over. I hope Keisha doesn't feel bad…"

"Why do you think that Keisha will feel bad?" he asked her with intrigue.

"Well, b-because…" she stuttered and couldn't find a good reply.

Dmitri laughed and said, "There will be other girls also at my party. You are not the only one." He turned back to continue making noodles.

Adrianna felt silly and comfortable at the same time. With a shy smile, she said, "Okay… I look forward to it…"

She felt comfortable because she didn't want him to think that she was leading him on in any way. She chuckled. It caught his attention, and without looking at her, he asked, "What is your favorite dish?"

"My favorite sweet dish is blueberry cake," she said with a smile and stretching her limbs. This entire day had made her exhausted. She was hungry and wanted to sleep - a feeling which Dmitri had noticed. He quickened his pace in making the dinner. Within five minutes, dinner was served.

"My mother makes one of the best blueberry cakes in the world," he said while serving her some fried noodles.

"Really? Then I am going to be her fan," she said with glee, remembering the truckloads of blueberry cakes she used to eat whenever she used to come to her grandfather's place. His refrigerator was always stuffed with them.

Dmitri smiled at her childish delight. They had dinner in silence, and Adrianna wished that Dmitri stayed with her. He would be such good caretaker! She chuckled inside.

Adrianna cleared the dishes after they had dinner. While she was washing them Dmitri watched her before joining her. He helped wipe the dishes that she washed. "I can do that Dmitri," she said with a smile.

"I know. But I want to stand here…" He gave her a side glance while wiping the plate, measuring her reaction.

Adrianna stayed quiet and lowered her head further as though trying to hide her emotions from him.

It was already 9PM by the time they had finished with dinner and cleaning the dishes. She had forgotten all about the day's tension during the time she was with him and had relaxed. It was a welcome change in her otherwise mundane existence.

"I think you should go home now," she said, wondering where he lived. She thought that he lived somewhere in the town and it would take him at least half an hour to reach his house.

"Are you pushing me out of the house?" asked Dmitri with a very sad expression.

"No! I mean, where do you live? My cottage is on the periphery of the jungle and it is not safe for you to travel alone back to town any later…" She tried to reason with him. She thought that she would have to drive him back if it got any later.

Dmitri laughed at her and thought her to be adorable. She was concerned about his safety. "I don't live too far from here Adrianna, so don't worry. I will manage."

Adrianna bit her lower lip and said, "Okay…" She wondered how long he would stay there.

"I have to finish my studies…" she added sheepishly.

"Ah! I guess I am being asked to leave," he said, getting up from his chair.

Adrianna didn't know where to look. She wanted him to go away. It wasn't correct on his part to stay at her place. It was better that he go home and be with Keisha… Adrianna's mood plunged when she thought about her.

Dmitri picked up his coat and went out after grabbing his car keys from the coffee table.

Adrianna followed him. "See you tomorrow at college," she said softly from behind.

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