Ziu glanced upwards at the white witch who had grasped the broom as though her life depended on it. His mouth pursed and his eyes were fixed on her. Soon the object of his confusion became a tiny speck and then disappeared into the darkness of the night. He blinked his eyes to refocus. Just a while back he thought that he was about to capture the Queen of the Wizard Kingdom and the woman. He speculated that he was so near to his victory. He was longing for this juncture in his life. But the one who literally sped away in front of him was not even her. She was the legendary Enya – the white witch of the North Realms. He was confused. It was a real slap in the face. 

When did this development take place? He had so carefully formulated his plans that no one would have come to know that he was going to attack the Wizard Kingdom, and here Adrianna had brought Enya as her ally? If that wasn't enough, a dragon-like creature massacred his entire race. Was that the famous wizard from the east, Shang Kui? What else was there that he didn't know? Internally he admired her cleverness and intelligence. 

He licked his dry lips. His heartbeat accelerated. Adrianna was prepared for this war from a long time back. While he kept thinking that he had laid his plans pretty well, it was actually Adrianna who had thought ten steps ahead. She had planned the strategies so far ahead that he couldn't comprehend what all had gone wrong or what all could go against him. The thought of losing the battle without even fighting Adrianna plagued him. He was angered beyond words. He looked hopelessly around him. The flames were dying mirroring his internal aspirations. The forest that was burning earlier was nothing but a manifestation of his own desires. Now the charred trees were lifeless sticks of coal and some faint embers. They looked like the old lamp posts that he used to watch outside the window of Niiya's study. The ground was scorched and the smell of burning lingered heavily in the air. He stood mute before those flames as a fresh onslaught of ice pellets rained. 

Ziu roared with fury. He had a new enemy to take care of. 

The soldiers ran from there to find shelter from the fresh assault of nature. 


Adrianna created a lot of rain for Enya to take advantage of. There was a loud blast and she noticed from afar that a lethal orange beam had cut through the black skies and then there was an explosion. 

"What is that?" asked Dmitri. "Did that hit Enya?" he asked with worry on his face. 

It didn't take much time for Adrianna to understand what it was. She rushed forward to mount her broom and go for Enya's but Isidorus stopped her. 

"If the deathly beam has hit her, she is already dead," he stopped her by bringing his hand forward in front of her.

"I need to rescue her," she growled and jerked his hand away. 

"You should understand that this is not the time to go and look for her because if you do, you might get embroiled in it. The rescue may turn into a death trap. Let us wait and watch." 

Adrianna pursed her lips. She stopped, as she felt sad inside her heart. She had gone to the North to bring her to join the war. Her body jolted with unknown fear. Dmitri walked to her immediately. "How many times have I told you that you have to fight wars with a cold and calculative mind?" he scolded her telepathically. 

Her shoulders slumped and she stumbled backwards a little. 


As soon as Enya had opened her eyes, she saw her broom. She grasped it with her hands and on a cue the broom lifted her. When she had held her broom, she saw a wizard in front of her. Mounted on his broom, he looked like a God of Fury with his drop-dead handsome looks. Their eyes locked for a while and then she was pulled up. So this was the wizard who had created so much havoc. It was his nefarious ambitions that led to manipulations of humans. She was filled with loath and rage. He was the one who had sent the deathly beam of light towards her. She was not going to take it lightly. She would take her revenge. Now this had become personal to her. She mounted the broom and gained as much height as possible. When she neared the black skies, she stopped. All her wrath concentrated in her wand. 

This time the chunks of ice were elephant-sized. There was no way anyone could stop her. 

Ziu had to flee from there in order to avoid getting injured. He rushed to the soldiers to gather them. There was no point in staying there now. The wild witch had gone crazy. The western forest was soon going to resemble her icy kingdom. It was better that he escaped to the eastern side. There was a lot more he could do on that side. 


"Those are gigantic blocks of ice," a Mozia suddenly announced loudly, pointing towards the sky. "I have never seen this kind falling before." His eyes were wide as he gave an incredulous stare to them. 

Everyone looked towards the sky. 

A smile wormed on Adrianna's lips. "Enya is fine!" she yelped with joy. But looking at the large lumps falling at great speed, she was slightly scared. If her wrath continued, this part of the forest would soon be covered with layers of ice. "I need to go now," she said. 

Isidorus didn't stop his Queen. 


It had been more than thirty minutes and Inyanga was still opening the seals inside the General's cell. There was nothing very important that was coming up. Her patience was thinning. "Richard, is there anything that you would want me to reveal," she asked in a soft, polite voice. 

"Yes," he replied. 

"What is it?" 

The General couldn't speak much except, "A sinister plan." 

"Hmm. What is it about?" she asked. 

"The Wizard Queen."

"Can you give me a hint?"

The two of them were now walking on the soft grey of the brain. He turned his face and thought that he was just a speck in this vast expanse that was his brain. His eyes fixed on Inyanga. "He will- will-" he paused. "Ah!" he winced in pain. On the outside blood started to trickle from his ears. 

Ziu had made sure that the seals were tight. His secret was secure with the General. 

"Okay, don't worry. We will find it with you. Let us walk to the deepest memory you have about Ziu. When did you first meet him?" she asked realizing that he was suffering on the outside.

He nodded. She held his hand and two of them sauntered to find that part of memory. 


"Stop the rain now," she instructed everyone. All of them lowered their wands. 

Adrianna sat on her broom, which whooshed like a bullet from a gun into the sky. She reached where Enya was conjuring magic after magic like a maniac. 

"Enya," she shouted on top of her lungs. 

"Don't stop me Adrianna," growled Enya. "I am going to kill that power-hungry blockhead."

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