The explosion was earth shattering. The walls of the room, its windows and the furniture in it started shaking. Adrianna and Dmitri ran outside. 

A Mozia rushed to her and informed, "It looks like they have fired a cannon." 

Adrianna looked towards the boundary. Although it looked translucent from the inside, she could see a gigantic ball of fire burning in the hole it had created outside. The impact of the explosion was huge enough to create a crater on the magical wall. If this continued, the wall would fall down soon. She had already formed a strategy according to the impact the cannonball would create on the wall but she wasn't ready for this. Hurriedly she took a decision. There was no point in forming a strategy. 

Her broom came swishing in the air and she jumped on it to mount it. "Shang Kui, Isidorus, Enya, come with me." All of them immediately grasped their brooms, threw them in the air and leaped on to join Adrianna. Twenty Mozia joined the group. 

"Adri, Wait! I have to come with you," Dmitri shouted from behind.

She looked at him fondly and replied, "I want you to take care of the Wizard Realm along with Alex and his team." Suddenly she turned her broom in his direction. She reached where he was standing and kissed him hard. "Wait for me."

Dmitri's knees became wobbly upon hearing her. The look in her eyes was as if that was her last kiss. His heart rate accelerated and his mind replayed her words. "What do you mean Adri?" his voice was almost a whisper. He clutched his black pants and stared in her deep golden yellow eyes. He repeated when she lowered her head slightly, "What do mean by that?" his voice was a bit louder this time. 

He raised her chin for her to look in his eyes. She replied softly, "I am going to finish this once and for all. I will return when Ziu is dead." 

Dmitri shook his head, "You will stay safe. And you will return safe. And I will go with you." 

She held his shoulders. "Dmitri, please darling, don't make it tough for me." Dmitri became so uncomfortable as his chest tightened with a sense of unknown fear. He shifted in his place. 

She assured him. "Don't worry dear. I will be back soon." She turned and flew. 

"No! Adri!" Dmitri shouted as he ran after her. "Take me with you." But Adrianna was gone. The dark skies turned silver at times due to the occasional lightning that was desperate to escape them. He stared at the woman against that silver light. Soon she mingled with the background. He curled his knuckle and held it on his mouth as he gulped saliva down his dry throat. 

After a while, he steadied himself. All the Mozias were now looking at him for instructions. He was their King. Dmitri swung sharply and commanded, "The first batch of Mozias will start repairing the wall now." Then he commanded his people. "Alex, you will station yourself behind the Mozias along with your pack.��� He looked at his betas. "Nate, Liam, you will accompany me to the farthest end. We will position ourselves behind Alex's pack." 

The army of a hundred Mozias flew near the wall. Dmitri moved back along with other werewolves to accommodate them. 

Alex positioned himself along with his pack wolves. He howled and others joined him. He was longing to take the revenge. Dmitri, Nate and Liam went to stand in front of the remaining around three hundred Mozias. 


Inyanga wanted to get out of the General cell as soon as possible. She wished to join Adrianna. Haldir was also not comfortable. As Adrianna's personal bodyguard, he felt utterly restless. 

"Richard, I would love you to take one last peep at that door," said Inyanga in a very soft voice. She pointed at a door that was hidden in a maze that was formed from a network of nerves. The nerves were too delicate to be touched.

"Sure," he replied with a smile. He was happy that almost all his bonds were broken. This last one remained. 

Inyanga walked carefully through that mesh of nerves along with him. They crossed it without any damage to the nerves. They easily walked to reach the door. It was a tiny one. Richard opened it using the key made from his memory. He let Inyanga walk into the room. She saw the same blue book on a table and a device lying next to it. "What is that device?" she asked. 

"That's a very high-tech booby trap," he replied. "It hasn't come on the market." He realized that now he could speak freely. This was the last bond that broke. He was filled with excitement. "I had given it to Ziu when he had asked for the best way to kill the enemies. This trap is still under development. However, even in this stage it is highly potent."

"What does that mean?" asked Inyanga, her eyes becoming wide with fear. 

"It means that it can blow up an entire building." 

Inyanga's limbs became numb. "This is a disaster." 

"Don't worry. I haven't explained Ziu on how to fit this booby trap," said the General with confidence. 

Inyanga noticed Ziu picking up the device with an evil look in his eyes. "Don't you know him by now?" she said, feeling helpless. "We need to leave your cell now." 

"Okay," he nodded. He was eager to go back to the normal world. 

Together they rushed out of the room. In a hurry, Inyanga tripped over a nerve and fell down. Outside the General shouted with excruciating pain. His eyes had started bleeding. 

"No!" Inyanga rasped. The General fell right beside her. His face became deathly pale. She caught his hand and came out of his cell. 

Although the seals were broken and the General was now free, he was lying unconscious on his chair. 

"What did you do?" Haldir asked with worry etched on his face. He was standing in the study on the door. 

Inyanga took in a deep breath. "There were bigger things at stake." 


Mihr didn't know that Ziu was a master of con. The rooms of the palace he lived in moved constantly. It had been more than twenty minutes and he had opened the door of Ziu's bedroom twice. He grew impatient. In those twenty minutes, he had seen many rooms but only his study was somewhere hidden. He poked his tongue lightly into the cheek and inhaled a long breath. "Where is it?" he asked himself. He flitted his gazed around the room he was in. It looked like his main hall. Everything was in order. There was a single servant out there. "Ah! The servants." The servants in the Wizard Kingdom appeared only when something was demanded, else they stayed hidden. Mihr raised his voice and said aloud, "Get me a glass of wine." Immediately a servant appeared. 

"My Lord," the servant who was a young boy curtsied and bowed as he presented the wine to Mihr. 

Without picking the glass, Mihr asked, "Where is the study?" 

The servant looked alarmed. "I assure you that Master Ziu is not in his study. When he will come, I will let you know," he replied. 

Mihr narrowed his eyes. He gritted his teeth knowing fully well that the servants never betrayed their masters. He dug his hand in his coat's pocket to take a small hardbound book out. "This is a book that the Queen has sent and I have to keep it personally in his study. If you want you can keep it. However, if the book disappears, you will be sent to the guillotines."

The servant became jittery. He licked his lips. "It is behind that oak cupboard," he said. 

Mihr smiled. He picked the glass and sauntered to the study with the book in his hand. The servant followed and opened the door by turning a fairy bronze statue. The statue danced and the cupboard coalesced revealing a small room. 

Mihr walked inside. The blue book was placed on the table as though it had never been opened.

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