Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 500 - The White Lotus Act

Adrianna walked with Dmitri until the staircase and stopped at his request for being alone. Suddenly she had this heaviness that expanded to her core. Her skin tingled with uneasiness at his disposition. A few hours back they had such a lovely time together and so her mind refused to believe what he asked her. Her mind tuned out everyone other than Dmitri. In order to feel the situation she said, "Dmitri, I don't want to leave you alone. You should take rest and let me call the Healer for you. I also wanted to discuss about the butcher who was found murdered. Things are not normal and we have to talk." 

Lenny swallowed her saliva to dispel her nervousness. She pitched in, "Adrianna, Dmitri needs rest. I think you should allow him to be alone for sometime." She wanted her Master to acclimatize to the environment and the body he had possessed in order to function fully well. 

Adrianna stared at Lenny. She couldn't help thinking as to what had transpired between the two of them that she could even speak like that. 

Lenny flinched. "I mean he clearly looks disoriented. It may be because of the spot that we were in a while earlier." 

Dmitri nodded. "Yes, I need to be alone. I will ask the servants to dress me up," he said and held the railing of the stairway to climb up. He careened a little while taking the step up but got the firm grip of the railing and started to climb up slowly and carefully. 

A servant rushed to him and held his arm across his shoulders. Slowly, Dmitri climbed up and went to the bedroom. 

Adrianna and the rest watched him with complete shock. He behaved so weirdly that they wanted to talk to him but he had asked to stay alone, so no one dared to invade that order. 

Lenny looked at Adrianna who was watching him going up. She had to keep her away from him. "Adrianna, you are worrying too much. I think he will be fine soon. Now if you will excuse, I am planning to take some rest as well,�� she said in a subdued voice and she turned around to leave as her head dropped and hands hung limply on the sides. She seemed to be exhausted. She wanted to put up the act that she was too tired so that she could easily get out of that place. She planned on going to her room, bolting it from inside and then going to Adrianna's room from the balcony to attend to her Master. She had already filled her Master with the plan. 

Vikra had possessed the human body after a long time and hence he was finding it very difficult to adjust to it. That was the reason why he couldn't even walk properly. After staying as a wizard who would glide on the ground instead of walking on it, adjusting to the feet was also an issue. He could have started to cast spells but coordinating his soul to the new body needed time. In Addition to that, his soul stayed tied on a sword for so long in the desert that a werewolf vessel was difficult. However, this vessel was worth all the difficulties. All he had to do was buy time. And Lenny was with him to do that. 

As soon as Lenny had walked a few steps, Adrianna's cold, controlled and a crisp voice halted her, "Wait!"

Lenny shuddered and stopped. She turned to look at Adrianna with wide eyes and puffy cheeks as if Adrianna was doing a horrible thing by not allowing her to rest. She clutched the nearest chair and muttered, "Yes, Adrianna." 

Everyone present in the hall – Nefasky, the werewolf security guards and Adrianna's personal security guards that consisted of Mozias, immediately became alerted. Lenny knew that one mistake might cause serious damage to her plans. So she put on expressions, which showed as if Adrianna was trying to bully her. Her eyes glazed with tears. 

Adrianna crossed her arms across her chest and asked, "Tell me what all happened once you left with Dmitri." 

Lenny bit her lip. "Adrianna, I wished I had rested and then told you everything," she said in a soft voice. She looked at Nefasky for support. 

Nefasky could feel her tiredness. She felt bad at how Lenny was being interrogated. After all she only helped them all out in a dire situation like this. If the news regarding murdered werewolves escaped, it wouldn't have been a good thing, especially because all the pack's Chiefs were attending the function. It would have shown lack of security. However, Nefasky didn't utter a word of her apprehension. She couldn't go against her Queen. She could have opposed Adrianna if she was standing there as her friend but the situation was different. Nefasky dropped her head low to avert her gaze. 

"You can rest later," said Adrianna as she tightened her arms and narrowed her eyes. 

Lenny started, "We went to the border of the pack where we saw some beasts. They were mauling the werewolves. Dmitri and I chased them to the interiors of the jungle but the chase was futile because the animals had run away. So we decided to come back. The two werewolves who were with Dmitri and me were also missing. They didn't even run with us to the forest to find the beasts. We climbed the truck only to see that the butcher had been attacked. He was lying dead there. Suddenly something hit the truck and we thought that it was a beast, so we again ran in the forest to check but it had run away too fast." She spoke all that in one breath. She had crafted her speech very carefully. 

Adrianna walked to her and when she was inches away she asked, "Why is Dmitri unwell?" 

Lenny had to quickly cover that up, so she feigned ignorance. "Well, that I don't know. Maybe, he is just too tired after the entire chase. And in my opinion you should let him rest so that he recovers for the event." 

"Okay, thanks," Adrianna said sternly. "You may go." 

Lenny breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks Adrianna," she said and turned to leave. She hated Adrianna for acting like a Queen whenever she wanted and hoped that her Master took over the throne as soon as possible. The first thing she would do is to slap Adrianna tightly on her face before throwing her to the dogs. "Bloody, impure blood," she muttered under her breath. But for now she looked forward to going to her Master. So as soon as she was in her room, she bolted it. She opened her suitcase and took a blue potion out. It was to give her Master the much needed energy. She opened the bottle, mixed its contents with rosemary herb and poured it into water. She warmed the water using the magic in her hands and then packed it in a bottle again. She shook it vigorously. 

Once the drink was prepared, she opened the window of her room. The guest room was on the ground floor and her target was Adrianna's bedroom. She knew which direction to take. Under the cloak of invisibility, Lenny walked all the way to the garden just below the balcony of her room and then got sucked in the vortex to appear on the terrace. Through the glass window, she saw that the curtains were fully drawn. The room was dimly lit and the yellow light filtered through the curtains. She placed her hand and the handle of the glass door and opened it as gently as possible not to make any noise. She was about to step in when she heard Adrianna saying lovingly, "Dmitri, please have this drink. It will help you."

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