Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 509 - Middle Of The Night

Adrianna had tears in her eyes, which she swallowed down the throat. Isidorus hadn't even told her about her plans. He asked her various questions to know about her intentions, but she was so focused on getting Vikra's soul out of Dmitri's body that she didn't even think of getting in Isidorus' cell to know what he intended. And now he was gone. Through the haziness of her eyes, she saw Haldir carrying Isidoros' body to the small hut that was hidden behind the Aspen tree. The body would be preserved there and a Mozia would be on duty until Isidorus returned. 

There was one satisfaction that Adrianna could feel. Her body relaxed and she fell on the ground on her knees. She closed her eyes. When she opened them she tipped her head up to look at the sky that was beaming with a new dawn. The sun's rays bloomed like marigold mixed with tinges of blue and white.

Vikra was gone. 

Isidorus would take care of him. 

She just hoped that Isidorus returned back safely. If anything would happen to his spirit in the Land of Gaira, his physical body would wither away in the hut. Adrianna shuddered thinking that. 

"Adrianna!" Someone was calling her. 


She licked her lips and turned to see the source. Pierre was calling her. Nefasky had created the portal and except Haldir and the Mozia who had to stay with Isidorus, all were walking through it. 

"Hurry up! We need to bring Dmitri back to consciousness. His body is cold," Pierre hollered at her. 

A smile wormed on her lips. "Dmitri," she mumbled. Quickly she jumped on her feet and ran to the portal as fast as she could with vigor. It was as if her feet had springs beneath them. She looked like a deer jumping with happiness. 

"Adrianna, stop. You are darting like an arrow from the bow," Pierre laughed. "You are pregnant." 

Adrianna joined him in his laughter. She stepped inside the portal after her mate. 

They all walked in the royal palace. Adrianna summoned the Healers. She also called the Healer of the Werewolf Realm. 

Dmitri was taken to the bedroom where Adrianna created the same sprinkles of white light that danced around his body and covered him completely. The servants took his shirt out. Adrianna could see that the wounds created by Vikra weren't deep. They would get healed within the next twenty-four hours but the main issue was something else. Inside his body, his soul had retracted itself to a corner. And she had to go in there and bring him back. 

The Healers had come. "Give him this red potion," said the Werewolf Realm Healer, Sangra. "This will warm up his body." 

"He is unable to open his mouth. His body is too cold," replied the one from the Wizard Kingdom. Dmitri's skin was so pale as if there was no blood left inside. 

"Then we need to force it down his gut," came a stern answer. Sangra went near Dmitri and sat down near his head. He opened his mouth and poured in the potion drop by drop. As the drops slid inside him, the color of his skin returned. 

It was time for Adrianna to enter his cell. 

Inside his cell, it was very dark. She called out his name, "Dmitri." She waited for him to respond but there was no reply. She trudged further in the darkness. "Dmitri, darling where are you?" There was pin drop silence. His entire cell was closed. Not a single window of his memories was open. There was coldness, pain and regret that brushed past by. She closed her hands across her chest and rubbed them with her palms. "Dmitri, baby, please talk to me."

The potion that he had had started to work. Dmitri could feel his hands and legs. He was surprised. He wanted to come out of all the blackness that surrounded him. Had Vikra gone? Was he free? He opened and closed his eyes. In order to feel his hands, he lifted a finger, and it was successful. Joyous, he tried to pull himself up. Suddenly he heard a feeble voice, "Dmitri, darling please come to me."

"Adri," he called her back. His voice was so weak that he just wheezed it out. Dmitri's eyes filled with tears. She had come back for him. She had saved him. He didn't even want to imagine the lengths she must have gone for that. He loved her so much that he had to go to her. "Adri," he called her again, this time with whatever energy he had. 

All of a sudden, Adrianna saw that a window of his cell opened. She was jubilant. She walked to the window and when she opened its door, she saw that it was where Dmitri had stored his memory of their honeymoon. Adrianna started to cry and this time there were no barriers. She cried out loud. Her mate cherished those memories so much that that was the first window of his memory that opened. "Dmitri," she called him loudly. "Please baby, come to me. I have missed you so much."

At that instant another window opened and when she opened that, it was the memory in which she could see herself in the college. That was the first time he had seen her in college. She was sitting alone on a bench under a canopy. She could feel his attraction for her. Adrianna closed her open mouth with her hands. She shook her head. "Dmitri!" she sobbed his name out. 

Slowly, slowly the windows started opening dispelling the darkness that had gripped his insides. Adrianna was exuberant. She started opening all the doors to find him. There were numerous. She kept calling his name. "Give me a sign, baby."

"Adri," Dmitri pulled himself up and tried to walk, but he didn't have the energy. He collapsed. 

On the outside, the Healers had maintained a sheath of white lights around him. They were satisfied with the progress his body was making. As for his consciousness, that depended on a lot of things. 

It was a long time after which Adrianna came out. She was crying uncontrollably. "I couldn't find him," she said. 

"I am so sorry," whispered the Wizard Kingdom Healer. 

Sangra went to him and patted her back. He said, "Adrianna, it is a miracle that Dmitri is safe. Who would have thought that a soul like that of Vikra's would leave him? I was not sure that Dmitri would come out of his condition. Give him time, he will recover. On the outside, we saw him moving his finger and tears shed from his eyes."

Adrianna looked with wide eyes at the Healer. "Really?" she asked.

"Yes," you can see for yourself. He pointed in Dmitri's direction. 

There was a smile on Adrianna's face. Yes, Dmitri listened to her when she had gone inside. She walked to him and wiped those tears. "I am waiting for you outside, okay?" 

The healers left the couple when the day started setting. Meanwhile Adrianna took a bath and she cancelled whatever appointments or tasks she had lined for the day. She wanted to spend time with Dmitri, and she was sure about that. 

In the night she curled near his warmth and slept out of deep exhaustion. The canopy of flowers surrounded the couple and pink flowers bloomed. 

In the middle of the night Adrianna's sleep was disturbed. She opened her eyes with a jolt as she felt light hands stroking her hair.

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