After what Isidorus thought was a lifetime of waiting, the warmth that flowed through his blood just upon seeing the baby, surprised him. It was like the warm sun rays on a winter day. His breath was caught up in his throat. The child on the display board became the center of his universe. He could sense that all the clouds that had lingered on the Wizard Kingdom weren't dark any more—they were the fluffy white ones, the Cirrus. Isidorus beamed. 

The servant took Isidorus back to his palace. His patience was thinning out as he wanted to see the child as soon as possible. He waited until the noble court time was over and then rushed to the royal palace. The carriage was waiting to take him outside his palace, but in his enthusiasm, he asked the coachman to reach the royal palace, while he snapped his fingers and directly appeared in front of the palace gates. 

The guards of the royal palace were stunned to see the great Isidorus on the gates, in a wheelchair, with a servant. Seconds later, their eyes shifted to a whirlwind of motion in the sky. They saw his carriage flying after him with the coachman looking as bewildered and scared as the guards were. 

The guards turned to see Isidorus whose face was stone cold as if nothing had happened. He raised an eyebrow and immediately the guards opened the gates without a word. The servant wheeled his chair right to the main hall. 

Isidorus noticed that Adrianna was sitting and discussing something there along with Cora and Pierre. 

Upon seeing Isidorus, her mouth fell. She jumped on her feet and squealed, "Isidorus!" She rushed to him and hugged him tightly, ecstatic to see him safe. He returned the hug softly.

"How are you Adrianna?" he asked. 

"There hasn't been a day, I haven't thought of you," she exclaimed. 

Isidorus gave a weak smile. 

She instructed the servant to get his chair towards the main seating area. 

Cora and Pierre got up to greet him. Their faces were beaming with happiness. "It's great to see you Isidorus," said Pierre and shook his hand. He looked at Adrianna. "You must host a grand dinner in his honor."

"Of course I will!" she nodded vehemently. Everything had settled in the Wizard Kingdom. With Vikra gone, there were practically no more threats. People were peaceful and safe.

Pierre started to talk more but Isidorus was not able to keep his excitement any longer, and cut him, "I want to meet Ileus." Although his voice was cold, there was a glint of joy in his eyes. 

"Sure!" Adrianna said. She chuckled and left to fetch her baby. 

Ileus nursery was right next to their bedroom. She walked in there only to find Dmitri on the rug and Ileus tucked right in his arms against his chest. The two of them were sleeping like bears. An amused smile appeared on her face, and her gaze flitted around the room. The dim yellow orbs were shining from the ceiling. Ileus' crib was floating in the air with numerous colorful toys, acquired from the human realm, hanging overhead. 

There was a wall lined with his dressers that had clothes filled to the hilt—mostly as presents from the subjects of the Wizard Kingdom, and almost one-fourth yellow in color. All of them were open with clothes strewn across the room. A soft night light that Adrianna had received as a present from Enya, was spilling a soft halo across the room in the corner. Magical stars would appear every now and then like white wisps in it. They would shine brightly and then burn like a meteor across the darkness. There were stuffed toys, pictures, numerous diapers and wipes—all thrown around. It looked as if the room had just experienced a tornado. 

Yes, Ileus was born with powers that no one could fathom. The room's chaos was his doing.

If that was not all, she heard a soft growl from behind. Her head turned sharply and she found Seashell slapping his tail on the ground to intimidate her. She couldn't help but laugh loudly. 

Seashell berated her, "Keep your voice low. Can't you see Ileus is sleeping?" 

She replied back, "Well, he needs to wake up. A special guest is here." 

"Ileus needs his sleep. Ask the old man to come later," Seashell was gruff. He got up and ambled to where the father and son were sleeping and perched himself right in front of Ileus. He sat down like 'over my dead body'. 

Ever since Adrianna had taken Ileus for the first time to the ministry, Seashell had followed him. As Ileus grew, he rode him, pulled his hair, his ears, his tail, slapped him, and nuzzled him but Seashell never minded. In fact, he grew overly protective. He acted like Ileus' pet, which worried Adrianna because Seashell was already a pet of a previous ruler who had released him. 

Adrianna went to sit next to her favorite people in the world. She stroked Dmitri's hair who looked so tired. He had played with his son since yesterday night only so that Adrianna could sleep. Dmitri never got tired of playing with him. 

Ileus stirred in his sleep and turned to the other side and on a reflex, Dmitri collected him and brought him back to tuck against his chest—all the while he was sleeping. 

Smiling at them she remembered when she was giving birth to him six months back. 


The werewolves wanted their Luna to give birth in their realm while the wizards were adamant that she should give birth in their realm. To mitigate this issue, the royal couple decided to give birth to their child in the human realm. 

Haldir had been on his toes ever since Adrianna was full term. He had personally arranged for her security overpassing Nefasky's arrangements. He had gone over those plans hundreds of times to see if there was a minute loophole. 

When Adrianna's labor pains started in the morning, Dmitri had rushed her to the hospital. 

That day there had been seven layers of security around the hospital. Invisible wizards manned the three outer layers while the four inner ones were all werewolves. Special permission was taken to station werewolves and wizards from the Head Council. 

As soon as she was in labor, the doctor came. Adrianna shouted like a mad woman during the labor. She cursed everyone who went near her. As a witch why couldn't she give birth magically? Why did she have to endure so much pain? Dmitri had tried to comfort her by standing with her, but she had bitten him full on with her fangs in anger. His hands were bruised like hell. 

The Healer was there and really pitied Dmitri while applying lotions upon lotions on his skin. But Dmitri stood there patiently, remembering all the wolf spirits to be with his wife. 

"You bastard!" Adrianna had shouted at Dmitri. "You will get castrated after this!" 

Dmitri had gulped. Ignoring her statement, he smiled sheepishly and said, "Baby, don't worry, next time the pain would be greatly reduced." He wanted at least four babies around him.

Adrianna had thrown a flower vase at him. He ducked to save himself. "Adri, focus baby" he replied with a smile plastered on his face. 

Ileus was born after eight more hours. The doctor took him in her lap, mesmerized at the golden yellow eyes. He was the loveliest child she had ever held in her arms. She handed him over to Adrianna and he instantly clung to her chest. Dmitri was on top of the world. 

Outside, the full moon shone brilliantly on that Octobre night, just like when Adrianna was born.

The Moon Goddess was waiting.

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