The royal court had been summoned again the next day. The ministers had called Adrianna to preside on the court proceedings. There were several pressing matters that needed to be handled. Two of the priority ones were regarding sending the wizard children to the Human Realm to mingle with the humans and develop better skills and the other was something that Adrianna hated to face, but she had to – Yanga wanted to be heard. 

After attending to Ileus, Adrianna woke up Dmitri. The servants in awe of the royal couple who were sleeping on a rug in their baby's nursery. As compared to other royal children that they had previously attended to, things were really bad with full of tension with Ileus. Amongst them they would whisper that the child needed to be controlled. 

"So what are your plans for the day, Dmitri?" asked Adrianna as she sipped her tea from the cup of the set that was sent by Shang Kui from the Far East. The cups were one of the most exotic kinds that had been created in his village. It had floral patterns based on tiny mauve flowers that were found only in the valley that surrounded his village. Shang Kui had been in touch with Adrianna. Once Adrianna had asked as to what he was doing with the clones, to which he had answered that their blood was used to heal other wizards and witches of his kingdom. 

"I will be visiting the orphanage, Adri. Those children out there are too young. They look forward to meeting with me. Although I have provided them with every facility, it's the love they need. I was wondering if you could also join me in visiting them," replied Dmitri as he sipped his tea and looked at Ileus who was still sleeping peacefully in his crib. A flash of last night's dream passed through his mind. Those deep maroon eyes were hideous. He shuddered when he remembered them falling out of their sockets and rotating on their axis.

Adrianna took a deep breath in. "I would love to," she replied. "How is Deba's child doing?"

"Cara?" Dmitri laughed. "She is doing good. There is something about her that makes me curious."

"What is it?" Adrianna asked with a fond smile. 

"There are nine kids in the orphanage from the age group of two months to five years and out of all of them, I find her to be the most protective. She is only one year old and I can see how much she shields the other children if they are scolded or she feels they are abused, which incidentally they aren't." Dmitri laughed. "It's like she wants to be the anchor of those kids who are there. She is warm, and very loving and if a caretaker is angry at any child, she runs to that child and shields him or her."

Adrianna laughed. Then in all seriousness she said, "I feel sorry for her. Her mother just couldn't bear the loss of her mate." Adrianna remembered her condition when Dmitri was in danger. It was harrowing. She pursed her lips.

Dmitri took his hand to her cheeks and caressed her. "Don't think about those days darling," he shook his head as he stroked her pink cheeks with his thumb. "They are way past us. Let us focus on the new beginnings." 

She smiled as she leaned in his large hand. 

"We have to buy the ring for Haldir," Dmitri continued by changing the topic. He is desperate to make Inyanga his wife. But how the hell are they going to sustain this long distance relationship? And how the hell are they going to have babies? And if, I mean if, they have babies, who would look after them?" 

His wife slapped him on his hand. 

"Ouch!" he let out a cry. "What was that for?" 

"Let them be as they are. Stop doubting them. Aren't they in a relationship right now? They are maintaining it well and obviously it has progressed well. That is why Haldir is buying a ring."

"The thing is that I judge them with my own situation."

"Then don't!" He was berated by his wife. 

"I hope Niiya joins us. He had become like stone ever since he had to come to know about Pryce," Dmitri changed the topic again. 

Adrianna clenched her jaw. She placed the cup back in the tray and got up. She walked to the window. She drew the light blue velvety curtains. Outside the morning sun had risen high in the sky. It was already 9AM. The cacophony of the birds chirping, fell loud and clear on her ears. Most of them were fighting for their territories in the garden and some of them were still feeding their babies in the nest. A smile appeared on her lips as she thought how small their world was. 

Dmitri watched her while pouring another cup of tea for himself. "Do you want more tea?" he asked, sensing her hesitation to talk. 

"Yeah!" her voice was breathy. 

"Pryce was a traitor, not to us but to his love. He loved her a lot and had completely surrendered himself to her but something inside him snapped when he came to know of her reasons to love him." Adrianna's gaze shifted outside to the garden. She took the cup from Dmitri and sipped on it. He gave her a bite of cookie he was munching upon. "Niiya had left that night. He was so heartbroken that he left the town with the first flight he could find. When he landed, he found himself in the Eastern Realm of Humans. He spent five months over there. I had to talk to Shang Kui to keep a watch on him when his people reported that he was spotted there."

"Yes, I recall that his mother was extremely nervous about his whereabouts," Dmitri said. 

"When he returned, he was a totally changed person. He has withdrawn a lot."

"Hmm…" Dmitri nodded. "Unfortunately, he had to give up his position as the Head of the Council when he returned." 

Adrianna looked at Dmitri. "How do you think he will react when he will know that you are going to be the next Head?" Secretly Adrianna had been pushing the members of the Council towards making Dmitri the Head. She didn't want it for herself but with Dmitri over there, she would know a lot about other realms. And that was important in order to have leverage. 

Dmitri shrugged. "That's why I need to talk to him. His long absence was disliked by the members."

"Well, we are all meeting in the evening for dinner. You can talk to him at that time. He has to understand that because of his reckless behavior he lost the position. And there is no guarantee that he wouldn't repeat it," Adrianna pointed out. 

"Yes," Dmitri scratched his chin. 

"It's good that he has diverted his attention to construction. I have come to know from my sources that his construction business is doing pretty good."

"That's right. Now that Nate is also his partner in the business, I keep getting information," Dmitri chuckled. 

Adrianna smiled when she looked at her watch. She jumped. "I need to hurry up." She kissed him on his lips. She went to Ileus and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead and left saying, "See you in the evening. I will be at Ookashi's place before joining you."

"See you!" Dmitri waved her goodbye. "I am so lucky!" He said to himself, feeling invigorated. 


The sun rays scorched its body. The Shadow returned to its hiding place—beneath the boulder.

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